Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1469: A big fish


"Where did people go!"

"Must have escaped while we were trapped!"

"Check! Find out immediately whether the monks or monsters were fighting here!"

"Check it now! It's such a short time, you can't go far."

Seven or eight heavens and minds gathered together, enough to challenge one of the top powers of the sect of Xinjiang, and it was even more important to sweep a city.

But now they find themselves tricked.

How could this not keep them from raging.

In this roar, suddenly a suspicious voice suddenly sounded: "Well, what is this?"

The next moment, everyone felt the aura around them, producing all kinds of abnormal fluctuations.

A few monks in the state of mind were at a loss for a moment, and then their faces changed dramatically.

"not good!"

"Quick-" The voice didn't fall, and the ground slumped suddenly with a bang.

In the midst of the air, each of the auras quickly twisted into chains of arm thickness, intertwined, and turned into a net of heaven and earth, in which the earth, water, and wind were fierce and mighty, covering the head of everyone.


Suddenly, the scene was chaotic again.

At this time, on a rock in the distance, Chu Yan grasped the masked monk and Mo Qiong with both hands.

Squinting slightly for a moment, staring at the bursting burst of the formation, he immediately turned around and was again hidden in the darkness.

That array is naturally not a random pattern array obtained before.

The twelve array maps are rare combat power for the current state of Chu.

If you use it, you must use it on the blade.

The seven or eight heavenly minds who arrived this time did not have deep hatred with Chu Yan, and Chu Yan's purpose was only to stop them. Naturally, there was no need to use dead hands.

So the map and method he used at this time is just the kind he had prepared a long time ago.

Killing those moods of the sky is naturally impossible.

However, in this case, it is more than enough to use the flustered emotions to stop the opponent's chasing and destroy the scene by the way.

When the moods of the heavens return to God and break the law, naturally they won't take much effort.

It was almost impossible for them to follow Chu Yan after they broke the array.

At this time, Chu Yan, with the mask monk and Mo Qiong, did not leave, but turned back and headed towards Tongzhou's old city.

In the new city of Tongzhou City, the gates of the city need to be closed at night, and the defensive formation method must be opened.

But the old city would not do that.

Not only is there no defensive formation, even the city gates will open wide, allowing people to enter and exit at will.

Chu Yan took the two at this moment, galloping all the way, and turned over directly from the city wall under the cover of the moonlight.

His realm today is not the best in this city.

However, in terms of strength, there are few people who can suppress him in the same city.

Even though there are some heavenly states of mind, the vast majority of heavenly states of mind are now attracted by the previous battles outside the city. At this moment, they are in dire straits.

So Chu Yan went smoothly and took them into the old city.

Not only is the old city unguarded, but more importantly, there are many uninhabited old houses.

Chu Yan didn't need to avoid taboos. He found an old old house. After entering, he threw the masked monk to the ground, set Mo Qiong aside, and waved his arms, laying down the soundproof, magic, and forbidden spirits. The array and so on.

First awakened Mo Qiong, then Chu Yan turned around, condensed his senses, and rammed the masked monk again.

The previous impact was fast and fierce, as if smashing the head with a thousand steel needles.

This way naturally makes people feel dizzy.

But now, the impact of Chu Yan is not so violent, like a steel needle poke the monk's head.

Then, in a sudden pain that made him extremely tortured, the monk moaned and opened his eyes.

The mask on his face was originally a magic weapon, which could not only cover his face, but also hinder the investigation of the monk's consciousness.

But at this moment only half is left.

Not only can't cover all the faces, the inscriptions used to block the consciousness have also been destroyed.

At this moment he moved, the mask was finally overwhelmed, and he clicked and slipped off his face.

Immediately, the monk was a little thin, and his cheeks with sharp outlines appeared in front of Chu Yan and Mo Qiong.

Mo Qiong just woke up at this moment.

She was stunned by magical powers, and even though she woke up at this moment, her mind was still filled with hot paste and her consciousness was not so clear.

But after seeing the monk's face, her body suddenly froze.

After a while, she seemed to be unable to believe her eyes. She squeezed her eyes hard, and then rubbed them hard again. After looking carefully, she took a deep breath and said, "You--" this The man repaired for a moment, seeing the astonishment in Mo Qiong's eyes, reacted violently, clasped the half mask that fell down to his face, and at the same time kept his hands unobstructed, covering his face desperately: "No, I am not I'm not me! "

"What the hell!"

Chu Yan frowned, grabbing the mask in the other's hand, crushing it with a pinch.

During this period, the male practitioner wanted to entangle with Chu Yan.

But I did not know whether His Royal Highness Chu intentionally or unintentionally, accidentally broke one of his arms.

Then after the monk retracted with his arms in his arms, he stopped fighting.

"Who is he?"

Chu Yan pointed to this dying male practitioner and turned to Mo Qiong.

"He's ..." Mo Qiong gritted his teeth, and then said, "It's the aide of the city's mansion, the city's left and right arm, if the city's biggest man is the same, he is second."

Hearing Mo Qiong's remarks, the man Xiu sighed and collapsed to the ground.

At this moment, all his face and inside are lost.

However, Chu Yan obviously did not intend to let him go. In his words, he continued to ridicule: "Oh, it was a big fish, or a very greedy man who hit his mind on the monks in the city.

It seems that I'm going to ask the city owner to check. In recent years, all the cases around the city of Tongzhou involving demon beasts and evil repairs and murders and treasures have been caused by this guy. "

"No no! Absolutely not! This is my first time!"

As soon as Chu heard that he was going to go to the city's main government to make a report, the male practitioner immediately persuaded and begged hard.

Originally, I wanted to pounce on Chu Yan, but as soon as I bounced, Chu Yan kicked her in the chest, bumped through a wall, and fell into a ruin.

Before being seriously wounded by Chu Yan's magical powers, he couldn't replenish his aura in the Forbidden Spirit.

This staff of Zhoucheng is now stronger than ordinary people.

Seeing Chu Yan striding towards himself, the undisguised killing in his eyes, the male Xiu shivered and looked pale.

At this moment, I don't care about the whole body's bloodstains and broken arms. I agree that I got up from a pile of rocks and shouted my life-saving sign. I guarantee! "

He originally thought that moving out of the well-known Bai family could let the other party reconsider.

After finishing talking, he found that his own words were pouring oil on the fire.

The young man on the other side frowned suddenly, and a series of murderous words popped up between his teeth: "The Bai family even colluded with it?"

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