Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1471: Can you afford it

"Changjin, are you crazy!"

Bai Ju's face was iron-blue at this moment, and he yelled loudly.

This male practitioner, called Chang Jin, also stayed at this time.

He kneeled in front of Chu Yan, psychologically acceptable, because he was severely beaten by Chu Yan, he was not the opponent of Chu Yan.

But judging from the realm, he is a master of the heavenly heart, and in terms of strength, he is crushed in vain.

In this case, why do you hit me in the face for nothing? What's more, I married a woman from your Bai family and became a cultivator, we are still relatives! A sigh of breath quickly condenses in Chang Jin's eyes.

But the next moment, Bai Ju loudly said, "You know what Lord Chu gave us to the Bai family just this afternoon! A 300-year-old treasure blood ice pupil Lingzhi, in order to extend the life of the ancestors! He is very affectionate to Master Chu and told me personally that Master Chu is a noble guest of our Bai family! "

As soon as this word came out, he often breathed in and stagnate. Not only did the eyes lose their breath, the body shook again uncontrollably.

Offending a passing monk, even if the other party is a little stronger, it is not completely unfair.

The big deal is to pay more.

But now, the other party let the Bai family ancestors open their mouths and bear the affection! Those are two completely different concepts.

"I, I ..." Chang Jin gritted his teeth. "I was wrong, Master Chu is not good for me. I am fascinated. I saw your spirit, so greed arises. If you want, I hope I can compensate you. Loss."

Listen, if you want to compensate others for their losses, you also need to whisper and get the consent of others.

What's more, now is still a heavenly master, a monk who is begging for the land of the earth.

In fact, Bai Ju's purpose is to hope that Chang Jin can say this.

Chang Jin was brought up by the Bai family.

Relying on the prestige of the Bai family, it is not impossible to respond in this city of Zhouzhou, but how long it can last is a problem.

By reputation and prestige, there is never a powerful monk, and a person with real power comes more effectively.

So Chang Jin, a female of the Bai family, played such a role.

He and the Bai family are also mutually beneficial.

But who knows, he did such a messy thing today.

Now Bai Ju's hope is that the popularity of this great Chu has almost disappeared. After knowing the close relationship between Chang Jin and his family, looking at Bai's face, he can lift it high, lower it gently, and apply it slightly. Poor punishment is fine.

After all, he came with a task today.

Before leaving, the ancestor specifically called him to his side and told him several words.

The ancestor said that Chang Jin was a help that Baijia spent a lot of people and resources to pile up. If there is an opportunity, it must be preserved.

Seeing that Chu Yan did not immediately express his attitude, but revealed a look of contemplation, Bai Ju cleared his throat, and said, "Master Chu, although he often deserves his crimes, my Bai family can't tolerate it, but I don't know if he is willing to compensate. Can you raise your expensive hand and give him a chance to reform? "

Chu Yan raised his eyes and looked towards Bai Bai with a smile on his face: "compensation?

Can he afford it? "

In the tone, there was an unabashed mockery.

This remark stopped in Chang Jin's ears, and immediately made him feel blood, and poured into his brain.

The slap before Bai Ju already filled Chang Jin with resentment. At this time, the tone of Chu Yan made him feel lost.

So he said the sentence that I am most regretted tonight: "How many spirit stones are in your body, I will pay you twice as much!"

After speaking, he was stubbing his neck and staring at Chu Yan firmly, his eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

He said this, and Bai Ju immediately strangled his heart.

You stupid, can't you tell what is happening now?

The thing tonight is that you are wrong.

Now it's pulling Baijia into the water.

Your current behavior makes me feel that the contacts and resources consumed by our Bai family have been hit on dogs.

No, I smashed it onto a dog. At least the dog knew the protector.

As for you, you are now pushing our Bai family into the fire pit! Chang Jin didn't know Bai Ju's mood at the moment.

Or, even if he knew, he didn't care.

All he had to fight now was breath.

If you lose, you can slap me for nothing, but it's not allowed to say that I can't get thousands of spirit stones! Chang Jin's abacus at the moment was also crackling.

He calculated it, and Chu Yan purchased the map in the city today, and it cost two or three thousand spirit stones.

Normally, the storage space for a monk's storage bag is limited.

Even if you have some special storage magic weapons, the space inside it will be as big as a room.

A room can be filled with up to two or three thousand spirit stones.

Therefore, Chang Jin believed that Chu Yan had spent almost all the spirit stones when purchasing the map.

What's more, in his mind, he just bought maps, and wherever he needs so many spirit stones, this guy is completely burnt.

In general, even if you have a lot of spirit stones, you can't carry them all with you.

According to legend, there is a storage magic weapon that can accommodate mountains and seas, but you can never be so unlucky. When you encounter a divine realm that can challenge the mind of the sky, you also have that kind of storage magic.

With such a mindset, Chang Jin stared at Chu Yan, waiting for him to say something.

"Three or five thousand spirit stones, no, seven or eight thousand spirit stones, I'll pay you."

Chang Jin almost gritted his teeth and said the words, "How much more do you have on your body, report the number, and I will pay you twice as much."

He waited for Chu Yan to panic.

But isn't it? In the face of such a wealthy self, the momentum of the other party should start to weaken.

But Chu Yan just looked at him with a smile: "If you can't afford it, then you can only fill it with life."

Looking at Chu Yan's playful look, Chang Jin could not help but hesitate.

The original self-confident heart couldn't help but shake it, the spirit was stunned for a while: "No ..." The other side looked left and right, and it didn't look like there were thousands of spirit stones on his body.

Bai Ju and Mo Qiong were together.

This is what Master Chu said--it's so enviable and jealous.

Then they saw Chu Yan flipping his wrist.

Then, they saw Lingshan ... Lingshi piled up, mountains ... Just came up and didn't go in for a while, banged, and kneeled on the ground again.

Tears slid down his eyes.

I don't know if I was scared or if my eyes were stimulated by this blue light.

Bai Ju just took a breath, and was drunk because of the sharply increasing concentration of Reiki in the air.

Mo Qiong froze for a moment, then suddenly felt that a ray of light was approaching his heart.

She is going to be promoted! "No."

Chu Yan look at Mo Qiong.

If the other party wants to be promoted, he will not be reluctant to be so aura.

After all, he had a good impression of Mo Qiong.

This can be seen from Mo Qiong's willingness to go to the strange place in the evil brutal rain forest to collect medicine for the Bai family with the thought of a lifetime of nine deaths.

But if Mo Qiong is to be aura, this Lingshan cannot be moved away.

In this way, wouldn't it let Chang Jin and Bai Ju take advantage?

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