Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1483: Too fierce (on)

On Gaopo's side, Bai Xiuxiu's breath was held, his eyes didn't blink, and he seemed extremely nervous.

Chu Yan is a lot calmer.

More than that, he wanted to see what special effects the other two artifacts in Huang Ze had.

At this time, Huang Ze had quietly arrived under the tree.

The multicolored rope also seemed to cover up the sound.

But Chu Yan noticed that the color of the rope had changed.

I don't know if it is because too much sulfur is inhaled. The rope has begun to glow yellow, and the original multicolored color has become much bleak.

He held the one-foot tube and lifted it upward.

Suddenly, the tube shone with a white light.

The light was sick and intense.

Immediately, the red sulphur fire scorpions that had hung from the tree branches before shaking.

But at the same time, there were loud, thunderous sounds from all directions, accompanied by roaring sounds.

The sound came extremely quickly.

And a louder than a loud noise, fierce friction, collision, and for a moment, turned into an amazing momentum.

Above Gaopo, Bai Xiuxiu's complexion was shaken pale, and anxiously asked, "What's going on!"

"The red sulphur fire scorpions around are quickly coming together."

Chu Yan said.

He felt surprised at this moment.

I really didn't expect that the movement of this red sulphur fire scorpion was so big that it could make a sound like the roar of a beast.

After a few blinks of effort, the tide-like red sulfur fire scorpion emerged from the dense forest all around, and the momentum was as if it was about to engulf Huang Ze next moment.

Seeing this scene, Bai Xiuxiu was so nervous that his body was stretched, and he didn't move. His eyes looked straight forward, his breathing was frozen.

At this time, facing the tide of beasts that would be engulfing himself, Huang Ze's face did not show any confusion.

After the tube in his hand glowed a white light again, the four red sulphur fire scorpions hanging from the branches seemed to be drunk, shaken, and fell down.

Huang Ze had already prepared the magic weapon pockets, and quickly drew them all into the four red sulfur fire scorpions.

The white light that just flickered for the second time was an unabashed provocation for the red sulfur fire scorpion flowing around.

Immediately, the sound of roar shook the jungle.

The sound waves rushed around, turning into hurricanes, and the trees were rattling.

Huang Ze's body quickly leaped backwards at this moment.

Almost as soon as he jumped away, a wave of red sulfur fire scorpion rushing to the front had already pierced his tail on the short tree where he had just stayed.

In a blink of an eye, the dwarf tree became yellow and withered, and could not die any more.

Huang Ze did not hesitate, and threw the pipe in his hand toward the red sulfur fire scorpion.

The pipe flew out like a streamer, plunged into a large group of red sulfur fire scorpions, and suddenly exploded.

The tube exploded and there was no flare, and the lasing was a large piece of ice and water.

The red sulfur fire scorpion seemed to be afraid of the ice and water, and the momentum of the forward rush was suddenly delayed.

Huang Ze took the opportunity to fly back hundreds of feet quickly.

Then he grabbed the rope around him and drew towards the red sulfur fire scorpion that continued to rush.

The original multicolored rope had now turned completely yellow.

The moment he was pulled out by Huang Ze, the rope blew open.

The smoke absorbed before the rope was all released at this moment, turning into tide water visible to the naked eye, a violent impact.

The red sulphur fire scorpion rushing to the front was immediately lifted up.

This force will not cause any substantial harm to the monsters in the wisdom period.

However, after the impact of this smoke, this large red sulphur fire scorpion that originally chased Huang Ze seemed to have lost its target and turned into a headless fly. It wandered around for a while and then dispersed.

At this time, Huang Ze had also returned to the high slope.

Looking at his tight face, Chu Yan also didn't know what to say.

For the four red sulphur fire scorpions, the monk of the state of mind took risks and damaged two spirits.

This price is really a bit large.

Thinking of this, Chu Yan glanced deeply at Bai Xiuxiu, but said nothing.

Huang Ze came over and smiled: "It went well."

The smoothness of losing the two artifacts-these words were not spoken.

He pointed to the pocket of his opponent: "Can you see?"

"Well, you can watch it after you put it in."

Huang Ze held the pocket in front of Chu Yan and opened it.

Bai Xiuxiu came together curiously.

The four red sulfur fire scorpions were not simply packed in this pocket.

This pocket is a magic weapon after all.

The four red sulphur fire scorpions all lay on the side of their pockets.

The red sulfur fire scorpion is much larger than the ordinary scorpion.

Every red sulphur fire scorpion here is close to the length of an ordinary person's forearm, and it is extremely thick and dark, and looks like a thick black pipa.

Especially the tail of the red sulfur fire scorpion, a total of nine knots.

The closer to the tip of the tail, the redder the color.

As for the tip of the tail, it was red like a flame.

In addition, there is a yellow bulge below the tail and the body.

There seemed to be liquid shaking inside.

Without Huang Ze's introduction, Chu Yan also knows that the poisonous sulfur that surrounds it must be from this bulging.

At first glance, the red sulfur fire scorpion makes people feel fierce.

Because no matter how you say, this is also the monster in the wisdom period. In other words, in terms of strength, it is comparable to the land of the human monks.

But the four in this pocket were honest.

Not only did not say a word, but did not move.

The main reason is that at this time each body is hooped with three white haloes, which respectively hug the head, body and tail.

These three white haloes firmly controlled the four red sulfur fire scorpions.

The power seemed to be more overbearing than the **** cord used to seal the aura within the monk.

Seeing that Chu Yan was looking carefully, Huang Ze explained: "The red sulfur fire scorpion has a mouth on its belly and can make a thunderous thunder.

And this roar also contains a certain ability to attack.

If you are not careful, you may even experience a brief loss.

But if they are installed inside, their blood is imprisoned.

Not only was the body unable to move, it was impossible to yell, and the fire poison at the tail could not be released, and the sulfur gas could not be sprayed out. "


Chu Yan nodded, then pointed to a wet mark under the red sulfur fire scorpion, and asked, "What's this?"

At this time, although the red sulfur fire scorpions were motionless, a transparent liquid had appeared under them.

The transparent liquid dripped down the side of the pocket, and at the bottom of the pocket, a small beach accumulated.

But Chu Yan noticed that the liquid had no smell and was similar in color to water.

"Oh, this pocket is called Qianqiu bag. It can melt the monsters in it. In the end, it only keeps the fire poison we need, that is, the scorpion tail."

Huang Ze explained.

After hearing what the other person said, Chu Yan remembered it. The Shenmu Ding he had had similar functions.

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