Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1430: Hit hard to escape

The sword came so concealed and so powerful.

Qi Longjian had no time to respond.

With a click, the body of the protector was penetrated.

With a second swipe, the long sword had penetrated his back, and it was exposed from his chest.

Xun Longjian's body suddenly froze in midair.

After breaking through his body, the long sword dissipated as if it had fulfilled a certain mission.

But that fierce and violent atmosphere seemed to be a steel bomb, raging inside the dragon's sword.

Bang Bang Bang! With each roar, the dragon's body trembled once.

The horrible caverns in the chest, eyes, nose, and mouth were suddenly sprayed with blood, as if it was a blood rain.

But this time, the dragon sword was carried down.

The power of Master Tianxin is really not comparable to the ants-like terrestrial realm-at least at this moment, the thought of the dragon dragon sword heart.

Being able to hold it down must be the reason for your ascension.

But the next moment, the dragon sword discovered that the real killings were still behind.

The loud roar, as if wrapped in the might of heaven and earth, rolled towards him.

Just the moment he was hit hard, the mighty Jianmang instantly crushed and submerged the gun shadow, and in an instant, swept across him.

"I--" Furious, Jianlong sword opened his mouth and spit a blood arrow again.

The breath of death swayed.

At this moment, he really felt panicked.

Huh! At this time, a blood-red Jianmang swept across.

Chen Longjian was caught off guard. On his right arm, a deep blood mark appeared immediately.

"Uh-" He looked at his arm staggeredly, stunned, alas, and swept by another sword.

This Jianmang was cut on the same wound as the previous one.

Suddenly, Jian Longjian's right arm broke with his elbows and soared into the sky.

After flying into the air, the several sword awns that were swept away were cut into several segments.

After a second reaction, Xun Longjian felt severe pain and came from the wound.

At this time, he was not only panic, but also afraid.

His chest was pierced, and he lost another arm, even if it was the Master of Heaven's State of Mind, this was not a minor injury.

Not to mention changing to other ordinary people, even if it is a monk in the Diyuan Realm, even if it is not dead at this time, I am afraid that it will not move.

Once in my heart, Xun Longjian's brain suddenly became blank, and I didn't know what to do.

Not far ahead, the sword awns were intertwined. At this moment, it seemed to him that it seemed to be the way to call him to death.

"I, I ..." Xun Longjian's body couldn't be restrained, and the whole body's blood was dripping like rain.

The breath of death was getting closer and closer, and Ji Longjian felt lonely and desperate. When he almost cried, a voice suddenly sounded in his ear: "above."

The sound came so suddenly, but it passed into the ears of Jianlong sword very clearly.

He looked up subconsciously.

Above the head, although the Jian Mang is also intertwined and cut vertically and horizontally, it is extremely sparse compared to the front.

Vitality suddenly appeared, and Jiu Longjian's almost stagnant brain immediately resumed operation.

No matter how you say it, it is also the Master of Heaven.

At the moment of the moment, when the glance of Jianlong sword swept away, he immediately found a gap from the swordman's head above his head.

The appearance of this gap is, for him, the road to survival.

Suddenly, Jianlong Sword was like a drowning man, seizing life-saving straw, his face was no longer pale, and his body was no longer stiff.

Running the aura in his body, he immediately controlled the flying wings and radiated toward him upwards.

Huh! Compared to the airtight death net below, the swordman above made him laugh with joy.

"There is no such thing as heaven, there is no such thing as heaven!"

Xiao Long Jian wept with joy.

Only this time, he had no time to estimate the sound of the previous reminder.

But just when he was happy, another roar came from the void below him.

Ji Longjian looked down, and suddenly desperately found that it was another devil's claw, condensing, larger than the previous one. At this moment, he bottomed up and grabbed him.

This claw seems to condense the void around it towards the palm of the demon claw.

Space jumped violently, and the roar of dragging steel plates came.

Xun Longjian's heart sank suddenly.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die, I don't want to die yet!"

And his prayer seemed to be finally received by Heaven at this time.

When Jianlong Jianxin was desperate, he suddenly found that a vortex suddenly appeared in the darkness above.

Deep in the vortex, a crack appeared.

More importantly, there is a faint light shining in the crack.

This light is different from the Jianmang that roared.

"It's sunshine!"

The dragon sword was shocked first, and then ecstatic.

My prayers finally worked! He is indeed the son of luck selected by heaven! There is always a way out! All thoughts came out in my mind.

The claws approached quickly.

The airflow around me can be clearly felt at this moment, like the tide is flowing towards the center.

However, in the eyes of Xun Longjian, a thick light of hope emerged at this moment.

"Break it for me! The world is in danger, and the sky is right!"

With a roar, he held the golden spear with his only arm, and suddenly stabbed in the air.

His offensive suddenly went like a big river, and it leaped a thousand miles, smashing and attacking. The sword and awns that were blocked above his head were all exploded, when the air broke into the sky.

Even the black chaos is rushing and twitching madly at this moment, as if the next moment is about to collapse completely.

Suddenly, all the sword awns above him were hanged.

Relying on this desperate struggle, a short blank appeared over the dragon sword.

There was no obstacle in front of him, and the dragon sword could immediately see that the crack was really over his own, and through the crack, he could even see the blue sky at this moment.


Xiao Longjian's eyes widened.

At this time he couldn't even bother to think about why the power of this formation suddenly seemed to weaken a lot.

After all, not only was he badly wounded at the moment, but the claws under him were pressing tight, and the crack seemed very unstable and closed at any time, so he had no time to think too much.

The appearance of cracks at this time showed him the way to escape.


Xiaolong sword burst into tears, stamped on flying wings, and rushed in a fierce direction toward the crack.

There was severe pain in the chest, severe pain in the arms, and the internal organs were almost exhausted, leaving only a few fragments of the robe on the body.

But at this time, he couldn't care anything.

Five hundred feet! Four hundred feet! Three hundred feet! Devil's claws rushed under him.

Xiaolong sword gritted his teeth and gave a scream of indignation, throwing the golden spear in his hand like a javelin.

This intermediate-level spirit pierced the palm of the claw fiercely, stopping the claw.

Lost the magic weapon, the sword dragon heart is like a knife twist.

But this stop made him re-open the distance between him and the claw.

Two hundred feet! One hundred feet! boom! The air blast exploded, and the dragon sword suddenly burst out from the crack.

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