Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1467: wrong

The shadow of the moon tilted westward, illuminating a corner of the woods, and it also fell on the monks who spoke on this day.

Only then did Mo Qiong see that the other side was wearing a mask.

The mask with the monstrous tone of this monk immediately made people feel more pressure.

Mo Qiong shook himself, and now he was about to faint.

"Oh, stare at my spirit stone, dare to teach me now?"

Chu Yan sneered, "Old goods, the moment you send someone to follow me, you'll cause trouble to your family, you know."

As soon as this remark came out, the monk with a mask in the state of mind shook his body.

He is naturally not afraid, but angry.

As you can imagine, the face behind his mask at this time was afraid that his nose was crooked.

"Don't make a fuss! I see that you carry so many spirit stones, your identity is extremely suspicious! It happens that there have been evil practitioners recently, and they have robbed many families. I think you have something to do with those evil practitioners!"

As soon as monk Tianxinjing screamed, his wrist flicked, and he patted him hard against Chu Yan.

"Qian Kun Yin Yang!"

boom! Suddenly, a piece of blue amulet, nearly a hundred feet long, dozens of feet wide, was full of light, full of rays of light, fell from the sky, and smashed into Chu Yan fiercely.

The void around Chu Yan suddenly became distorted, and creaks kept coming, approaching the sound of collapse.

Mo Qiong trembled, bleeding from her mouth and nose, her eyes filled with fear.

She wanted to run away, but the heavenly state of mind was overwhelming, her body couldn't move at all, and her eyes were darkened, feeling that her soul was going to be crushed.

"It's over, it's going to die!"

At this moment, Mo Qiong's heart was full of despair.

But at this moment, Mo Qiong suddenly heard a click.

Immediately afterwards, a bright light suddenly appeared in the sight that had begun to turn to darkness.

This bright light, it was as though the **** of heaven opened his eyes in the darkness.

It also seemed to be the first glow of dawn at the end of the sky at dawn.

Suddenly, the light shook and spread, shattering all the darkness around.

"The vast and empty sword, the galaxy thunders."

He drank loudly, and then came not far from Mo Qiong.

Although Mo Qiong still had blood flowing in his mouth and nose at this moment, the lightness of his whole body brought clear vision.

At this moment she turned her head and saw Chu Yan's hand holding a thundering crackling sword.

Lei Guang was so appalling that Mo Qiong's heart almost stopped beating.

And as soon as Chu Yan was cut out with a sword, immediately, it seemed to trigger Tian Lei, Xinghe swaying, the stars breaking, and the Milky Way exploding.

The cyan rune that was oppressed in mid-air couldn't be pressed again immediately, and the light shook violently, as if it would collapse in the next moment.

Behind the mask, the eyes of that state of mind rolled round that day, and the eyes were full of astonishment and incredible.

"This, how can this be?"

His voice dropped, and suddenly there was a loud noise.

Fu Yan exploded, split apart, sweeping away.

Stones as large as a human head were blown into the air and blasted into powder.

The surrounding void became chaotic.

And that thunder, the attack is far from over.

As Chu Yan's sword swept away, the dense thunder and light gathered together into powerful thunderballs, quickly converged, and gathered together in an instant.

The terror surge seemed to be a sea of ​​thunder, tumbling, frantic, and rushed towards the monk that day.

The night and moonlight along the way seemed to be cleaned up, and between heaven and earth, it seemed that only the thunderbolt that destroyed everything was left.

Bang Bang Bang Bang! A deafening roar made Mo Qiong feel his body was shattered.

But at this moment, the horror in her heart made her have no time to take care of the strong discomfort of her body.

"This, is this magical power?

Can Master Chu perform magical powers? "

Compared with Mo Qiong, the heavenly state of mind wearing a mask suddenly jumped up in shock: "Supernatural power! How is this possible!"

The shouting voice was sharp and sharp, as if it were a rooster just castrated.

At this time, he vaguely understood why Chu Yan had no fear and why he dared to just kill that Ningmaijing monk, and he was not worried that the trail of trace would be broken.

They never thought of asking anything from that Ningmaijing mouth.

Because he is confident, he can keep the more powerful monks brought by that place! After thinking about this, the monk's mouth was full of bitterness.

At the same time, there was also resentment towards the monk in that place: if you broke your leg, you would die outside, and come back for what! At the same time, the monk leap backwards at a very fast speed, and at the same time, he continues to excite Fuyu.

The white, orange, and cyan lights flashed with the inspiration of Fuyu.

And his body is constantly getting faster, and his body is shaking, which has become inexplicable.

But in Chu Yan's eyes, this is nothing.

His Royal Highness Chu hummed, stepped forward, and the sword awn in his hand swelled suddenly, turning it into the size of a door panel, and pressing it with the potential to destroy the world.

boom! The thunder rolled, and all exploded.

Five miles away, the ground was lifted directly, flying up into the air, and it was smashed.

The original ground had sunk seven or eight feet deep.

Under the night, it was dark and horrible, as if the beast opened its mouth.

And the void affected by the explosion collapsed deeply, like mud.

The violent shock directly stunned Mo Qiong and fainted on the spot.

The rumbling roar, even spreading dozens of miles, together with Zhoucheng, you can feel this movement.

After a few moments, you can see several spirit boats rising up in the same boat city and flying towards this side.

Obviously such a big movement has already attracted the attention of monks in Tongzhou City.

In such a close combat, they naturally have to come and check it out, in case it is a monster beast.

At this moment in a mixed mang, a figure, his body full of blue smoke, rushed out very embarrassedly, after a few slaps on the ground, fell a dog to eat shit, and then crawled up and stood up.

This is exactly the monk in the sky.

The mask on his face was now shattered by half, and the robe on his body was also torn open several times. The inscriptions on it were completely destroyed, now it is like a beggar suit in the world.

In his heart, in addition to horror, there was remorse and confusion.

Originally, his plan was to catch Chu Yan quickly by virtue of his own realm advantage. Before the monks in Tongzhou City discovered it, he would bring Chu Yan to a secret place and torture it.

As Chu Yan said before, what he followed was naturally the spirit stone of Chu Yan.

Today in Tongzhou City, Chu Yan scattered thousands of spirit stones without blinking.

Rich in wealth and rich in wealth, he is a monk from a foreign country, and his realm is still very close to the Diyuan Realm-these conditions are all explained, Chu Yan is a big sheep.

But what made the monk of the day unthinkable was that he made mistakes one step at a time, and step by step, now he has to trap himself.

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