Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1459: Hot White House

When they went back, they boarded Chu Yan's spirit boat.

The route taken is naturally the same way to return.

Because when they were chased by the demon monkey, Mo Qiong was also panicking, and did not follow the route they had originally entered into the evil rain forest.

At this point, if you want to go back to Tongzhou City, you can only leave the evil rain forest, determine the location, and then fly around.

Since there was time, Chu Yan also asked Mo Qiong about the Bai family.

Mo Qiong now respects Chu Yan very much, almost knows everything about Chu Yan.

So she told her all about Bai family.

In fact, about seventy years ago, the Bai family was still the owner of Tongzhou City.

In other words, the patriarch of the Bai family at the time was also the owner of Tongzhou City.

Bai Jiaxiong spent four hundred years with Zhoucheng. He was originally an alien family, but after conscientious development, the family may have some adventures. It has reached its heyday in the two hundred years away.

At that time, the Bai family had a total of twelve monks in heaven.

This number is more than enough, even if it is a self-sustaining portal or a sect.

But the Bai family did not do so.

And this is the most admirable place of the Bai family.

Tongzhou City is the closest one to the evil rain forest among the three surrounding cities.

Because of this, Tongzhou City is also the one that has suffered the most attacks from monsters since ancient times.

It is recorded in history that the most invasion of monsters has reached a full twelve times in one month.

If an ordinary city encounters monsters so frequently, it will either be broken by the monsters and completely ruined, or all the residents in the city will migrate to give up the city.

But Tongzhou City did not.

The very important reason is the **** battle of the Bai family.

The Bai family led the Xiuxian family in Tongzhou City to resist every attack of monsters and beasts.

There is a saying from the Bai family: Clan Erlang can only die on the battlefield against monsters.

The worst of these wars came from 70 years ago.

I don't know why at that time, there are more monsters than every time in the past hundreds of years.

And there are more than forty deformed monsters gathered together.

In this battle, the eight monks owned by the Bai family then killed two.

The remaining six, in order to stop the beast tide's continuous impact on the defense line, resolutely performed the Bai Family's forbidden technique, using life as a guide, igniting the thunder and lowering the thunderous thunder penalty.

Dense light, intertwined into a line of defense stretching for thousands of miles, blocked between Tongzhou City and the evil rain forest.

Thunder continued for three days.

It was also through these three days of delay that Tongzhou City persisted in the army of monks who came to aid, and then let the beast tide recede.

That battle left the Bai family completely injured.

We must know that the monk of Heaven's state of mind was almost killed and wounded, let alone say that a fierce battle is absolutely impossible.

What's more, it is the family of the Bai family who is not afraid of death in order to protect one party.

What Baijia lost was not only the highest state of mind, but also all the elementary states and higher-order condensed states.

From the perspective of strength, after that battle, the Bai family changed from a family that was enough to establish a sect, to a small family that could only exist in villages and towns.

Fortunately, at that time, the Bai family's state of mind also survived one.

This is the ancestor of the Bai family today.

It was just that this ancestor was almost a piece of coke when it was discovered.

After being rescued, the realm of the Bai family ancestor fell directly from the state of mind to the state of condensed veins, and the blood was depleted, and the life span was greatly reduced.

Mo Qiong, they took the risk to find this precious blood, Bingtong Lingzhi, but also for the ancestors of the Bai family.

In the words of Mo Qiong, do n’t look at the current main city of Tongzhou City being replaced by another person, do n’t look at the fact that Baijia does not have a high-end combat power. As long as someone dares to disrespect Baijia in Tongzhou City, the whole Tongzhou City will share this with People are desperate.

Because everyone knows that the lives of everyone in this city were obtained by the monks of the Bai family.

The Bai family is the symbol of Tongzhou City, and it is also the faith.

Speaking of this, Chu Yan noticed that whether it was Mo Qiong or other monks, his eyes were shining.

At this time Chu Yan also understood why Mo Qiong was so decisive at that time that he could hand over the precious blood Lingtong Lingzhi to himself.

Because in her opinion, around this evil brutal rain forest, no one would swallow the things handed over to the Bai family.

Only Mo Qiong made a little mistake this time.

Before that, Chu Yan really didn't know these things.

When going out, Chu Yan accelerated the speed of the Lingzhou flight.

So two days later, the spirit boat sailed out of the evil rain forest.

The next thing was left to Mo Qiong.

After observing the nearby terrain and then according to the map in his hands, Mo Qiong told Chu Yan that their luck was not bad, and the time it took to reach Tongzhou City was about the same as the time it took them to leave the evil rainforest It should be two days.

Mo Qiong also showed Chu Yan the map she had.

The map is carved on a piece of jade.

Chu Yan swiped with divine knowledge and found that the map was extremely rough and could barely be identified, but according to Mo Qiong's explanation, some special terrain and the scope of the safe area can still be seen.

Continue to hurry.

Two days later, Chu Yan, standing on the deck of Lingzhou, could see Tongzhou City from a distance.

Although in the past few days, Chu Yan had already understood the city from the mouth of Mo Qiong and others, but when he really saw him, he couldn't help it.

Because the structure of the city is different from what he has seen in the past.

This city turned out to be like a large, a small, and two circles.

The big circle looks more prosperous, and the small circle looks older.

Chu Yan asked Mo Qiong, and soon he understood.

It turned out that the situation in Tongzhou City was similar to that in Changqing Town.

Changqing Town is also divided into New Town and Old Town.

The first time Chu Yan and Lin Miaoran met was in the old town.

And this same boat city was the smaller old city before.

Later, about 70 years ago, after the fierce battle, the old city was completely handed over to the Bai family by the city's main government, and the new city was built next to the old city.

Xincheng has an extremely powerful defensive formation, so there is no need to worry about the invasion of beast tide since then.

"We are going to the old city at this time."

Mo Qiong explained: "In fact, there is not much difference between the new city and the old city, that is, because it is newly built on one side, it looks more prosperous. We are usually used to the old city because the old city is kind and- With a smile: "Because you can be closer to the Bai family."

Between words, the spirit boat had landed before the gates of the old city.

At this time, Chu Yan found that there was no guard in front of the city gate, and pedestrians in the past could enter and exit at will.

This is also very different from the cities he passed by in the past.

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