Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1466: You are in trouble

Jian Guang swept away.

The blood spring rose into the sky.

At the same time flying up in the air, there are four calves.

Mo Qiong froze.

She did not expect that Chu Yan was so decisive.

Say it and do it without hesitation.

And as soon as they shot, they broke their legs.

These two monks did not expect Chu Yan to actually start.

After a brief shock, indescribable pain came from the wound.

One of the two is Ningmai Realm and the other is Diyuan Realm.

Ningmaijing is the one who is unconscious yet unconscious.

The pain of the broken leg at this moment made him fall into a deeper coma.

The Diyuan Realm is the one who yelled at Chao Chuyan.

Blood swelled outward, the monk's teeth were biting with pain and sweat, but he bit his teeth and made no noise.

It was just those eyes, staring at Chu Yan with resentment.

"Oh, no intention, follow me in Tongzhou City, dare to stare at me now?"

Chu Yan sneered.

Suddenly pierced by Chu Yan, he did not expect that the other party had found himself long ago, and the monk in this place suddenly panicked.

But before he pretended to be calm, Chu Yan blinded him with one sword.

Doraemon, another blood arrow, ejected from the eyes of monks in this place.

The bitter patience was released before, and the monk in this place could no longer pretend to be a tough guy. He immediately covered his injured eyes and rolled around on the ground, screaming again and again.

Mo Qiong stood aside, and there was a layer of cold sweat on his back.


Was he spotted in Tongzhou City?

When did this happen?

Why didn't I notice?

Who is so bold?

What do they want to do? "

In Mo Qiong's mind, problems kept emerging.

She felt that all these questions needed to be clarified.

But Chu Yan did not ask at all.

He walked in front of the other person, pinched the other person's chin, and shoved a pill into the other person's mouth.

Looking at the other person's fearful eyes, Chu Yan said lightly: "This is poison. Bring the person who instructed you here tomorrow morning. Otherwise, you will be poisoned and I will interrogate this guy. —— ”Chu Yan pointed to the stillness in the coma:“ Ask your tribe and ancestors clearly, and tell who your people are, and send them all to you. ”

Chu Yan's cold tone, the monk felt that his bone marrow was going to be frozen.


With a low drink, Chu Yan kicked the other side out dozens of feet.

The monk swept across the sky like a meteor, and slammed heavily on the ground.

At night, Mo Qiong could see the other party lying on the ground for a while, and then began to creep slowly and slowly towards Tongzhou City.

Seeing this posture, he was going to crawl back.

Mo Qiong turned to look at Chu Yan.

She thinks that this is what Chu is trying to catch a big fish.

Put the other party back, then follow the other party, and call out the other posthumous master.

As a result, Mo Qiong was wrong again.

Chu Yan did not follow, nor sent her to follow, but assigned another task to Mo Qiong.

"Pick this guy out, find a longer pole and hang him up."


Mo Qiong suddenly didn't respond.

Chu Yan repeated again.

Mo Qiong took a breath.

This is too cruel! Not only do they hang out, but they hang?

Although it is wild here, during the daytime, there are still many monks and mortals passing by here.

This guy will definitely be seen by then! This time, Mo Qiong finally saw in Chu Yan, what is killing and worrying.

According to the instructions of Chu Yan, Mo Qiong soon got a long pole, which was erected almost three stories high, and then lifted the monk who had lost his legs up high.

In the process, the monk of Ningmai Jing still woke up faintly, but was immediately attacked by a consciousness of Chu Yan and stunned again.

After hanging someone up, Chu Yan meditated under the pole with her knees crossed.

Mo Qiong initially felt that Chu Yan was too cautious in doing so.

After all, Chu Yan is a triple perfection that can easily kill the same level of monsters, only one step away from Master Tianxin.

And he was hung on a pole, not only a condensed vein, but also lost his legs and was seriously injured.

But in the middle of the night, when the two figures appeared a few miles away, Mo Qiong suddenly understood that Chu Yan was not a trivial matter.

But he had long expected that once the pole was erected, the other party would definitely appear before dawn! The two figures that appeared appeared at this time in a shadow that the moon could not reach.

One was tall, and the other was caught by the tall one.

Needless to say, the person who was caught in his hands was naturally the place where Chu Yan was let go.

As for this tall one.

"Master Tianxin!"

Mo Qiong felt the oppressive pressure from the other side, and his breathing was short, and his legs were weak, and he could not help but kneel to the ground.

She is nothing but a terrestrial realm. In front of the heavenly state of mind, she is not even as good as an ant.

At this point in the face of the coercion of the opponent, it is already amazing to be able to stand here.

Turning hard, Mo Qiong looked at Chu Yan.

At this moment, she felt like her neck had been restrained.

Turning her head and doing so almost exhausted all her strength.

After turning his head, Mo Qiong saw that Chu Yan had already opened his eyes at this time, and looked towards the distant person with no expression.

Both sides looked at each other for a long time, and no one spoke.

At this time, Mo Qiong felt that his whole body was soaked with sweat.

The sweat even dripped down the wet hair along the wet hair.

"They're ... what they want to do ..." Mo Qiong almost moaned in her heart.

Just when Mo Qiong felt that she was almost unable to hold on, and was about to faint, Chu Yan's sneer voice passed into her ear.

"I've been rushing here all night, and still pretending to be in front of me?"

This tone made Mo Qiong feel familiar.

Based on her contact with Chu Yan these past few days, she knows that as long as Chu Yan speaks in this way, someone will be out of luck.

The next moment, she saw the man hanging from the pole fall.

Before reaching the ground, he stunned and was split into two by the grabbed Jian Guang.

"His--" Mo Qiong took a breath, and her scalp was numb.

Master Chu is now killing in front of the other Heavenly Master! This is an unabashed provocation! Mo Qiong felt his heart beating with his temples.

Master Chu, is this crazy?

That, that is the guru of the heavenly state of mind! Even if you are in the triple perfection of the Diyuan Realm, but the words of ants are all under the sky, haven't you heard of it?

The heart beat violently, and Mo Qiong's eyes glanced at Master Tian Xin's side-this time, she didn't even dare to look directly at the other side.

What surprised Mo Qiong was that Chu Yan at the moment beheaded the Ningmai environment. The Master Tianxin, who came from the other side, didn't get angry, but said coldly, "junior, are you in trouble? ? "

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