Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1450: Group of six

Seeing this scene, the next family members were shocked! The **** magma reflected their faces even paler.

But at this moment, these puppet family members dare not resist.

Not even that thought.

Facing this Ziwei door master, they could not do anything but shiver.

Master Ziwei, named Meng Xin, instantly killed Yun Chen, his face did not change at all, as if he had just killed, not a heavenly state of mind just lower than himself, but killed An ant.

His eyes were cold, and he glanced at the dozens of family members in front of him. Meng Xin opened his mouth and said the first sentence after coming here: "The family members are not good at doing things, they are not worthy, and they die."

In these words, the bodies of the family members at the scene were stiff.

Everyone's breathing was frozen.

Someone wanted to beg for mercy, but this sentence seemed to be blocked in his throat and could not make a sound.

They could only watch Meng Xin raise her hand slowly, a red light, as if it could melt into the void, condense at his fingertips.

At this moment, in the eyes of the Pu family, it seems that the flow has stopped.

Everyone's heart mentioned his throat.

At this time, among the people who originally stood behind Meng Xin, a monk in Yuanyuan who had a dark complexion took a step forward and said, "Master Meng-" the spirit of the Pu family was refreshed.

Someone is willing to plead for them! At this moment, the clan family members were in tears.

But the next moment, they heard the monk in this place: "Please move lightly, don't destroy too much, otherwise we won't do things well."

After hearing these words, the family members suddenly said: Ha?

What do you mean?

Not courting?


Before the Clan family members could figure out what it meant, Meng Xin spit out a word.

The red light at the fingertips immediately rose into the sky, and then burst into bright fireworks.

Each red flare that bloomed was like a sharp arrow, like a fire rain, like a shooting star, pouring down from the air.

Huh! Suddenly, all the puppet family members were perforated.

Almost in a blink of an eye, more than 6,000 family members of the family were killed and none were spared.

And everyone was killed in a single hit.

The wound penetrated from the brow to the hindbrain.

Many people's faces still looked confused before they died.

Obviously, they haven't figured out how they died.

The whole family, at this moment, fell into a real silence, silent.

Meng Xin turned around, looking dimly, looking towards the darker-colored Diyuanjing male training.

The monks who came with him, a total of six people, were all in Yuanyuan.

The dark-skinned masculine man is the leader of these six men.

Seeing Meng Xin's eyes, the dark-skinned male Xiu arched his hand, admiring sincerely: "Master Meng's approach to the heart of the fire is still advancing, and his subordinates are impressed."

Meng Xin's eyes moved slightly, but she didn't have much expression on her face, and nodded, "Okay, let's do something."


The darker-skinned man nodded and gestured backwards.

The five people behind him, four men and one woman, spread out around him, nervous but busy in an orderly manner.

Meng Xin turned and faced the heavy and tall iron gate.

Under his gaze, the heavy iron gate, like mud, slowly melted and turned into molten iron.

"Head dog, what do you think of this."

Meng Xin asked suddenly.

The head dog is the code name of the darker-skinned man behind him at this time.

This man, including the other five Yuanyuan monks, had only the nickname and no name in Ziweimen.

The main point now is not why the code of this darker-skinned man is so weird, but that Meng Xin, a dual master of heaven and state of mind, speaks in a deliberative manner when speaking to a monk in this place.

And just when he beheaded Chen Chen, who was also a guru, he didn't even send out a syllable.

Meng Xin raised a question in a consultative tone.

The head dog in the Diyuan Realm, when answering Meng Xin's question, was not humble.

As if there is not such a huge gap between the two.

"At present, there are too few clues, and I can't speculate on specifics, but one thing can be determined. The monk who attacked his family this time has a clear goal."

The head dog said.

"Do you mean, the other person is pointing directly at the ore?"

Meng Xin stared.

"There is no second possibility."

Canine Road.

Meng Xin closed her eyes and groaned. After a while, she nodded, and then she did not speak again.

The head dog did not say any more.

He took a few steps forward, jumped onto a nearby higher wall, and looked down.

His gaze was not a random sweep, but a deliberate movement between several positions, turning around from time to time, in contrast to the tall building behind him.

The dog is doing these things, and Meng Xin is watching each other quietly.

Although the opponent ’s realm is much lower than himself, he has special functions, so even if his status is much higher than the other person, he cannot talk to the other person's tone, even in many cases, heed The other party's opinion.

For example, just now, if it was the past, Meng Xin would kill and kill the Puppet family members. In order to emulate the Puppet family, naturally, together with the entire Puppet family land, all the souls and buildings were destroyed.

But the head dog stopped him, he just killed the uncle's family.

After half an hour, the five monks scattered were all returning at this moment and gathered around the head dog.

Meng Xin noticed that the farthest monk returned from a place at least ten miles away from his family.

I don't know why he went there, or what was found there.

Five monks huddled around the head dog, telling something quickly.

Five people spoke together. If it were ordinary people, let alone receive all the information at once, and it would be great to be able to hear the content of one of them.

The head dog seemed completely unaffected.

He seemed to be focusing on five purposes, not only listening to the five people's narration at the same time, but even interrupting one of them suddenly and asking questions.

When he asked one of them individually, the narrative of the other four did not stop there.

"This ability is really not comparable."

Seeing this scene, Meng Xin secretly said.

Together, the six of them are obviously extremely skilled.

After a while, he was led by Meng Xin towards Meng Xin.

Meng Xin cast a questioning look on the head dog, and the head dog arched his hand: "A lot of information has been figured out, and now there are still a few details missing. I also invite Master Meng to come with me."

After speaking, the head dog signaled Meng Xin to walk towards the tall building.

As Meng Xin stepped, she groaned and finally said, "Who is this person and where does it come from? I don't care. I want to ask, can I catch this person?"

The head dog stopped and smiled at Meng Xin: "Master Meng is assured that everything is under his control and we are here, this person cannot escape."

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