Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1449: Coercion of terror

This area, this building, was supposed to be the forbidden area of ​​the Qiang family.

But the patriarch was gone at this time, and there was nothing to worry about.

People outside were still waiting.

But it is strange that none of those who rushed in came out.

Time passes by.

There are more and more people waiting outside.

Everyone's face became more and more difficult to look.

Is there any murder in this building?

Guessing and waiting is the most difficult.

After another moment, the crowd around them suddenly separated like a tide.

A male man in his thirties, with a somber complexion, came over.

When I saw this male cultivator, I was surrounded by family members, all moved.

What's more, his eyes were red.

The reason is very simple. This male cultivator named Chen Chen is the fourth master of the state of mind in the family.

Today, it is the last state of mind of my family.

As one of the top-notch combatants of the family, he naturally knew what the building was for.

After coming over, he didn't say a word, but walked straight towards the building.

Seeing Chen Chen walk in, the family members outside looked at each other.

In the end, they also gathered courage and followed in.

I originally thought there was any killing trick in this building.

But after coming in, these puppet family members found no danger.

And those puppet family members who came in before them, including puppet Chen, are all right now.

It's just that these people who came in before, stand still in front of them at this moment.

Looking from the back, they can even feel the despair in their hearts.

And the followers of the puppet family who followed them looked along the line of sight of puppets and others.

The next moment, the scene fell into a dead silence.

In front of everyone, there was an empty space.

From the traces on the ground, there should be a lot of things in this building.

But now these things are gone.

The most important thing is that those things are not from the family, but from Ziweimen! At this moment, the situation still slipped in the direction that the family members were most reluctant to see.

Feeling extremely desperate, like a thick dark cloud in an instant, the heavy pressure on everyone's hearts.

I don't know how long it took, these puppet family members, taking a heavy step, followed Peng Chen to slowly walk out.

The faces of all the Dai family members are extremely ugly, and Chen Chen is even worse.

Compared to these ordinary puppet family members, he knew more about the terrible sin of losing Ziweimen's things.

In fact, when he saw the empty space inside the building, he had a buzz in his head, he didn't know anything, even how he led the crowd out, he didn't remember.

Yun Chen walked like a walking dead, and finally stopped in front of the iron gate.

The tall and heavy iron gates blocked the sunlight and dark shadows that cast down, and immediately made Chen Chen feel more painful.

He took a deep breath and instructed the people behind him, "Go first and find the patriarch and the deputy patriarch ..." When he opened his mouth, Chen Chen found that his voice became extremely husky and unpleasant. Just like a blunt knife rubbing against each other, it's hard to get into your ear.

Even Chen Chen himself was taken aback.

How did the sound become so unpleasant?

Although the voice was hard and hoarse, at least the meaning was expressed.

Hearing the order of the puppet family, he was planning to do this, but as soon as he took a step, he suddenly stopped.

"what happened?"

Wu Chen frowned and turned to look around, only to find that the family members around him looked at the complex sky.

Looking along the line of sight of everyone, Wu Chen immediately saw a cloud of red clouds, setting off a colorful cloud over the sky, straight toward the house.

"Is that guy killed again?"

Wu Chen's heart jumped.

But soon he realized that this should not be the guy before.

"Is that the guy who wants to come and robbery in the vicinity, or the master of Ziweimen and return?"

Wu Chen was thinking, the red cloud had fallen straight from the top of his head.

Suddenly, an unprecedented pressure of force came to the scene.

Li Chen trembled suddenly, her face paled, her knees softened.

As a heavenly state of mind, he was still so. The people behind him naturally slumped to the ground one by one, and the expression of terror appeared in his eyes.

Wu Chen summoned his courage and looked towards the red cloud.

At this time, the red light in Yunxia gradually dissipated, exposing several figures inside.

When these figures clearly appeared in front of the crowd, the oncoming horror breath, like a stormy storm, was magnified ten times in an instant! Bianchen couldn't bear it anymore at this time. He slammed his knees and fell to the ground. The sweat spewing out of his pores instantly soaked his whole body, and even dripped down along his hair. Going, it even made him suspect that he had just been picked up from the water.

And this mighty and imposing momentum now covers the entire family.

The puppet family, who seemed extremely chaotic, was silent for a moment, as if the air had solidified into an iron plate.

All the puppet family members, no matter what they did last moment, at this moment, either kneel on the ground or slumped on the ground, shivering.

The only heavenly state of mind is Chenchen, and at this moment, he has the courage to look up at people.

It is the Master of Ziweimen! But it wasn't just Guru Ziwei who came.

Behind the other side, there were several expressionless Diyuanjing monks.

Yun Chen didn't know why the other party had to bring several Diyuan Realms, so after a moment, his eyes turned back to the guru who came.

In this heavenly state of mind, the Master seems to be about the same age as Yun Chen, and may even be younger, but he has a very powerful taste.

This makes Li Chen feel as if he is facing a volcano that will erupt at any time, and he is still standing on the edge of the crater.

Seeing the other person's eyes faint, he swept towards himself, and suddenly Chen Chen felt the hair on his body was erect.

At this moment, he even had a feeling that his soul was scared to fly out of his body.

However, he also understood that as the only state of mind in the family at this time, he had to say something.

"Master, Master ..." Yun Chen wanted to explain the situation at the moment.

He believes that today's situation still has a turn for the better.

Because the Ziweimen Master who came before was also defeated, and he fled.

Master Ziweimen couldn't deal with the enemies that the master could not deal with.

In this way, the loss of treasures seems extenuating.

So Chen Chen wants to redeem some situations.

And he has 80% confidence that he can let his family survive today's difficulties.

But he just said a few words, Master Ziwei standing in front of him, his face sank suddenly, one hand grabbed him in the air.

boom! The ground beneath Yun Chen suddenly turned into rolling magma.

Even before Chen Chen responded, the magma swallowed him.

After a moment, a pair of white bones floated up from the magma, then sank a little, and then there was no movement.

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