Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1470: This idea is good

"I didn't mean that!"

The male Xiu was frightened suddenly.

Regardless of his identity, even if he is the same owner of the city of Zhou, here is a bad thing to say about the Bai family, you must be careful when walking at night, not to mention being framed.

Even if he was given the courage of a hundred beasts, he did not dare to say that the Bai family had also participated in the incident.

Moreover, the Bai family really has nothing to do with this matter.

The purpose of taking the Bai family out was just to make the other person believe in his character.

Although his character is now quite worthless.

It was just a life-saving sign in his eyes, and it seemed to have evolved at this moment-lifting a stone and hitting his own feet?

Chu Yan did not hide his intention to kill.

If the Bai family were really involved, he would definitely wipe the Bai family tonight.

On the surface, the appearance is calm, and the killing and looting in the back are different. What is the difference between this and the monsoon pond?

Although the bad guys do bad things, they are all put on a cloak of hypocrisy.

But the Bai family is going to be a little too much.

Because they have not only become a "gentle gentleman" themselves, but they also trampled on the great reputation that their ancestors had made.

The terrible coercion was released from Chu Yan and suppressed the audience.

Suddenly, the air in this old house seemed to condense into an iron plate.

The surrounding masonry, trembling slightly, silently, was covered with cracks, as if the next moment would be blasted into powder.

Mo Qiong stood behind Chu Yan, although he didn't face the coercion directly, but at this moment, his face was pale, and his lips were biting blood.

At that time in the evil brutal rain forest, she was just a glimpse of Chu Yan's strength.

But tonight, several times in a row, she finally saw Chu Yan's terrifying power.

What's more frightening is that Chu Yan doesn't seem to be using all his strength at all.

He was as inscrutable as a bottomless pit.

Mo Qiong just shook slightly at this moment, but facing the cowardly male monk, he swooped and knelt directly on the ground.

At this moment, if it is seen by other monks, I'm afraid it will shock the eyes.

Come on, the Master of Heaven's State of Mind is actually kneeling towards a Di Yuan State! This amazing degree is almost like a little white rabbit not only dying a tiger, but also eating half the tiger's meat.

"No, it's not like that ... Baijia ... Baijia ..." The male Xiu wanted to explain, but the coercion continued to pile up, like destroying the city's dark clouds and rolling the tides.

At this moment, he felt that his throat was strangled by a hand, let alone speaking, even breathing became extremely difficult.

The voice is getting quieter and quieter.

He felt like he was going to die.

"Master Chu, please wait!"

At this moment, Mo Qiong suddenly spoke.

Chu Yan's eyes slid past.

Mo Qiong's body trembled again in the other's eyes.

However, she courageously said, "Master Chu, I think there must be some misunderstanding in it.

The ancestors of the Bai family are still alive, and with the reputation of the Bai family, they will never do anything like sculpt your spirit.

And do n’t you want more maps, adults? "

Chu Yan blinked, and after a moment of groaning, looked at Mo Qiong with approving eyes.

Mo Joan immediately rejoiced: "Sir, do you think I'm right?"

"Using this guy to threaten Bai's family and let them hand over the map, why didn't I think of such a good idea?"

A peculiar glance at Mo Qiong, "Your family monk's heart is really dirty."

Mo Qiong: "..." She really wanted to say aloud at the moment, it wasn't like that! I mean, you can just take advantage of the situation to ease the relationship with the Bai family, maybe you can talk to the other party and let them give you the map in your hand.

I didn't tell you to frame it! And what's wrong with your applauding expression! I didn't ask you to do this! Mo Qiong shouted in his heart, but unfortunately, His Royal Highness Chu did not accept the meaning conveyed by the other person's eyes.

He slightly released the pressure on the male practitioner and touched his chin: "This **** basin is buckled on Baijia's head. They have to pick it up or not.

After picking it up, they could only ask me for peace.

I will naturally obediently give me the map.

And this bad idea is not what I came up with, I just refer to it.

But now, I ca n’t carry people to the Bai family to negotiate.

It will look like my gas field is weak. "

His Highness Chu glanced around and finally fell on Mo Qiong.

"Master Chu, you are ..." Mo Qiong was embarrassed by Chu Yan's heart.

After a moment, she asked tentatively, "Do you want me to go to Bai's house?"

"Since you offered it, I promise you."

Chu Yan nodded.

Mo Qiong: "..." "But Master Chu, Bai Family ..." Mo Qiong also wanted to struggle for Bai Family.

As a native of the same boat, she absolutely did not believe that the Bai family was involved.

She pointed at the shivering masculine--this action, she would never dare if it was done in the past.

"He married a woman from the Bai family."


Chu Yan glanced at her lightly, and then sneered, "Then it is more likely that Bai's collusion with him.

Mo Qiong: "..." She also knows that during the day, the Bai family actually did not do well.

People sent so precious treasures of heaven and earth, and you accepted them, but in the end they did nothing.

If only it was her.

After all, the monks in Tongzhou City are willing to whatever they do for the Bai family.

But Lord Chu is not.

Thinking about each other, Mo Qiong felt that it was better to invite the people from the Bai family.

So she gritted her teeth and finally stomped her foot, "Master Chu, please wait a moment, I'll go back when I go."

Mo Qiong turned and went immediately.

Chu Yan didn't leave any trace marks on the other person.

He didn't worry that Mo Qiong would betray her.

He knew Mo Qiongdi.

As long as the other party is not afraid to kill him, she betrays her.

As for whether the Bai family would hold down Mo Qiong or do anything detrimental to him.

In fact, Chu Yan was quite expecting the other party to do so.

Because that way, you will become famous.

Unfortunately, things did not go according to Chu Yan's expectations.

Within half an hour, Mo Qiong returned.

And he came with him, I saw him earlier, the patriarch of the Bai family.

Until this time, Chu Yan did not know the name of the Bai family leader, called Bai Ju.

It is not a problem to use the name as a name, but if the surname is white, the name will always be easy to give people a feeling of uselessness.

After Bai Ju entered the old house, first gave a gift to Chu Yan, and then quickly walked to the man in front of him, and slap on the other's face directly.

With a click, the sound is extremely loud.

Between you, the man's cheeks seemed to explode a ball of Mars.

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