Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1472: I want to blow myself up

"You concentrate on promotion."

Chu Yan glanced back at Mo Qiong, who was sincere and fearful, and said.

Mo Qiong sat down on his knees and began to hit the realm.

Now her condition can be said to be the best and the worst.

The best is because at this time, because of the appearance of Lingshan, the aura is rich and extremely pure, making this old house almost a blessed place.

If it wasn't for Chu Yan's formation of the Forbidden Spirit array here, and if the auras of the area were blocked from the outside world by yin and yang, I am afraid that the whole city of Tongzhou would be alarmed at this moment.

Therefore, promotion in this environment will not only be extremely smooth, but also have a solid foundation.

This is an opportunity that many monks cannot ask for.

The worst is because, if Chu Yan felt that the other party was suspected of having aura, he would take Lingshan back directly.

Then Mo Qiong was out of luck.

Even if she rushed out of the area blocked by the Forbidden Spirit, she couldn't find a suitable place to hit the realm for a moment.

The result is the best and best, that is, the promotion failed, and then the next promotion is ten times more difficult.

In the worst case, Daoji is damaged and the fall is normal.

However, Mo Qiong was most fortunate that her previous performance made Her Highness Chu's senses not bad.

So I lost my aura.

His Royal Highness Chu also now has rich capital.

But the other two people, Chu Yan, were obviously not welcome.

One was the patriarch, but broke up with Chu Yan in the afternoon.

The other one is the guy Chu Yan must kill today.

Just kidding.

You want to kill me, and now your mouth is moving, so that someone who has no weight in my heart will show affection, and you want me to spare you?

Have you ever thought about spare me?

The logic of Chu Yan is clear: If you want to kill me, you must be prepared to be killed back by me.

If you had no compassion at that time, don't even think about moral abduction now, let me let you go.

"Can you afford it?"

Chu Yan sneered, the killing in his eyes began to condense.

"I, I ..." Chang Jin froze, looking up for help.

At this time, Bai Ju didn't squint, then took a step to the side.

The meaning is clear: I can't control your business.

The ancestor also said that if the adult Chu showed enough weight, then often advances and then breaks.

The situation is already obvious.

A strange man with Lingshan on his body.

Not to mention the value of this Lingshan.

Just the magic weapon that can hold this Lingshan storage, I am afraid that ordinary people can't carry it.

Such people cannot offend the Bai family.

Such people will never have any relationship with the monsters in the evil rain forest.

Because of monsters-not so rich.

Bai Ju's attitude made Chang Jin's body tremble violently.

I don't know if he is angry or scared.

"I was just a ghost for a moment ... How could I think of you having so many spirit stones ... I have never done such a thing in the past ... I am ... I am an aide of the city's main government ..." At the same time, there was incoherence.

At this time he also wanted to understand one thing.

Compared with the storage magic weapon that the other party does not know yet, what is the 2,000 spirit stone?

If he came to the treasure store, he can feel better now.

After all, value for money, after all, wealth and wealth seek.

And now, for two thousand spirit stones, he is about to lose his life.

Too bad! Chang Jin stunned the whole person for a while, and in his eyes, he was stern and began to condense sharply. He reached out his fingers and drank loudly: "I know, you just want to pit me! Normal people who will Bring so many spirit stones! Even if I die, I won't let you do it! I want to blow my heart! "

With a roar, Chang Jin's chest suddenly burst into dazzling white light.

A wave of coercion, like a tumbling tide, came towards the surroundings.

The nearest Bai Ju flew out.

At this moment, the formation of Chu Yan's formation also cracked, as if the next moment would collapse.

"I want to die with you!"

In the shining white light, the features of Chang Jin began to blur.

Lingshan was shaking, and aura was surging.

At this moment, it seems that the disaster is about to fall.

Bai Ju, who just flew out, was full of despair at the moment.

The self-explosion of the heavenly heart is tantamount to a horrific explosion that the monk of the heavenly mind squeezed all his strength.

Although it is not magical, its power is higher than magical.

The reason is very simple. A monk in the state of mind can only cast it once in his life.

After using it, I no longer exist.

The coercion that erupts at the cost of life is full of aura impact and consciousness impact. Power is often at least 50% stronger than a full-strength magical power.

At this point, if Chang Jintian's heart exploded, let alone this old house, which was twenty or thirty miles away, would be wiped out in no time.

Bai Ju wanted to escape at this time, it is no longer possible.

In a dazzling white light, Bai Ju felt his body was getting lighter.

"Is this how it feels like the soul is flying away?"

Bai Ju thought.

Just then, a sigh came in the white light.

"Well--" The voice was a little helpless.

It's like a person watching someone's poor performance and has been reluctant to take it apart.

But now, I can't help it.

So he sent a helpless sigh, ready to stop it.

The next moment, in the white light, a hand stretched out and pressed against Chang Jin's head.

Then this hand grew at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

The hands become like dragons, such as dragons, and the majestic strength is twisted into a force field at this moment.

"Blood offering Dafa——" After the giant hand, Chu Yan's voice came.

Immediately hold the palm.

In a scream, blood exploded.

Bright red instantly replaced white light.

Together, the coercion that erupts at any time, disappears in a blink of an eye.

It seems that the hunting wind suddenly turned into a warm breeze in the spring, and it was not cold and comfortable.

Chu Yan's hand suddenly exploded Chang Jin, and squeezed him into a thick mass of flesh and blood.

Chang Jin's fall brings aura feedback.

The aura in the old house suddenly became richer.

I thought desperately that I was going to die.

The next moment I found that I was not dead, and I could breathe aura almost like Qiongyeyuyu.

Bai Ju felt that the ups and downs of life were really exciting.

His face became more ruddy, so much like a monkey's ass.

Taking a deep breath, he wobbled and seemed to want to say something to Chu Yan.

But after opening his mouth a few times, before he had time to make a sound, he made a splash and fell to the ground happily with his face closed, his eyes closed, and drooling from the corners of his mouth.

"Drunk spirit-" Chu Yan glanced at each other.

This seemingly acquaintance scene he had seen on a greedy pig.

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