Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1484: Too fierce (below)

After Huang Ze finished his explanation, he looked at Chu Yan with a jerk: "Master Chu, what are you going to do?"

Huang Ze was full of curiosity at the moment.

From a realm point of view, as a Master of the Heavenly Heart, he was so careful, and after knowing the habits and characteristics of the red sulfur fire scorpion in many ways, he developed the hunting method today.

Chu Yan just rose on the whim, and although the realm was a triple perfection of the Yuanyuan Realm, it was still separated by a threshold from the state of mind.

But the problem is, Chu Yan now looks like he doesn't care, it seems that he doesn't realize how dangerous it is to hunt red sulfur fire scorpion.

Coupled with this, he seemed to have thought of smashing the red sulfur fire scorpion here.

At this time Huang Ze was looking forward to seeing whether there was any special means for Master Chu.

After all, the other party can kill Master Tianxin. Maybe there is a more powerful magic weapon?

Or is it a map?

"How to do it?"

Chu Yan thought for a while, "Will you guys wait here for a day?"


Huang Ze and Bai Xiuxiu were puzzled.

"I will kill them as soon as possible."

Chu Yan's voice fell, and he jumped straight uphill.

Huang Ze was dumbfounded.

When he went down, he could almost be described as "sneaking."

In order to prevent the vigilance of red sulfur fire scorpion.

But now, Chu Yan jumped like a thunder, with a loud bang, the ground was shaking, and the trees within dozens of feet were swaying wildly.

Almost the next moment, Huang Ze and Bai Xiuxiu could hear the dense sounds, accompanied by an amazing roar, running from a distance.

"Oops! Master Chu, this is going to be under siege by Red Sulfur Fire Scorpion!"

Huang Ze changed his face immediately.

He even knew that before, he had detonated the colorful rope, covering his breath, and making the red sulfur fire scorpion chasing himself lost his target.

The red sulfur fire scorpion is irritable, and now the anger must not have been able to vent.

As a result, Chu Yan suddenly ran into it, and his current behavior, in the eyes of the red sulfur fire scorpion, must be naked provocation.

In this way, the siege of red sulfur fire scorpion will only be more violent and more fierce! "Xiu Xiu, stay here and don't move, I'll go down and get Master Chu!"

Huang Ze said hastily.

At this moment in his heart he complained more about Chu Yan.

I did n’t tell you all the precautions. Why do n’t you seem to hear anything?

I told the donkey?

Just then, a long howl came from the deep pit of the dense forest.

The place where the sound came out was a few miles away from where Chu Yan had landed before.

"None of you should come down, I can't care to protect you!"

This is the voice of Chu Yan.

And listening to the noise, he turned out in the direction of the red sulfur fire scorpion.

Huang Ze, who had already taken off in the air, had his feet half a foot off the ground, and immediately choked.

He and Bai Xiuxiu looked at each other, but his throat was a little dry: "I ... or ... wait and see?"

Bai Xiuxiu's look was also indescribable.

After hesitating, he said, "Well, wait ... look at it ... now, it's probably too late."

Almost as soon as Bai Xiuxiu's words fell, a terrifying shock broke out from the dense forest more than ten miles away.

boom! In a horrible hurricane, a large dwarf tree was uprooted in an instant, rolled up in the air, smashed, and trunks and leaves were flying wild.

Huang Ze and Bai Xiuxiu just turned their heads and looked startled, as loud as the roar of the gods and the thunderous explosion of nine days, also came from this deep pit.

The next moment, they saw an endless red sulphur fire scorpion, like a black tide, rushing towards the location just swept by the hurricane.

Large yellow smoke plummeted into the clouds.

The terrible poison is as if it would erode the sky into a big cave.

Huang Ze and Bai Xiuxiu were dull at the moment.

Huang Ze licked his dry lips: "I'm going at this time ... It doesn't seem to have any effect ..." "Hmm ..." Bai Xiuxiu groaned, "Master Chu ..." "Now ... … Look at the fortunes ... Master Chu is really ... ”Huang Ze didn't want to say that unlucky words, but at the moment he really didn't know what to say.

After hesitating for a while, he said, "Let's wait for him for an hour."

Being able to wait here for an hour, Huang Ze and Bai Xiuxiu are also benevolent.

Because in their opinion, Chu Yan was able to persevere for several breaths at once, and it was considered a miracle.

The possibility of escape is less than one in a million, not to mention the "big words" he said before.

The next time, Huang Ze and Bai Xiuxiu stood on the high slope, waiting for time to pass.

But gradually, they felt something was wrong.

Because of the roar of the red sulfur fire scorpion, it never stopped.

At one point, the momentum reached its highest level, shaking almost the entire deep pit, as if a catastrophic disaster was coming.

A few breaths have passed ... a tea time has passed ... a meal time has passed ... half an hour has passed ... the roar of the red sulfur fire scorpion has not stopped, and the sound seems to be full Anger and resentment.

Bai Xiuxiu turned his head and looked at Huang Ze.

Seeing Huang Ze's dull look, she could even guess her look at this moment.

The Red Sulphur Fire Scorpion will only keep roaring when it encounters threats and dangers.

This is not just an offensive to the enemy, but also a signal to gather the surrounding companions.

The red sulfur fire scorpion is a herd of monsters. As long as one of them appears, there must be a group around.

So as long as one of them yells, they will gather dozens, hundreds, or even thousands in an instant.

But now listening to the roar of the roar, the gathered red sulfur fire scorpion, I am afraid that it has exceeded one thousand.

They are still feeling threats, they are constantly launching offensives, and they are convening more companions. Does that mean that Huang Ze shivered.

He dare not think about it.

"Is this a bit too scary. Under the attack of Red Sulphur and Fire Scorpion, it has persisted for half an hour. Is this a bit too fierce?"

Huang Ze felt incredible.

An hour's agreement soon arrived.

During this period, the roar of the red sulfur fire scorpion never stopped.

And the sulphur fumes gathered in the deep pits have become so thick that it is not just that they can't see the inside of the deep pits. It is also to the point where looking at them, their eyes will tingle and tear! In fact, Huang Ze and Bai Xiuxiu are no longer on the original high **** at this moment, but have retreated a hundred feet and are facing the deep pit.

Otherwise, their eyes won't stand.

Counting the time, Bai Xiuxiu turned his head again and looked towards Huang Ze: "Should we do what he said-" "Wait! Wait a full day!"

Huang Ze bit his teeth.

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