Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1438: Treasures

The door to the treasure house was perilous.

The soldiers who heard the news had already rushed downstairs.

But Chu Yan didn't panic.

Although the treasure house was guarded by the killing array, the key to unlock the treasure house was already in his hands.

Raising his left hand, Chu Yan held the eyeball in his palm, facing the flowing golden light on the gate.

In an instant, the light stagnated, as if frozen.

Chu Yan shook a drop of blood on the eyeball to the center of the golden light.

Suddenly, the golden light that enveloped the door of the treasure house resembled the ebb tide and quickly receded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Chu Yan estimated in his heart that the soldiers should have started to go upstairs at this moment.

So without hesitation, he reached out and pushed open the door to the treasure house.

Suddenly, pearly jewels came in, and all kinds of treasures in Linglang almost flashed the eyes of the blind.

But Chu Yan's eyes did not squint, and he went straight to the innermost.

What exactly is in this treasure trove, I am afraid I can't remember it clearly.

What's more, there are various treasures that Lu Yan and his men kept searching for him.

Before these things are seen, the monsoon pond is even less likely to know.

However, the monsoon pond is the most valuable thing in this treasure house.

"Eight-handed magic sword-level long sword, twelve arrays, in addition to Shaohua jade dragon flute, savvy hearth furnace, and Huiguang day bottle ..." Chu Yan said something in his mouth, and when he glanced, he saw these Where the treasures are.

Chu Yan already knew the location and appearance of these things.

Even if Lu Yan was still alive at this time, he would not be clearer than Chu Yan.

The eight-handed magic weapon-level sword is housed in a long sword box.

This sword box is almost the size of Guqin, with a simple shape, suitable for an adult to carry it.

But Chu Yan at this moment, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, caught directly in the storage ring.

The twelve arrays are not stacked together, but are like murals, showing the mysterious colors and hanging on the wall.

Chu Yan glanced, nodded secretly, and waved his arms, holding them all into his hands.

The next Shaohua jade dragon flute, the ingenious melting furnace, and the returning day flask are also magic weapons.

Although the roles are different, they are extremely rare treasures with various wonderful effects.

Perhaps Chu Yan's trip to the evil brutal rainforest may come in handy.

When Chu Yan put the last treasure he needed into the storage ring, the quick steps behind him stopped just outside the treasure house.

A loud drink, came from outside the treasure house: "Stop it for me!"

This roar apparently implied a certain technique, the sound sounded like a thunder blasting in his ears.

If you change into a mortal, at this time the brain is shattered and the celestial cover directly flies up, I am afraid it is possible.

Even if the monk in the Diyuan Realm was deterred by this voice, I'm afraid that he would be timid and frightened for a while.

However, Chu Yan only frowned slightly at this time, turned around and showed the identity card: "Tianyazong disciples do things."

Between words, Chu Yan looked up and looked out of the treasure house.

This treasury is actually not that big. From the gate to the deepest point, it is less than ten feet away.

At this moment Chu Yan saw the appearance of the soldiers outside the gate at a glance.

This is also the first time that Chu Yan has made direct contact with the soldiers of the dynasty.

After coming to Tianyazong, Chu Yan also had a more detailed understanding of the relationship between Shang State, Xinjiang State, and County State.

Regardless of whether they are political or patriarchal systems, each country is in the same vein.

There are only small and large scales.

For example, the soldiers belong to the city's main government and are dispatched by the city's main government to maintain the security of the city and so on.

For example, the guards at the gates of the city are the soldiers.

After all, this kind of thing is really overkill for Zongmen disciples to do.

But in Shanguo, it is slightly different from Xinjiang.

In Jianguo, the monks of Zongmen had a transcendental status, because to some extent, the dynasty of Jiangmen was just a spokesperson for Zongmen who ruled the world and provided his disciples.

If this dynasty fails, it doesn't matter if you change one.

But Shanghai is different.

The kingdoms of the kingdom were all defeated through war.

The royal family itself has a lot of monks, and even the emperor who is now a treasure minister is a powerful monk.

Therefore, in the kingdom of Baoxiang, the dynasty and the Zongmen can be said to exist on an equal footing.

There is a delicate balance between the two.

Because of this, Chu Yan, as a disciple of the End of the World, was inconvenient to shoot the soldiers for no reason.

On the one hand, the soldiers on behalf of the Baoxiang dynasty, on the other hand, the soldiers are also monks, but not cultivated by Zongmen, but the Baoxiang dynasty.

For example, standing at the moment outside the treasure house, and the soldiers facing each other with Chu Yan, not only give people a sense of majestic vitality, but also the aura in the body.

The one who yelled at Chu Yan before was burly and wearing armor, it was a triple realm of Diyuan Realm. A long sword held in his hand was also aura.

The other soldiers, the realm is also the Diyuan Realm, but it is lower than the person who shouted.

After knowing that these people were the soldiers, Chu Yan did not bother.

Instead of arguing about the reason, it is better to show the identity of Tianyazong disciples directly.

After all, Tianyazong is the largest sect of Baoxiang's kingdom, and the only state religion that has remained unchanged forever! Although Fubing is also a monk, the disciples of Tianyazong walked out and saw everyone in the upper half.

At this moment, when Chu Yan said that he was a disciple of Tianyazong and several soldiers outside the treasure house, his eyes flashed with surprise.

After seeing Chu Yan showing his identity, they have no doubt.

In Baoxiang Shangguo, no one dared to pretend to be a disciple of Tianyazong.

Suddenly, the soldier who had just drank, put down his sword, and respectfully saluted Chu Chu: "I have seen the spiritual master."

Diyuanjing monk, can be called spiritual master.

When others do not know how to call it, this is the safest way to call it. It is like when you see a monk in the state of mind, it is always right to call him a master.

The soldiers themselves are also the triple territories of the Diyuan Realm, and it seems that they are a lot older than Chu Yan, but after knowing Chu Yan's identity, he is a self-righteous person.

Chu Yan was also polite, um, nodded.

His identity as a disciple of the End of the World is not fake, and although it is also the triple of the Diyuan Realm, the soldiers of the government are only threefold Xiaocheng, and he is already threefold.

The monk regards cultivation as a high and low, and he is the superior in front of the other person, naturally there is no problem.

It's just that after Chu Yanmu said, there was no more text.

After waiting for a while, the soldiers couldn't help but ask: "Excuse the spiritual master, what is the reason for breaking this popular auction house today?

Could it be that this popular auction house has deceived the spiritual master? "


Chu Yan shook his head.


"They are evil spirits."

As soon as Chu Yan said this, the faces of the soldiers suddenly changed.

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