Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1439: Hello everyone is really good

If evil cultivation is placed in the world, it is more evil and poisonous than the bandits who beat the house.

Because compared with bandits, evil practices are more intolerant.

The slaughter of a village and a town is nothing more than normal for evil cultivation.

At this time, the evil repair was actually under the eyes of the popular city main house. If things are true, then the city main house will inevitably bear the responsibility of oversight.

Chu Yan also did not make nonsense with the other party, saying, "You come in and check, and naturally you know what I said is true or false."

Several soldiers in front of the treasure house were hesitant at this moment.

Because there is an evil repair in the popular city, once it is done, the responsibility is not something they can afford.

The leading soldier immediately said, "Excuse me, the spiritual master, can you tell me something about the city master first?"

"Yes, but hurry up, I don't want to delay here too long."

Chu Yan nodded.

With the permission of Chu Yan, the leading government soldier suddenly felt relieved, hurriedly took out the messenger, briefly described the news here, and then sent it out.

After a while, he received a reply from the city owner.

Opening it up, the leading soldier immediately knew what to do.

"The Lord Lord is on his way back to the city. If you are not in a hurry, the Lord Lord said he hopes to see you ..." "No, why did he just tell you?"

Chu Yan directly refused.

The purpose of coming to Fengxingcheng has been achieved, and he does not want to waste any more time.

Meet a city owner?

not interested.

"The Lord of the City said that everything is up to me, but we must enforce the law impartially."

The leading soldiers answered honestly.

He heard that and nodded.

The implied meaning of the city owner in these remarks is actually very obvious.

The so-called fair law enforcement is that as long as he can confirm that Chu Yan is right, and the popular auction house is indeed related to evil cultivation, then Chu Yan will do whatever he wants.

The popular city is just a humble city of Baoxiang Shangguo. There is no need to offend a disciple of the End of the World.

In particular, this disciple is already in the tertiary realm of territories. In the future, he may be promoted to the state of mind and become a teacher's existence.

Although the monsoon pond cannot remember the origin of every magic weapon in this treasure house, when Chu Yan searched for his memory, he knew that many treasures in the treasure house actually came from the families of Fengxing City and surrounding towns, It's a caravan in the past.

As for the means obtained, it is naturally bloody.

As long as these families informed the host of the city, and left the case, Chu Yan believed that these soldiers could definitely find some treasures that should belong to those families from this treasure house.

After receiving the approval of the city leader, the leading soldiers gave a salute to Chu Yan, and then led his men to step in, looking at the treasure in the treasure house one by one.

Soon, these government soldiers were discovered.

"This isn't the Ziling Tongxin jade lost by the Wang family in the city two years ago?"

A soldier pointed at a heart-shaped purple jade road, "There are three tricks and sixteen turns hidden in this jade, so I remember it very well."

The leading soldier immediately stepped forward, carefully looked for a moment, and nodded surely: "Yes, the Wang family had turned to the city's main government at the time and said that a group of people were killed and the family goods they were carrying were robbed. Piece of Ziling Tongxin Jade. "

This side has just been confirmed, and the soldiers on the other side have also found out.

This time, several boxes of spirits were found.

On these spirit stones, there is a stamp belonging to the kingdom of Baoxiang.

In other words, these spirit stones should have paid tribute to the royal family of Baoxiang, and ordinary monks could not touch them. How could they appear in an auction house.

When he saw these spirit stones, the leading Fubing's face changed, and he murmured, "Is it really the batch of spiritual stones that were lost last year ..." Speaking of which, the leading Fubing turned his head and looked forward to Chu. Take a look.

In his eyes, there were surprises and doubts, but more, but excitement.

Obviously, he was aware of it now.

Many treasures in this treasure house can be traced back to their origins.

And these origins, I am afraid all involved a major case! As far as the monks are concerned, if they want to be promoted, all kinds of talents and exercises are the most important.

But for the soldiers, and even the city masters, if they want to be promoted, their political achievements are the most important! The lord and the soldiers of the city were officers and soldiers first, and then monks.

Compared with monks, they live in an environment closer to the world.

Therefore, in the world, the official achievements of officials are the resources they must firmly seize.

If the treasures in front of them are working properly-that guy, the leader of this government soldier, would not dare to think about it at this moment.

But his blushing complexion, rapid breathing, undulating chest, and flickering eyes in his eyes completely betrayed his heart.

Seeing this, Chu Yan knew that he no longer needed to say anything.

As long as these guys in the popular auction house are evil repairs, then he will leave again, and the government soldiers in front of him will never be blocked.

Even these soldiers hope that he will leave quickly.

It is best for Chu Yan to take the initiative to clarify the relationship with this place, so that this great credit can be fully attributed to their main city.

After all, they used to be from the royal family, so Chu Yan's thoughts in the officialdom became completely clear at this moment.

It ’s good for everyone to understand these things, and they do n’t need to tell them.

So at this moment, Chu Yan walked directly towards the treasure house.

The soldiers at the scene seemed as if no one saw his actions.

It also shows their attitude.

Chu Yan is very satisfied with this. He believes that after he left, today he came to the popular city, I am afraid it will be erased directly-as long as the city's main government is not stupid.

However, to be on the safe side, he paused for a moment as he stepped out of the door of the treasure house.

"From the shout you heard before, I speculate that you are practicing thunder training, and the thundering grass at the bottom of the third column and the fourth shelf is very good for your cultivation."

After speaking, Chu Yan stepped out of the treasure house.

And the leading army soldier was nervous when he heard Chu Yan's speech at the beginning.

He thought what Chu Yan would ask.

But after listening to Chu Yan's words, his gaze couldn't help looking at the frame that Chu Yan said.

A blue but faint but straight grass stem is placed in a jade plate.

With one glance, the leading soldiers could no longer look away.

He understood what Chu Yan just said.


In this treasure house, what specific treasures are there, in addition to a few of them, will others know?

Lu Yan must know, but he is dead.

So at this moment, if they take something from it and take it for themselves, nobody will know.

This point, the leading Fubing had not thought of before.

But Chu Yan helped him think.

And reminded him.

Suddenly, the leading soldiers were full of gratitude.

This is really good for everyone.

Spirit master, rest assured, this time you came to the popular city, I guarantee that the whole city will be rotten in the stomach, and no one else will know in this life!

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