Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1488: Bull snake and rat

After saying this, Huang Ze's eyes suddenly flashed: "Master Chu, are you willing to trade?"

"It depends on whether the things the Bai family brings out will satisfy me."

Chu Yan said.

He certainly couldn't answer it now.

However, His Highness Chu still believed that with the Bai family's heritage and accumulation, there must be some good things.

See if you can dig it out.

As for why Chu Yan is willing to exchange materials, it is even simpler.

With the remaining thirty-one treasure troves in the monsoon pond, he didn't need to worry about the magic weapon and the materials of the smelter.

What's more, the low-level magic artifacts made by Da'ao are not what Chu Yan needs to pursue now.

Therefore, using these things that you don't need, it is naturally appropriate to trade to the rare treasures that can enhance the element attributes of itself.

As for the details of the transaction, it doesn't make sense to talk about it here.

Chu Yan plans to wait for the Wannian Savage Dragon to go to the Bai Family to take a look.

This family, even though it looks dilapidated now, at least the shelf is still there.

If you dig deeper, Chu Yan believes that it can dig out some good things.

It was too simple to think of Bai family before.

How can a simple family that can simultaneously appear with more than a dozen sky-high moods at the peak and control a city?

At this time, Chu Yan was able to get the promise, and Huang Ze was full of joy.

This joy was even written on the face.

This made his face beaming with joy when he returned.

Although Bai Yanxiu had not completely heard the conversation between Chu Yan and Huang Ze before, at this time she also knew that Master Chu and her family would surely have a connection.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling a little happy.

Walking towards the direction where the spirit boat had stopped, Bai Xiuxiu suddenly sniffed: "How does it have a sweet taste?"

"Have it?"

Huang Ze was puzzled.

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed, and he stopped: "Yes."

Huang Ze looked around puzzledly, but at this time, his expression also became serious.

In places such as the evil rain forest, any unusual behavior may threaten life.

窸 窸窣 窣 ——Soon, a fine sound came from behind a leaf in front of the three of them.

At the same time, there was a sound of muttering.

The voice was sharp and thin, like a person holding a throat and talking.

"Hurry up, you big dumb cow, Bai grows so big.

Wrong and wrong, here it is! Over here!看看 Look, this guy walks and twists, and it's not difficult to walk in a straight line, it's really sad to me! "

Chu Yan and Huang Ze looked at each other.

Listening quietly, it is three people.

The next moment there was a bang, and the leaves not far away were lifted.

A tall figure appeared in front of everyone.

"This is ..." Bai Xiuxiu, standing behind Chu Yan and Huang Ze, looked through the gap between the two, and couldn't help but cry out in surprise, "A cow walking upright?"

Stepping out at this moment and appearing in front of the three, as Bai Xiuxiu said, was a cow walking upright! However, the whole body of this cow is dark red in color. The muscles on its body give it a feeling of explosive power, and its height is almost as high as a floor.

Although the cow looks strong, it gives a less intelligent look.

A pair of bull's eyes widened, full of blankness and ignorance.

With the twist of the neck, the big head slowly turned to the left, and then slowly turned to the right.

Even when I saw Chu Yan and a few of them, they didn't stop looking.

It completely gives the feeling of a fool immersed in his own world.

But neither Chu Yan nor Huang Ze took it lightly.

Because this cow is metamorphosis! Don't look at it like a cow now, but standing on two hind legs and walking straight has already explained the problem.

The so-called metamorphosis period of the monster is not to say that it will definitely be an adult.

Some monsters feel that their original appearance is good-looking, and then they will maintain their original appearance.

And this cow is probably just not so smart, so it doesn't look like a human.

Anyway, a demon cow in the metamorphosis period is enough to hang Huang Ze.

Metamorphosis Daniel's head finally turned to Chu Yan where they were.

The three men and one cow started to stare.

Daniel's eyes were still confused.

So that when humans and monsters confront each other, it should have been a tense atmosphere, and for a moment it became a little funny and frustrating.

The scene was quiet for about three or four breaths.

Suddenly, an old voice broke the silence.

"Let a let, let a let, you stand in my way."

The voice came from behind Daniel.

The demon cow's huge body took a step to the side.


The ground trembled noticeably.

Huang Ze frowned.

At this time, it is hard to imagine how the Daniel walked silently before.

After the demon cow gave way, an old woman with short body and white hair dragged to the heel, wrinkled face, walked out slowly on crutches.

The old woman looked a bit strange, her eyes were thin and she had no nose. It was supposed to be the location of the nose. There were only two thin gaps, and her mouth was flat.

"Well, why are there three monks here, and those scorpions?"

The old woman raised her cane and asked Huang Ze a finger.

Her voice was old and dry, but when she opened her mouth, she could see her long, slender tongue, and swiped out quickly.

Relevant to the previous thin voice, Chu Yan's heart suddenly moved: "Oh, snake, this guy is a deformed monster snake?"

Chu Yan glanced towards Huang Ze.

Master Huang obviously thought of this at the moment.

Because there was a clear sweat on his head.

A metamorphosis demon cow is enough to cause headaches.

Now there is another metamorphosis monster.

And looking at the ghostly appearance of this demon snake, it is obviously a bad master.

In contrast, the demon cow is much more intimate and cute.

"Two monsters are transformed, what about one more?"

Chu murmured.

Before he remembered, he spoke a thin voice.

As soon as his voice fell, the thin voice sounded from Daniel.

"Hey, you three, what are you doing with the scorpions!"

But it is strange that you can only hear the sound, but you cannot see the person.

It's impossible for this sound to come from the bull's mouth.

Although the bull's beak was moving, it was clearly chewing the leaves of the tree and did not speak.

"What are you looking at! Uncle Ben is here!"

The thin voice sounded again.

At this time, Chu Yan they saw that on the waist-twisted shoulder, a gray dry and thin mouse, probably the size of an adult fist, was standing there with her arms folded.

I don't know if it's angry or what's going on, my eyes widened, my teeth grinned, and my beards shook on both sides.

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