Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1452: track


Meng Xin stared, "Who is it?"

"This person must have some connection with our Ziweimen and Tianyazong."

The head dog said, "He is here, hiding his identity."

"How to say?"

Meng Xin wondered.

"At the time, I felt like this.

This person's original goal was not his uncle's family.

For some special reasons, maybe the uncle's family provoked him, or something else happened.

This person went directly to the uncle's house and started killing.

Since the house of Ziwei worked for Ziweimen, she turned to her for help.

However, he did not expect that this man was insidious and cunning, beyond his imagination, so that the guru who came to the rescue was frustrated.

It is very likely that it is because of this incident that the relationship between his family and his family was exposed.

So this man killed him all the way and took the ore here.

As for why his goal is so clear-- "Having said that, the head dog paused and continued:" The patriarch of the family of the family was taken away by the soul, so the other party should know the building from the other party's memory. "

"That ..." Meng Xin opened her mouth.

The head dog seemed to know what he was going to say, and responded directly: "As far as I know, the family's only work for the family, but what the family is going to do, it seems that no one has ever disclosed it to the family."

"Is such that."

Meng Xin nodded.

"In that case, Teacher Mencius can rest assured that the purpose of this door arrangement here will not be known to that person."

The head dog said.

Hearing this sentence, Meng Xin let go of her heart.

But his brows did not open with Yin Sishu.

Because of this incident, knowing the reason and technique of the other party did not help much.

It is best to be able to seize the other side and force them to see if they are in the same party, and then beheaded to kill them forever.

Just like before, Meng Xin was not required to speak at all, and the head dog smiled: "Everything please be assured of Master Meng. Although we do not yet know the identity and origin of this person, as long as we can grasp this person, everything Isn't it all solved? "

Suddenly Meng Xin's eyes brightened: "Do you mean ..." The head dog suddenly looked up and nodded: "Is Master Meng still remembering what I said before?"

Meng Xin thought for a moment, and immediately understood.

But he hasn't spoken yet, the head dog said, "Yes, it's difficult to escape with wings."

This time, Meng Xin's face did not show relief.

His heart, instead, jumped sharply because of what the dog said at the moment.

If it was only once, it may be accidental.

Twice, it can be said to be a coincidence.

Then three times in a row, the other party seems to be able to see through his heart, knowing what he is thinking at the moment, then it is a little bit-thinking of this, Meng Xin couldn't help but look up at the dog.

The head dog was telling his subordinates at this time, and seemed to feel something. He turned to look at Meng Xin with a smile.

Meng Xin's scalp suddenly became numb, and the hair on her body stood up.

A chill exuded uncontrollably from the bone marrow.

He can swear that this is the first time in his life that he feels this way when facing a monk far below himself.

Even Meng Xin decided that it would be possible to stay away from the head dog in the future. No, it is any of these six groups. As far as it can be, there is as far as it can be.

At this time Meng Xin was still feeling trembling, and one of the head dogs had taken out a flying sword in accordance with his instructions and flew into the air.

This man was in the air, up and down several times, sometimes burning his eyes, looking towards the distance, sometimes closing his eyes, and sniffing with his nose in the wind, as if to breathe a special smell.

With these actions, the direction the man is facing has begun to correct slowly.

From the aimlessness at the beginning, to gradually narrowing the scope, and finally to the end, what he faced was already the direction when Chu Yan left.

On the ground, the head dog saw this scene and whispered something to the other men around him.

The other man immediately spread his hands.

Suddenly, a ray of light emerged, condensing into a light curtain before this hand.

Above the light curtain, the mountains and rivers are vividly visible. Obviously, this is a very detailed map.

And soon, there was a scene that made Meng Xin even more shocked.

With the strokes of the palms of this man, the map on the light screen can be continuously enlarged and reduced.

When zoomed in, the grass and trees in the map display area can be clearly seen.

When it shrinks, the nearby mountains move, and the rivers flow.

At this moment, the head dog looked at the monk in the air, and with the other's gesture, he kept saying some numbers that Meng Xin couldn't understand.

The man who showed the map pointed quickly on the map according to the numbers and directions spoken by the head dog.

With each click, a red dot appears on the map.

At first it was just a few sporadic red dots.

But after some time, with the increasing number of red dots, Meng Xin gradually saw that the doorway came.

These red dots are marked, it is likely that the monk left and the area where he is now! "Who can escape this way?"

Behind Meng Xin, a layer of cold sweat can't help but "can't be prevented. It's me who can't think of it. Someone will follow this way."

After a while, the map was marked, and the monk who flew up into the air also fell.

The head dog arched to Meng Xin: "Master Meng, this person left the Qiang family and went all the way southeast. During this period, he did not change direction.

I doubt his ultimate destination is in this direction.

And the speed at which this person leaves has also changed significantly.

When he was at his family, he used some kind of flying magic weapon.

It should be replaced with the treasure in the spirit boat.

Without hesitation, I'll catch him now.

I think there may be other secrets in this person. "

At this time, facing the head dog again, Meng Xin's heart was afraid to think anymore.

What the other person said, he just nodded and said yes.

However, he was hesitant when the head dog was about to leave, and said, "After this time, do you want to sue the shocking general?"

Speaking of the shocking generals, Meng Xin's waist bar could not stop, and deep in his eyes, a look of longing appeared.

According to the classification of Ziweimen's disciples, if he only looks at the realm, as long as he takes another step forward and is promoted to the triple state of mind, he will be eligible to fight for one of the eight major generals.

Although it is only a qualification, it is also glory enough to look forward to.

Meng Xin's words were tentative.

The head dog did not return his head, and said directly: "The six-member group is only responsible for the investigation and tracking. As for how to deal with the people after they have been caught, what information can be obtained, it will be decided by Master Meng."

Meng Xin stood in place, after a long time, nodded, showing a satisfied look.

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