Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1460: Old white house

In the cities that Chu Yan visited before, there must be guards at the gates.

The more important the town, the stricter the guards at the entrance are.

Even in some strategic cities, there is a formation at the gate.

As soon as there are transformational demon or evil cultivation trying to mix in, the formation method will start and force it to appear.

The purpose of this is to ensure the safety of the city.

After all, no matter which city, the vast majority of people living in it are ordinary people, and monks are only a small part.

If it is mixed with a transformed demon or evil repair, the damage caused is unimaginable.

Even prisoners and monks wanted by the dynasty or Zongmen will not be able to enter the town.

But the city in front of Tongzhou is different.

According to Mo Qiong, Tongzhou City is divided into a new city and an old city.

Looking from this angle, we can see that the gate of the new city is guarded, and Chu Yan can also see the aura inspired by the formation.

The old city next to the new city was not guarded in the slightest.

Anyone can come in and out at will.

"Don't you worry about having monsters and evil spirits mixed in?"

Chu Yan was puzzled.

Because in his opinion, the Bai family and the monsters have been fighting for a long time.

For monks and people in this city, the Bai family is the pillar of their faith and spirit.

As far as the monsters are concerned, the Bai family is just a thorn in their eyes.

When he led a soldier to fight, Chu Yan knew very well how to capture the thief first.

The same goes here.

If the transformational demon took advantage of the loose guard here to enter the city and kill the remaining clan members of the Bai family, wouldn't it be equivalent to tearing down the spiritual totem of this city together?

Taking the opportunity to enter the city, Chu Yan still asked this question.

Originally, Chu Yan thought that there was any special method in this city, which could distinguish between monsters and monks.

However, after asking this question, Mo Qiong was also stumped.

After thinking about it for a long time, after entering the city, Mo Qiong said: "I don't know the specific reason, but many years ago, there were indeed transformational monsters who wanted to mix in."

"and then?"

Chu Yan asked.

"The guy hadn't entered the city yet suddenly showed his original shape while covering his head, and then fled."

Mo Qiong said: "But what causes it, then I don't know."

"It seems there are some special ways."

Chu Yan groaned.

At this time, Mo Qiong said again, "However, under normal circumstances, monsters or evil spirits are definitely afraid to come in."


Chu Yan is curious.

"Because the monks who came to the old city all came to respect the Bai family because of their admiration for the Bai family.

And many monks spontaneously protect the Bai family.

Although this old city looks unprotected, the invisible protection may be much tighter than the new city. "

Mo Qiong said.

"It is indeed possible to say so, but in the final analysis, this kind of self-confidence is the life of the Bai people in the past."

Chu Yan said.

After entering the city, the matter of going to the Bai family to see his ancestors was arranged by Mo Qiong.

She first arranged for some of her companions to return to the family to report, and then she led Chu Yan to move on.

Chu Yan has also observed and guessed before.

Now seeing Mo Qiong's various arrangements again, we can be thoroughly determined.

This Mo Qiong is also the patriarch of a family in this same city.

No wonder she had such great prestige in front of those people.

Mo Qiong was leading the way, and after walking for a while, he came to an old house in the old city.

This old house is everywhere in this old city.

The only difference may be that the location is deeper.

Anyway, if there is no Mo Qiong leading the way, Chu Yan estimates that I am probably passing by this Baijia old house, and I do n’t know that this is my destination.

There was no guard at the door of Bai's old house.

Mo Qiong stepped forward and knocked on the door three times, and soon the door opened a gap, revealing an old man's face inside.

This old man should have the general identity of a concierge.

Mo Qiong stated his identity and stated the purpose of the trip. After the doorman answered, the door closed again.

Mo Qiong walked back and said to Chu: "He went in to inform, my lord please wait for a while."

Chu Yan nodded, and said nothing.

There was not much expression on Chu Yan's face, so Mo Qiong didn't know what he was thinking at the moment.

But in fact, after entering the range of this Baijia old house, Chu Yan felt like a sense of depression if there was no land.

However, he was sure that the feeling of depression was not directed at him.

This feeling made him a little strange and curious.

Therefore, Chu Yan did not change his mind at this moment, and planned to meet the people of the Bai family and try again.

The door opened again soon, and the door still appeared, indicating that the ancestors and patriarchs had invited Chu Yan and Mo Qiong to enter the house for a narrative.

Inside the old house of Baijia, the atmosphere of the deep house courtyard was revealed, but it was extraordinarily quiet, as if it were in a big house, there was no resident at all.

However, before Chu Yan heard Mo Qiong said that most of the Bai family had died in battle that year, and the remaining few were women and children, so they could understand.

The concierge led the two men to a small building in the backyard and turned away.

Mo Qiong seemed to be here for the first time, and his expression seemed a little nervous.

She looked back at Chu Yan, took a deep breath, and rang the door.

Opening the door was a man who looked thirty-six or seven.

The man was so gentle, he had a long beard on his chin.

This temperament, if it is not a monk, is very easy to make people a scribe in the world.

Immediately after seeing the man, Mo Qiong said the identity of the other party: "White patriarch."

"Two please."

The man smiled slightly, nodded towards Mo Qiong and Chu Yan, and said hello, "The two laborers bother for the ancestor."

When Patriarch Bai's eyes fell on Chu Yan, Chu Yan felt faintly. There seemed to be something in his blood that was aroused.

But the feeling was fleeting, and when he noticed it, it was gone.

So Chu Yan is not sure whether this feeling has actually occurred.

After that, Mr. Bai had already invited the two into the house, and nothing happened that made Chu Yan feel strange.

After entering the room, Chu Yan found that the decoration in the room was also very simple, and even gave people a sense of simplicity.

At the end is a wooden couch with two chairs on each side.

Apart from that, there are no other furnishings.

After the Bai family grew in, they walked directly to an old woman sitting cross-legged on the bed.

This old woman is, of course, the ancestor of the Bai family. The only survivor after the ban was introduced 70 years ago.

At that time, the ancestor of the Bai family was in the state of mind, but now, it is just a monk in the condensed state who is dying of blood and blood is about to dry up.

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