Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1429: With your performance

I am afraid that Xun Longjian never dreamed of it. If he compared the funeral sea to a table of dishes, then all he has experienced before is just appetizers before the official dinner.

For a real meal, this is just the table.

At this moment, Chu Yan controls the array.

Suddenly, the surface of the twelve tombstones ignited a blazing black flame.

Suddenly, in this dozens of miles of sea area surrounded by the formation method, the sea water was boiled and dried almost instantly.

In the sea, at this moment, there is a zone covered by formations and no seawater! In the formation method, there was a sudden whistling sound in the depths of Jian Yu, who was smashed to pieces and defeated.

The sound was loud, extremely harsh, and creaked, as if a demon head, now stretched out of the void and squeezed out.

Xun Longjian was in a good mood at the moment and couldn't stop at all.

Seeing another change in the formation, he didn't even think about it. He shouted again and again, his hands were printed, and his aura rose into the sky.

"The heart of the earth melts, cut in sections!"

Huh! The whistling arc of giant blades fluttered in mid-air, the light flashed, and it was immediately divided into three, and went straight towards the depth of the sword rain, where the sound broke.

The sword rain along the way had no time to explode at this moment, being swept by the light, it immediately melted like a candle.

Even the original cold air was boiled at this time, as if the golden snake was dancing wildly, constantly twisting.

"I'd like to see what tricks you can play! In front of the noble Master Ziwei, there is no way out for any demons outside!"

Xun Longjian put his hands on his hips and issued a declaration of victory.

boom! The next moment, deep in the void, grabbed a demon claw.

The devil's claws were dark and covered with dense eyes.

At this moment, these eyeballs kept blinking, and they saw that the scalp was numb, and the throat was hairy, and they were about to vomit.

The devil's claw is huge and his arms are thick and long, just like a mountain in the sky.

At this moment, he grabbed directly at the three arc-shaped giant blades, and pinched them fiercely.

Bang Bang! In a series of explosions, three arc-shaped giant blades exploded into sky fireworks.

The deafening sound is like a thunderous thunder in midsummer. In this closed space, there are constant echoes and frictions, and the sound is getting louder and louder, even in the void, all cracks.

Qi Longjian's eyes widened suddenly, and an incredible look appeared in his eyes.

But at this time, before he responded, the devil's claw shot at him fiercely.

Before the claws arrived, the ground was violently shaken, and every inch collapsed and collapsed.

However, this time the Dragon Dragon Sword is better off, or with lessons learned.

The moment the ground began to shake, he jumped high and stepped on the flying wings.

He now understood.

If he were to stay on the ground at this time, he would be severely injured even if he didn't die if he suffered another severe blow like the last time.

At that time, if you break the formation again, you really have extravagant hope.

The speed of the flying wings was at this time extreme.

Almost as soon as the claws fell, the dragon sword controlled the flying wings and passed by the claws.

Chu Yan outside the matrix method has a panoramic view of this scene.

At this point he could not help nodding and praised, "cooperates well."

After that, it was another aura into the game.

The twelve tombstones suddenly vibrated and then quickly spun.

In the formation method, Xun Longjian stared at the eye-clawed claw at this moment, as if it were a huge dragon in the sky, and fell into the ground fiercely.

Immediately, he saw that the area where he had stood before, together with the surrounding area of ​​dozens of miles, were all rotten and turned into boiling mud.

The mud was constantly tumbling, with large bubbles coming out, and the white bones could be clearly seen as undulating.

Just a glance is creepy.

In this scene, the dragon's throat is tight, and a layer of cold sweat is seeping from behind.

At the same time, his heart was very fortunate.

Fortunately, he reacted very quickly, and this time he avoided being beautiful.

Otherwise, what would happen if I was tapped into the ground with this claw? It's really hard to say.

I was praising myself in my heart. Suddenly, Jianlong Jian felt the fur on his back.

At this moment, he had a feeling of being stared at by a viper.

And not a poisonous snake, but a group of poisonous snakes.

This feeling made him breathless.

Heading up hard, the dragon sword suddenly frightened the soul.

Just in front of him, the devil's claws and all the eyeballs on his arm, large and small, densely packed. I don't know how many of them, but now he was uniform and staring at him.

In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of eyes stared at each other, and they would feel unwell.

What's more, these eyes are full of hatred, resentment, anger, despair, sadness.

Suddenly, being stared at by so many eyes, Jianlong sword suddenly felt like his body was frozen by ice. Even his brain could not move. In his mind, there was only one bloodshot eyeball. Keep getting bigger.

The next moment, the eyeball above the claw burst.

At the same time as a stream of plasma shot, a **** red sword was also shot.

These long swords, constantly colliding with each other, with the smell of blood and fire, poured down towards the dragon sword.

The hot blood rushed into the nostrils of Jian Longjian at this moment, making him feel like he was soaking in the vast sea of ​​blood.

The body suddenly shivered, and the dragon sword returned.

Only then did he wake up.

This is the killing trick of this formation.

This **** sword image is ten times more powerful than before.

The sword shadow was vast and mighty, and for a moment, it gave him a sense of despair to split the yin and yang, split the heavens and the earth, and become mud and blood.

"No, I can't die, I can't die here!"

Mulong murmured in his sword.

Extreme fear, at this moment, turned into monstrous anger.

"I can't die here!"

With a roar, he shook his palm.

Suddenly, a golden spear clasped in his hand.

On the surface of the spear, golden light flows, inducing the void, giving a grand, magnificent, and upright taste.

"Heaven and earth are in full trouble, righteousness!"

With a long howl, the dragon sword stabbed thousands of times.

The golden shadow of guns converged into a golden river, and immediately it fell into the interlaced sword light.

Crackling! Violent explosions, one after another, deafening.

Flames, blood, wailing, moaning, roaring, endless, in a flash, the blood and fire, iron and blood spewing out from the gush, it felt like a battlefield for killing, and at this moment came to the scene.

The dragon's sword teeth clenched, and the light of fire and the light of Jin Guang reflected his face, seemingly incomparable.

But at this time, a blood-red Jianmang, silent, gathered and formed ten feet behind him, and then stabbed at him sharply.

Jian Mang seemed to be carrying the high temperature of molten iron, and instantly penetrated the true essence of the dragon's sword, pierced his back, and pierced through his front chest.

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