Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1431: Flustered

The blue sky, the sea, the bright sun, the fresh sea breeze—all these things make the dragon sword feel like a new life.

But the sharp pain in the wound reminded him that the danger had not yet passed.

There was a loud roar and unwilling roar in the darkness behind him.

Xiaolong sword scalp tingling.

He didn't dare to stay at this moment.

After finally getting out of the plight, if there is any further trouble, it will definitely be explained here today.

So he gritted his teeth, ran the flying wings, and hurried forward toward the front, even for a blink of an hour.

When he flew away, and disappeared at the end of the sky, the twelve tombstones on the sea began to sink uniformly.

And the sea in all directions was poured over at this moment.

In a moment, the sea returned to its usual appearance.

Chu Yan's figure also appeared on the sea at this time.

He faced the direction in which the dragon sword had just fled, and there was a deep meaning in his eyes.

And Chu Yan's hand was holding the spear of the magic weapon that had just been discarded by the dragon sword.

The spear is golden throughout, and at this moment a slight movement, the golden light shivering, gives a very mysterious, mysterious feeling.

"Intermediate Wupin Spirit."

Chu Yan looked down and put it in his storage ring.

Intermediate five-grade spirits are actually a good magic weapon for ordinary monks.

However, Chu Yan's mind now clearly knows what good things are hidden in the 32 treasure trove of the monsoon pond.

There are many magical treasures in the treasure house that are better than this spirit spear, so Chu Yan feels ashamed at the moment and is not indifferent.

"I opened the way for you, and then you run to the road yourself."

After Chu Yan said a word lightly, he turned the direction of the spirit boat and flew forward.

After leaving that area of ​​the sea, the sword of the dragon dragon almost jumped forward and flew forward.

After taking the medicine, his wounds have begun to improve.

But this time the injury was too serious for him.

In particular, he is actually still in a stable state after his promotion to the state of mind.

If this injury is not handled well, it is likely that the realm will fall back.

Thinking of this at this moment, under the shame of Jian Longjian, he could not help but burst into darkness.

"No, if you continue to fly like this, it will worsen the injury and you must find a place to rest first."

Xiao Longjian was anxious and looked around.

Surrounded by the vast sea, where can I rest.

But soon, he found that his good fortune seemed to have not run out.

There was a black spot at the end of the eyesight ahead.

It must be an island.

"No matter what, go first!"

Xun Longjian took out a rejuvenating elixir, covered the wound on his chest, and flew over.

When he came over the deserted island, the dragon sword suddenly snapped.

Because he found two familiar faces on this desert island.

"Why are you here?"

Falling on a deserted island, looking at Tang Jun and Feng Gang in front of him, Xun Longjian was horrified.

What made him harder to understand was the state of the two at the moment.

Tang Yan and Feng Gang both looked like they had just gone through a big war and looked extremely embarrassed.

Not far behind them, the dilapidated spirit boat plunged into the ground obliquely, only half of it was exposed on the ground.

"Master, you are ..." Tang Yan and Feng Gang were also surprised.

The difference between the two sides is actually not more than an hour ago.

But when they met again, both sides looked like they were hit hard.

"Don't talk, answer my question first!"

Xiao Long Jian stared at him, and shouted sharply, "What are you doing!"

At this time, he was most worried about whether the people who hunted down Tang Jun and Feng Gang were nearby.

He was seriously injured now, and his aura was less than 10%.

If he encounters the enemy again, even if the realm is lower than him, the other party is full, and he is seriously injured. It will be unexpected at that time.

Tang Yan and Feng Gang died when he died. He was a noble teacher. How could he be involved again?

"Master, do you want me not to speak, or answer your question ..." Feng Gang looked bitter.

"Small mouthpiece!"

Xun Longjian felt energetic at this moment, reaching out to volley was a slap towards Feng Gang.

Feng Gang showed horror, took a step back, and begged again and again: "Master, please be angry!"

This step back, I do not know if it is a coincidence or how, just avoided the palm of the sword of the dragon.

Palm wind blew up a piece of dust on the ground, but did not touch Feng Gang at all.

And if in the past, the slap of Xun Longjian will at least pull Feng Gang up and fly.

However, at this time, Xun Longjian didn't think too much. He instinctively thought that he was seriously injured and had poor energy.

Because he was too concerned about his injuries, he didn't notice at this moment. When Feng Gang and Tang Yue saw themselves, the surprise in the eyes was fleeting.

"Don't talk nonsense, tell you what's going on! Don't you follow me?

How come here?

What happened to your injury? "

Qi Longjian kept asking.

"Say back to Master, we, we encountered a sneak attack from a monk! Just after you left!"

Tang Yan said sadly.

"Sneak attack!"

Xun Longjian was startled, "How many people are there on the other side?


Where are they now? "

"There are about seven or eight people, all of whom are in Diyuan Realm, and we have all been beheaded."

Feng Gang replied.

"They were all beheaded ..." Xu Longjian's heart hung up and let go.

But the next moment, Feng Gang continued: "But before they died, one of them released a sign for help. I can't wait long, and theirs will come."


Xiaolong sword all of a sudden jumped from the ground, his hair stood up, shocked and angry.

Because of the sudden movement, he swung with one hand, and the wound on his chest was exposed.

This scene suddenly made Feng Gang and Tang Yan look at it.

They had seen the dragon's hair scattered, blood all over his body, and lost his right hand. They thought it was the other's worst injury.

However, it was not expected that the other person's chest was still penetrated, and a wound as large as the bowl mouth appeared.

Move a little further aside, for fear that even the heart can be crushed.

Feng Gang and Tang Yan's bodies immediately trembled-completely excited and excited.

Wu Longjian didn't know what they thought, and thought they were frightened, so he quickly reached out to cover his wound again, and his face was not changed: "What's so good, I also encountered a little trouble, the other is a transformational monster , But I have been forced back.

While the support of the other party has not yet come, we hurriedly go back and can no longer be in danger.

However, your spirit boat has been destroyed, and the flying sword can not be achieved for a long time, so I go back first, and then let the disciples in the door come to meet you. Don't worry, just wait here quietly. "

Having said that, Jian Longjian hurriedly left.

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