Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1453: In the rainforest

The meaning of the head dog is too clear.

We are only responsible for catching people. How to report when that happens and whether we can dig more information from here has nothing to do with us.

Reduced to one more sentence, that is: I will not steal your merit.

With the attitude of the other party, the haze in Meng Xin's mind was swept away.

You know, he has stayed on this day for two years, and has stayed for 30 years.

He would love to be able to go further.

Further, strength, status, and even Shou Yuan can be greatly improved.

No one wants to seize this opportunity.

After so long accumulation, Meng Xin has at least 90% confidence in his promotion.

But mere promotion of strength is not enough.

He wants to get more at Ziweimen and improve his status.

The only way to do this is by virtue.

Get more merit, then get higher status, more resources.

A great opportunity now lies ahead.

From a normal point of view, what happened at the Qiang family today has Meng Xin's responsibility.

Once accountable, he has to pay a great price.

But if you do it in this way, the disaster can turn into an opportunity.

In Meng Xin's mind, he had even started planning at this time.

The head dog's attitude is more like making him no longer need any scruples.

"Everything is waiting for the six of them to bring this guy back.

Just bring it back, whether it is life or death, it will be my chance for Meng Xin's brave improvement! "

At this moment, Master Meng's heart was fiery than ever.

He couldn't even wait to be able to manipulate the time like a bulldog, pulling the date directly to the day when the six returned.

But this matter, I can only think about it.

"You need to come back earlier."

Meng Xin was looking forward to it.

Just looking forward, more than twenty days passed.

The time has now come to mid-March.

During this time, Chu Yan has come to the area around the evil brutal rain forest by driving the spiritual boat and shuttle array.

After coming here, Chu Yan discovered that the evil brutal rainforest was bigger than he thought.

If the area around the rainforest is included, Chu Yan wants to fly around it, I am afraid that it will not be enough for a whole year.

Fortunately, the information given by the handsome dad at the time pointed out a rough area.

But this area is huge in the whole evil rain forest.

Chu Yan's only way now is to go ahead and take a step at a time.

Driving a spiritual boat, Chu Yan felt a significant change in the climate before he officially entered the rain forest.

The air started to get wetter.

A layer of fine water droplets was attached to the surface of the spirit boat.

Between breaths, the air is also extremely slippery and sticky, and the water vapor is a bit beyond human imagination.

And the temperature started to rise.

This feeling is like putting people in a steamer.

Below the steamer is boiling water.

After another two days of flight, this climate change gradually stabilized.

The surrounding plants have all become species that Chu Yan has never seen before.

Chu Yan's general understanding of plants is tall, stout, and so on.

And the plants in the evil brutal rain forest are extremely huge branches and even can be said to be exaggerated, larger than the stem of the plant.

For some leaves, Chu Yan felt that five or six people were lying down to sleep, and they would not feel crowded.

The moisture in the air will only be richer than before.

Now the sun is shining, and it has become a faint yellow.

At the beginning, Chu Yan could still see some villages.

The villages are all high-hanging stilt houses, and the lower floors are empty, and people sleep in the upper rooms.

However, because Chu Yan was moving fast, his progress in one day exceeded ordinary people by four or five days. After two days, he could not see the village.

The only thing you can see is the sun, the dense vegetation, and the white mist condensed by a large amount of water vapor.

The day is okay, the mist is scattered by the sun.

By the evening, a large amount of water vapor will flow from the wet ground.

These water vapours and the mid-air mist merge together to form an extremely intense white mist.

Ordinary people are afraid that they can't see their five fingers in such white mist.

And the mist that persists throughout the year has even affected Chu Yan, leaving him unable to move forward at the original speed.

In fact, in addition to the white mist, the vegetation, and some weird stone carvings, also prevented Chu Yan from fully following the planned plan.

These stone carvings were first seen when Chu Yan entered the evil rain forest on the third day.

There are not many stone carvings, and they are obviously desolate. The surface is mottled, all of which are moss or other vegetation.

Some are even half-covered under the silt, if not for their astounding eyesight, they would not even find out.

Although these stone carvings are old, they have not suffered much damage under the erosion of the sun and the moon.

After Chu Yan saw several stone carvings, when he saw a stone carving leaning on a hillside, he pulled it out directly.

Unexpectedly, His Highness Chu unexpectedly found that the part of the stone sculpture buried in the silt was several times larger than the one exposed to the silt.

At this moment, the stone sculpture pulled out by Chu Yan was nearly three stories high, and it could only be hugged by four or five people.

The silt that has been pulled out of the stone carving now has only a dark cavern, giving it an abyss-like feel.

At this moment, even though the surroundings are wet and hot, facing this big cave that seems to be invisible to the end, it still gives a feeling of being cold all over the body.

But Chu Yan didn't care.

He stepped closer and looked at the tall stone sculpture carefully.

The age of stone carving is no longer visible from the outside.

But the sculpted things are extremely weird.

It looked like a "human" with a lot of hands.

But the man's face was carved like a mask.

No matter in details or in the whole, the statue has a very uncomfortable feeling.

It's as if it were a depressed mood, which should be poured from the bottom of the heart, and then occupy the human brain, making people completely fall into a sad, desperate mood.

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed.

As a monk, he could feel this emotion at this time, so the statue would not be that simple.

"The evil rain forest is the nest of the evil dragon of ten thousand years. Does this statue have anything to do with it?"

Chu Yan guessed in his heart.

For this speculation, Chu Yan thinks there are at least 80% or even 90% possibilities.

Because if the ten thousand-year-old evil dragon still exists in this rain forest, it will absolutely not allow totems representing other monsters to appear.

With that in mind, the light in front of Chu Yan suddenly dimmed.

At the same time, there was a crackling, extremely rapid sound coming from the deep vegetation in front.

Along with this, there are bursts of people who feel tingling of eardrums, sour gums and extremely manic cries.

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