Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1442: Magical power

"Sneak attack!"

Immediately, Chu Yan responded.

The flashing multicolored light film is afraid of some kind of array method or some magic weapon.

At this moment, around the spirit boat, in the void within the range of about thirty to fifty feet, a dazzling light shone.

The light was colorful, as if spreading out on a fine silk, voluminous, and walking towards the spiritual boat that Chu Yan was riding on.

At the same time, more than ten people appeared on the ground below.

The crowd also cheered, "Caught! Hold!"

And among the crowd, an old man with a white beard, at this moment, was even more embarrassed, rising into the air, and flew towards Chu Yan: "I have been here for a long time to see where you fled this time."

Flying in the air! Chu Yan had his eyes fixed.

This old man is truly a state of mind.

But the next moment, the surprise in His Highness Chu was completely replaced by anger.

I'm just passing by. What's going on with you like a rabbit?

I ’m just one person. What ’s wrong with you guys?

I'm just Di Yuan Jing, what's going on in your sneak attack on me?

Since experiencing the attack on himself by the monsoon pond, His Royal Highness Chu is now mindful of the attack by high-ranking monks.

Even if the old man who flew towards himself at this moment only had a heavy state of mind, that Chuyan could not accept it.

Bully and bully, shameless?

Chu Yan's arm waved as he patted his sword box.

Suddenly, Jianmang shone, and the sky was straight.

"White Emperor's Sword of Slaying! Soul of All Realms!"

The two-finger wide sword body burst into an extremely sharp light at this moment.

With Chu Yan's sword cut out, Wandao Jianmang was dancing in the air.

Infinite light, air, vitality, all died out in an instant.

The colorful light that drew towards Chu Yan, dozed off, and was torn apart by the air.

The vast number of fragments, when floating in the air, resemble large butterflies, and then blown away by the wind.

However, immediately after the sword was cut off, Chu Yan immediately felt that the aura within Dantian Qi disappeared for a full sixth.

Chu Yan has more than a dozen times more aura than his peers.

This magical power was inspired, and it was far from reaching the strongest power, and it consumed one sixth of his aura. If he changed to another monk of the same level, I was afraid that all the aura in his body would be drained at once Unable to cast the magical powers possessed by the White Emperor's Broken Sword.

Although the Reiki consumed a lot at a time, the cutting of this sword gave Chu Yan a specific understanding of the consumption of Reiki by these eight-handed Reiki Long Swords.

At least now I know how much it takes to inspire the magical power in a flying sword.


Chu Yan was calculating, and the old man who was flying towards him was suddenly stunned.

Who would have thought that Chu Yan would resist.

Who would have thought that Chu Yan's resistance would be so fierce.

The smashing of the colorful rays of the sky made the old man's face suddenly white.

The continuous cheers on the ground seemed to stop abruptly as if they were held by their necks.

This is like an old bachelor who finally found a chance and suppressed a beautiful woman. As a result, this beautiful woman suddenly turned into an ancient beast, and suddenly took the old bachelor hundreds of miles away.

Chu Yan didn't care what these people thought at this moment, locked his eyes on the old man and sneered: "Give me death!"

Holding the sword in his backhand, swept across the air: "All Souls Killed!"

Reiki in the body consumes one sixth again.

But Chu Yan far surpassed the monks of the same rank, not only the aura in his body, but also the speed of the aura's recovery.

Therefore, although one-sixth of the aura was consumed at this moment, the aura in his body was still more than 60%.

boom! As he cut again with a sword, the sharp sword mang looked like a cluster of arrows shot out thousands of times, and the old man was completely enveloped in an instant.

All vitality was completely killed at this moment.


At this time, the old man screamed enough to pierce the eardrum, and his eyes were about to stare out. He could even see the dark throat through his open mouth.

He reached out and didn't know where to dig, and suddenly, there was a layer of colorful light on his body.

At the moment when ten thousand swordsmans had drawn themselves in, the colorful light turned into a cocoon and wrapped him in it.

However, it is just wrapped up.

Crackling! boom! Wandao Jianmang resembled a vortex, suddenly shrunk, and instantly burst the colorful light cocoons.

In the middle of the whirlpool, a violent shout came, and a burst of blood arrows were shot.

The next moment Jian Mang contracted again, collided with each other, and exploded together.

Suddenly, the square was exploded into chaos.

But at this moment, Chu Yan's gaze was fixed.

He saw a white light flicker through the center of Jianmang immediately before the explosion.

At the same time, the void around white light seemed to fold.

The next moment, about twenty miles from where the swordsman converged, another white light appeared.

With the emergence of white light, there was blood dripping from his body at this moment, as if he was an old man with blood.

He shot at Chu Yan with a horrified look, then turned away without looking back, and radiated toward the distance.

This scene made Chu Yan understand.

This guy just estimated what special escape magic weapon was used.

Chu Yan also knows this magic weapon.

The most common is an escape map.

After being inspired, the monk can leave the place instantly and appear somewhere nearby.

However, this place is not found regularly.

Good luck, can be far away.

If you are unlucky, it may be just half a foot away from where you are.

It's all about luck.

Chu Yan didn't know if the old man used this method, but in general, it should be similar.

At a distance of more than 20 miles, the other party is a monk in the state of mind and can fly in the air. At this moment, he usually escapes, and Chu Yan wants to chase, but the difficulty is quite high.

But-"You can escape, can the people you bring escape?"

His Royal Highness Chu smiled suddenly and jumped down from the spiritual boat.

With a flick of his wrist, a trembling, two-finger white emperor breaking sword has been replaced with two palm-sized Wanzhong Crossing Swords.

"Jianling Peaks!"

When the sword dances in the sky, an undulating shadow of the mountains appears on top of the monks on the ground.

Although this mountain shadow is not an entity, it is a supernatural power after all.

At this moment, the terrible coercion, with the breath of the catastrophic calamity, slammed down towards the group of monks.

At this moment, the air in the square circle is like a tide, rushing around.

Before the magical power arrived, the trees on the ground began to tremble in madness, breaking their waists, and crumbling.

"Defense hood!"

"Defense hood!"

Shouted some of the monks.

The next moment, a multicolored light film rose from the ground and shrouded the monks.

"Can you stop it?"

Chu Yan sneered.

The heavy mountains fell immediately and hit the light film.

boom! The force of terror poured out instantly, and the ground was violently undulating. Large swaths of crushed stone dust rose into the sky, as if a meteorite hit the ground and a mine thundered.

The surface of the light film trembles rapidly, like water waves, and the light is dim rapidly.

After a moment, a slam, the light film exploded, and the sky light sheets scattered.

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