Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1437: Broken building

This corridor gives a sense of strict alertness.

Chu Yan was standing at one end of the corridor at this moment. Not only could he see the monk looking at him with vigilance facing him, but he could also feel the abnormal flow of aura in the corridor.

The monks in the corridor are naturally responsible for the existence of guards.

The abnormal flow of Reiki indicates that there are arrays in this corridor.

The floor under the feet was still shaking, jingling, listening, and it seemed that a lot of people were coming here.

But think about it is normal.

The explosion just shook the whole building of the popular auction house.

As one of the thirty-two treasure houses of the monsoon pond, the auction house is regarded as the gatekeeper of the monsoon pond.

The Lord ’s treasure is difficult, and they naturally have to set aside their lives to take care of him.

Unfortunately, what they encountered today is Chu Yan.

His Highness Chu not only wants the treasures in the treasure house, but also wants to kill the people by the way, and solve these bad guys.

"Stop here!"

"who are you!"

"Hurry back!"

The monk in charge of the guard in the hallway, at this moment, regarded Chu Yan as a stranger who wanted to gain some benefit while being confused.

If they were elsewhere, the monks must have taken the initiative.

But the cause of the explosion at this moment is unknown, and they have not been given further instructions. In addition, behind them is an important treasure trove, so naturally they will not rush into action first.

"There is so much nonsense."

His Highness Chu snorted and chopped it with his sword.

In this building of the popular auction house, Lu Yan, who has the highest strength in the realm, can't hold up in front of Chu Yan, not to mention that these are only monks in the condensed context.

Swept through the flames.

boom! Crackling! The walls of the corridor were smashed to pieces.

Jianmang swept forward like lightning.

The monks in charge of the guards were cut into dozens of pieces without even having their weapons revealed.

In the corridor, there was a strong **** smell.

At this time, the floor under Chu Yan's feet shook even more.

At the end of the aisle just behind him, there were already a lot of people.

Obviously, the support coming from downstairs has rushed up at this moment.

His Royal Highness slightly tilted his head.

Because he has searched the memory of the monsoon pond, he is quite clear about the overall layout of the popular auction house.

Seeing that someone had rushed from the other side of the aisle, Chu Yan's mouth slipped.

Although the number of these monks increased by a factor of ten or one hundred, they could not pose a threat to Chu Yan.

But there are too many mosquitoes and I still feel annoyed.

After looking around, Chu Yan's mind had a decision.

Waiting for these people to run up one by one, it was a bit delayed.

Then let you go down together.

Waved Yan Yan, Chu Yan's arms circled in place.

The reddish swordmang, with an extremely hot temperature, was like a reddish dagger and cut a piece of lard.

Immediately, the aisle in front of Chu Yan was cut open.

Together with the cut, there is the area behind the aisle.

The monks who were running towards Chu Yan were running and running at the moment, and suddenly felt a bit wrong.

The opposite Chu Yan not only got farther and farther away from them, they even began to fall uncontrollably.

At the same time, one after another exclaimed on the street.

At the moment, in the eyes of the people and monks in the city, the top floor of the popular auction house is like a piece of cut pastry.

Part of it, after a ring of fire appeared, crashed directly towards the ground.

And there are some monks and warriors belonging to popular auction houses, screaming like dumplings poured into the pot, fell from the inside.

The popular auction house is a total of sixteen floors high.

As a Ningmaijing monk, if you fall down from this height, even if you don't die, you may hurt your muscles. It is almost impossible for you to go further on the fairy road in the future.

As for the martial arts entangled in it, if it is below ten floors, it may be spared.

Above fifteen floors, there is no chance of surviving.

The popular auction house is a monsoon pond. Even if the entire building is destroyed, Chu Yan will not feel bad.

What's more, in this building, I don't know how many puppet things and **** truths are hidden.

Such a scourge is ruined.

Running away those annoying flies, Chu Yan turned and walked towards the corridor.

In front of the treasure house, those monks who were still fierce and tried to stop Chu Yan were now pale and their legs were shaking with the naked eye.

"I, you, you don't ..." The Ningmai Jingshi in front of Chu Yan didn't even need Chu Yan to act.

The power of his own land is enough to keep the other souls together.

There were four monks in charge of the guard in front of the treasure house.

Two condensed veins are twofold, and two condensed veins are tripled.

Such a state cannot be underestimated in a city.

But at this moment, Chu Yan just swept away coldly, the two condensed veins were double, his face was white as paper all of a sudden, then his eyes rolled, fell to the ground, and there was no breathing for an instant.

The prestige of Chu Yan directly scared the two to death.

The remaining two, in extreme shock, yelled at Chu Chuyan and launched a suicide attack.

Jian Feng rolled, just flashing a cold mang, the two saw Chu Yan lifted a finger and moved forward.

Huh! Strong winds surging.

These two monks in the three condensed veins only felt that a flower was in front of them, and Chu Yan had already swept behind them.

In the process, Chu Yan's fingertips clicked on the foreheads of the two of them.

When Chu Yan came to the door of the treasure house, the two monks were still rushing forward.

But by this time, their eyes had fallen apart, looking like dead people.

After taking a few more steps forward, they banged twice, their heads exploded like juicy watermelon, and their bodies fell off the high-rise building from the gap just cut out.

His Royal Highness did not look back.

From the memory of the monsoon pond, he knew that the popular auction house was doing completely different business on the surface and inside.

Take the four Ningmai monks just mentioned.

They usually guard the treasure house here, and at other times, they will also go to burn and plunder, fill the warehouse for the popular auction house, and even some big families in this popular city need someone to assassinate, abduct and so on.

The door of the treasure house, with gold characters on a red background, reveals a luxurious taste.

As soon as Chu Yan entered, the surface of the door showed a light golden light.

The light shines, seemingly gorgeous and noble, but it is full of murder.

There are grains, which contain all kinds of dangers.

Chu Yan knew that the hidden formation was enough to instantly kill a monk with a dual state of mind.

If you want to crack the formation, he is not impossible.

But in that case, it will take a certain amount of time.

From the noise coming downstairs, the main soldiers of the city are very close.

From the perspective of the movement, it doesn't take long for them to come.

Chu Yan can kill the monks in the popular auction house, because the teacher is famous.

The lord of the city's palace represents the dynasty of Baoxiang, and even if he is a disciple of Baoyan Shangya, the largest sect of the kingdom, he cannot slay the dynasty's government soldier at will.

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