Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1441: Sky Sword

gold! wood! water! fire! earth! gas! Light! mine! Monks have eight attributes and magical skills.

And this mysterious eight swords is forged according to these eight attributes.

The metal emperor's jailbreak sword representing the metallic nature; the Mantou longevity sword representing the wood attribute; the black soul yin sword representing the water attribute; the fused flame skyward sword representing the fire attribute; the Wanzhong crossover sword representing the earth attribute; The sword of swallowing the clouds and covering the moon; Yaoguang, the sun sword representing the light attribute; the vast broken sword representing the thunder attribute.

These eight long-handled swords have different shapes, including narrow and long thin swords, a epee that is as wide as a door, and a long sword that is twice as long as the average sword body. At this moment, eight kinds of light are twisted together. From The sword box spewed out, and for a moment, it seemed to make the world tens of miles trembling.

Even the moonlight spreading across the sky was shattered at this moment.

The spirit boat under Chu Yan was trembling at this moment, and there was a constant crackling sound, as if the next moment it would be completely crushed and fried into powder.

"Good power."

Feeling this Jian Jianwei, Chu Yan did not show the slightest fear, but showed a satisfied look.

If the Xuanmen Eight Swords did not have such a mighty sword, he would have to reflect on the fact that his trip to the popular city was not worth it.

At first glance, it is still worth it.

"Xuanmen Eight Definite Swords ..." Chu Yan murmured, and with an arm wave, opened the sword box as a whole.

Suddenly, the sun was shining brightly, soaring into the sky, after rushing straight into the clouds, it spread violently in the air, forming a huge area of ​​light.

At this moment, if someone looks at it from a distance, you will see that a beam of light, straight upright, with an extremely sharp light, shines in the night sky and the bright moon.

Chu Yan reached out and took a volley shot. Suddenly, eight long swords flew to his hand for detailed examination.

These eight-handed swords are not only all six-grade spirits, they are the strongest grades of intermediate-grade spirits.

Chu Yan values ​​them for three other important reasons.

The first reason is that these eight artifacts, taken out individually, are magical-level flying swords with elemental attributes, and their power is not trivial.

At the same time, two and more flying swords can be combined to form a sword array with different powers and functions.

When the eight-handed flying swords came out in unison, they were just like their names. They were a terrible killing array: Xuanmen Eight Swords.

If trapped in it, even the monks at the peak of the triple state of mind can be hanged.

Even the monks who blocked the Purple House could do it.

But of course, Chu Yan is still in the Diyuan Realm, far from being able to exert the full power of the Xuanmen Eight Swords.

Even Chu Yan estimated that with his current strength, if he forcibly stimulated the sword array, he would be afraid to evacuate all the aura in his body instantly, or even burn the lifeblood of life. Killed the enemy.

However, the use of two-handed and three-handed flying swords to form a sword array requires a lot less aura. Chu Yan's use of it is not a big problem.

The second reason is that each of the eight flying swords has a special rune on the sword body.

This rune is not an ordinary inscription, but is imprinted on the sword when it is cast.

The rune contains powerful magical powers! In other words, as long as they can excite these runes, when a sword is split, it looks like a long sword is being used, but in fact, it is performing magical powers! Eight handle flying swords, eight different magical powers.

And more importantly, these runes, Chu Yan's current realm, can excite them.

Although it may cost more aura, His Royal Highness Chu has much more aura than ordinary monks of the same rank.

Under such circumstances, magical powers can be exerted during the Diyuan Realm, so it is not only a disaster for enemies of the same level, but also an enemy of Heavenly State of Mind, who is overcast to death by the skill of His Highness Chu. It is also very likely to happen.

As for the third reason, it is related to Jianzuka.

Chu Yan's sword mound was obtained from Jian Nantian.

This sword mound is obviously a great opportunity.

In the past years, Jian Nantian has only opened a small part of this opportunity, and now has the realm and strength.

More of these remnants are still covered in the dust of history, like amazing treasures, waiting for Chu Yan to discover and let them reappear the glory of the past.

This rich treasure contains the experience of countless powerful wise men with swords since ancient times, and even the existence of magical powers.

If these supernatural powers can be combined with the Xuanmen Eight Swords—the picture is simply too beautiful, and His Royal Highness would not dare to imagine it at this moment.

After observing for a while, Chu Yan put the eight-handed sword back into the sword box.

This sword box is also a magic weapon. Otherwise, the eight-handed magic weapon sword cannot be completely contained, not to mention the terrible sword power and sword power.

Chu Yan even suspected that if an ordinary storage bag was used to hold the eight long swords, the sword momentum caused by friction and shock would damage the storage bag or even destroy the contents in the storage bag. space.

"I don't know what wood is used to make it, it must be extraordinary."

After Chu Yan sighed, he closed the sword box again.

The ancient ancestral gate with this Xuanmen Eight Swords, in its age, although it will not be more powerful and stronger than the Tianyazong, but if it is in Xinjiang, it will certainly not lose to the Broken Star Tower , Xuanyuemen such a gate.

And such a ancestral gate, even now, even the name can not be left, think about it can not help but make people boo.

After the sword box was closed, Chu Yan did not receive it in the storage bag.

After a slight groan, he carried the sword box on his back.

If it weren't for the disciples of Tianyazong's disciples, he now looks a bit like a casual walker or a child of the Xiuxian family.

Next, follow the established route and move on.

Soon after, a touch of white belly appeared on the horizon.

It will be bright soon.

Few have ever witnessed the alternation of night and dawn in the sky.

After showing a touch of white in the horizon, suddenly, this white light was like a practise, magnificent, and overturned.

The darkness was immediately dispelled.

At this moment, the air seemed to be getting fresher.

The creatures in this morning light can't help but feel a new look.

After a while, the golden red glow began to thin out on the horizon.

The void of the sky seems to be boiling at this moment.

Chu Yan squinted his eyes, looking at the magnificent scenery of the heavens and earth. Suddenly, there seemed to be an invisible light passing by.

The light flashed away, but Chu Yan's eyes captured it.

"Colorful light ..." Chu Yan tilted his head slightly. "It feels like a film."

At this time, Chu Yan felt something and looked down.

Mysterious ear bells around the waist now appear a layer of orange-yellow color.

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