Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1465: Tell me the evidence

"Master Chu, where are you going?"

Following Chu Yan's Tongzhou City, Mo Qiong was extremely puzzled.

She didn't speak, and she didn't dare to ask.

Adults have their own arrangements, where to get their own mouths.

But Chu Yan didn't go far.

After leaving Tongzhou City, he walked about thirty or forty miles, and when he was in the wild, he stopped.

It is said to be wild, but because it is not far from Tongzhou City, it is not so remote.

It's just a lot more empty than in the city.

Chu Yan found an open space, laid a small mini-spirit, and began to meditate with his knees crossed.

Mo Qiong blinked aside.

Look at the appearance of Master Chu, it seems to be meditating in the wild for one night?

Soon, Mo Qiong could feel that the aura around him converged towards the Chu words at the center of the formation.

"It really looks like it."

Mo Qiong said in his heart.

Since Chu Yan chose to meditate in the wild, Mo Qiong was naturally inconvenient to leave.

Within the clan, other people naturally handle it.

The task she has given herself these days is to help Chu Yan to acquire some maps of the evil rain forest.

In fact, she also has selfishness to do so.

Quite a few of these maps are also missing from their Mo family.

After Chu Yan stopped the acquisition, Mo Qiong thought to discuss with Chu Yan to see if he could buy maps that the Mo family did not have as his identity.

Chu Yan is passing by, and this time after heading to the evil brutal rain forest, he may not come again.

The Mo family is different.

The foundation of the Mo family is in Tongzhou City, like many other families, living on the evil rain forest.

Having more maps is also helping the Mo family improve their strength.

With this idea in mind, Mo Qiong began to meditate a few dozen feet away from Chu Yan.

This is to worry that the distance is close, which will cause Chu Yan's resentment.

After all, there are many rules among monks.

If you are so close to me, who knows if you are trying to practise my exercises-especially in places like the wild, because of similar things, the battles that are triggered are not uncommon.

Time passes by.

When everyone returned to Tongzhou City, it was almost noon.

It took me some time to go to the Bai family, and then it took some time to buy the map. By the time Chu Yan and they came here, it was already evening.

By now, the sun had completely fallen below the horizon.

The sun goes down and the moon rises.

However, due to the climate of Tongzhou City, it is still very hot and humid even though it is still March and it is night time.

Thanks to Chu Yan who is a monk, who won't invade the cold and the heat. If I change to an ordinary person now, I will definitely feel extremely sultry in the wild at this moment, and I will be soaked with sweat.

At the beginning, Mo Qiong still looked up from time to time and glanced at Chu Yan.

With the passage of time, she was also affected by Chu Yan's focus on cultivation, and entered the state of cultivation with all her heart.

Although he didn't reach Chu Yan's Congregation, it was rare and efficient to cultivate because of his mind and concentration, and even Mo Qiong was very surprised.

By the middle of the night, Mo Qiong's aura had just flowed around for a week, allowing her to focus on the surroundings.

Just as she looked in the direction where Chu Yan was, her eyes suddenly burst into blossom.

The next moment, she was shocked to find that Chu Yan was no longer there.


Mo Qiong made a subconscious voice.

Just when she was about to jump up and look for the whereabouts of Chu Yan, a dense white light flashed in the dense forest obliquely forward, accompanied by a thunderous sound like thunder.

Although the noise was not great, it was shocking, and Mo Qiong couldn't help jumping in the distance.

Soon she responded: "There is something!"

So his eyes firmly locked on the past.

But what made Mo Qiong feel strange was that, just after the white light and muffled sound, there was no movement in the dense forest.

Suddenly, the silence of Wan Ye was restored again.

Suddenly the years are quiet, so Mo Qiong feels incredible.

She was so quiet that she couldn't help but whisper: "Is it just an illusion?"

Just when she was hesitant to take a look, the moon just emerged from the clouds.

The moonlight ran over, so Mo Qiong saw Chu Yan walking out of the dense forest.

And Chu Yan did not come out alone.

In his left and right hands, one person was also mentioned.

Mo Qiong's eyes widened suddenly.

For a moment, Chu Yan walked back.

Mo Qiong also hurried up and looked at the two people who were thrown to the ground by Chu Yan.

The faces of the two men were dark at the moment, and their hair was standing upright, and one of them opened his mouth with white smoke.

After hesitating, Mo Qiong asked, "Master Chu, these two are ..." "Why did you sneak in on us!"

Chu Yan hadn't spoken yet. The other of them glared sharply and squinted out loud.

This man had just been hit on the face by Chu Yan's Broken Wind God Thunder. At this moment the entire face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

When he stared, he looked white and round.

The look of fangs grinning also made his white teeth look very bright in the moonlight.

In short, it was funny and scary.

"We just passed by. Why did you sneak in on us! Do you know where this is! Shooting and hurting people, do you really have no monks with Zhoucheng!"

Seeing Chu Yan not speaking, the man suddenly became more arrogant.

If he hadn't hit Lei Guang, he was paralyzed and unable to move at this moment. I'm afraid he would jump off the ground and reach out and poke two holes in Chu Yan's chest.

Mo Qiong held his arms and looked at the man coldly.

She had guessed at this moment that the two were definitely not as pure and kind as they were in their mouths.

Since Chu Yan shot, he must have noticed them.

But Chu Yan still did not respond to the other party at this time.

The man suddenly seemed to have misunderstood something, his eyes stared like bronze bells, and saliva splashed: "I told you, you'll apologize to me and report it honestly, otherwise, you will attack without evidence. Injure our two brothers, you know what happened! This is Tongzhou City, and people like you ca n’t let it go wild! ”

The man was swearing, noisy, and Mo Qiong frowned.

Mo Qiong wondered why Chu Yan had no response to this.

In her impression, it seems that Lord Chu should not be the master of this kind of patience. When His Highness Chu looked at the distance, he muttered: "The people behind are not out yet, so chop the legs of these two people. . "

"I tell you, this is the same city ..." The man was still noisy, but when he heard Chu Yan's words, his voice stopped abruptly and his eyes were dumbfounded.

My chest is still undulating, but I can't make any more movement: "You, you ... I, I ..." "What are you worthy to ask me for evidence?"

Chu Yan slanted the other side, and with one hand swiping, his hand was swept out with a sword.

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