Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1458: A woman who understands proportion

Chu Yan did not speak, so she looked at the nun.

The female nun was anxious as he saw it.

Finally, she could not bear the pressure anymore, and said, "I have absolutely no intention to deceive my lord. There is a big demon in the evil rain forest.

The legend of this monster can be divided into tens of millions, and can be attached to any monster or even a plant to monitor the entire rain forest.

If there is no map in it, it will be easily discovered by it, and even fall into a trap.

As for getting lost in the forest, that's more common.

It can be said that if there is no map, less than 30% of those who enter the evil rain forest every year can return safely. "

Having said that, the female Xiu paused and then continued: "The Bai family once led monks throughout the city to fight against the monsters, and the Bai family itself is also an old-fashioned Xiuxian family. The map of the evil rainforest they have may be larger than the city owner. The government is big.

If the map in your hand is not comprehensive enough, it is not a big problem to negotiate with the Bai family. "

After the female nun finished speaking, she looked at Chu Yan with a shudder.

She wondered if her explanation would satisfy the other party.

In fact, when Chu Yan talked about a ten-thousand-year-old transformational demon, he guessed that what the other man said was Wanlong.

In this case, the Wannian Savage Dragon should still exist in this evil rain forest.

This is good news for Chu Yan.

As for the other party's proposal, Chu Yan also began to seriously consider it at this moment.

In fact, Chu Yan felt something wrong when entering the evil rain forest.

The mysterious ear bells hanging around the waist always indicate that there is a threat around them.

The area covered by this rainforest is too wide, and the deeper it goes, the various huge vegetation and the roots are disjointed, and it is easy to get lost.

If Chu Yan is now a monk in Zifujing, there is no need to consider other factors at all.

Tearing the void, descending on the spot, sweeping the consciousness, finding the Wannian Savage Dragon, slapping the other side with a slap.

But now he is far from being so simple.

Relying on limited information, it is a last resort to wander around to find Wannian Savage Dragon.

Now the words of this female nun have given Chu Yan a new direction.

If the Wannian Savage Dragon is the most threatening demon in the evil rain forest, then the Bai family in the nun's mouth may have dealt with it.

It is also a good choice to learn about Wannianlong.

After a little groaning, Chu Yan nodded and agreed.

But he still sneered, "Going out with me will be safe."

The female cheeks turned red, knowing that her mind was seen through again.

Chu Yan naturally knew what this nun was thinking.

On the one hand, her proposal is indeed good.

On the other hand, she also hopes that she can rely on the big tree of Chu Yan to leave the evil rain forest safely.

The current state of their team can no longer afford even a little frustration.

At this time, Chu Yan did not give it to the opposite party and directly pointed out the incident.

The meaning is very clear: I accept your proposal, but you should not treat me as a fool. It is not enough for you to think carefully.

The female nun was also very direct at this time, and she said very plainly, this time, my lord, you are a life-saving grace, and I will do my best to help you when you go to Bai Family.

After speaking, the nun asked Chu Yan to wait for a while, and then started on the road.

After returning to the others, she first directed a few of them to help the more injured others heal.

Then she led another companion to peel the yin-yang bone-eating monkey away.

Chu Yan watched the other side do these things.

The nun was busy for a while, carrying a few things in her hand, and came to Chu Yan.

"Sir, this is the fifth cut of the heart, liver and spine of the yin-yang bone-eating monkey."

She respectfully dedicates these things to Chu Yan, "The yin and yang bone-eating monkey's heart and liver refining elixir can treat injuries, and spinal bone powder, combined with other medicines, has a wonderful effect on the healing of broken limbs , If used to forge weapons, it can also enhance the toughness of weapons. "

The nun explained in detail.

In fact, these things, Chu Yan are now inconspicuous, so after beheading the yin and yang bone-eating monkeys, he did not care about this guy's body.

But now, the attitude of this nun is obviously very satisfying.

So after seeing the other person's restless attitude, Chu Yan waved his hand: "All for you, including the fur and bones of the Yin-Yang bone-eating monkey."

The female Xiu was overjoyed, and her eyes even showed an incredible surprise.

She had originally spoken to Chu Yan, hoping that Chu Yan could reward them with the fur and flesh of the yin-yang bone-eating monkey and those few beasts and monsters.

Because she feels that the flesh and skin is not as valuable as the heart, liver and spine of the yin-yang bone-eating monkey.

But these relatively less valuable things can help women repair them to recover some losses.

However, the problem is that the monster was killed by Chu Yan, and the right of disposal is naturally in the hands of Chu Yan.

Even if these things are said to be unnecessary, even if they are burned or thrown, these people are not qualified to point and draw.

This is where Chu Yan is satisfied with the nuns.

Among the monks, there are too many such things as "You do n’t want them anymore, why ca n’t I take them", "Anyway, you do n’t care about these, I take them away".

At this moment, the female nun is very clear about her position and has a good grasp of the scale.

His Royal Highness Chu was not a stingy person, so he naturally nodded in agreement, and gave the heart and spine of the yin-yang bone-eating monkey to the other side.

The woman Xiu burst into tears with excitement.

Chu Yan was still in doubt, but later heard other monks say that this nun had a younger brother. When he was fighting with others before, he was secretly calculated that his spine was broken and paralyzed in bed.

Originally don't say that Xianlu was broken because of this, even if you live like ordinary people, it has become a luxury hope.

But now with the spine of this yin-yang bone-eating monkey, her brother's hope of healing has greatly increased, how could this not keep her crying on the spot.

There was a life-saving grace before, and now there is a grace of reward. The female nun became more and more respectful to Chu Yan. After being busy and busy, in her attitude, she even made her feel like a servant of Chu Yan.

Everyone cleaned their bodies with runes like water purifiers, and after taking some elixir, they came to formally salute Chu.

This group of people was in great trouble at the moment, they were all very surprised, but there was no big problem to support the return to Tongzhou City.

At that moment, the nun had cleaned the blood and mud from her body and had seen Chu Yan.

The nun looks that she is twenty-seven years old, with clear outlines of the five senses. Although not very beautiful, it is also memorable.

However, Chu Yan understands that after the monks reach the Di Yuan Realm, unless they encounter some special circumstances, the speed at which their faces grow old is much slower than ordinary people.

Judging from the age and realm of this nun, her true age must be much larger than what she now looks like.

And through the introduction of Nu Xiu, Chu Yan also knew that his name was Mo Qiong.

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