Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1489: Old earthworm you are dead

Some people may find it funny when they see such a mouse.

But at this moment, Huang Ze's blood was cold all over his body.

Another metamorphosis period! Don't look down on this gray mouse, it's thin and looks ridiculous.

But this is a real transformational monster! If there is only one monster in the metamorphosis period, Huang Ze will feel okay.

After all, he was in the state of mind, and there was a chu yan that could play with the state of mind.

If the two monsters are in the metamorphosis period, Huang Ze will feel some pressure.

It may take a lot of effort, and then he or Chu Yan will first solve his opponent and then help another person, then he is still sure of winning.

But now it is the big demon of the three-headed metamorphosis period.

Huang Ze looked at himself, then Chu Yan, and then at Bai Xiuxiu, his eyes were full of despair.

Bai Xiuxiu also felt danger at this time.

Although she was low in her realm, she did not know the realm of the three monsters.

But it is also because of his low level that he can more feel the coercion from the three monsters.

At this moment, she felt that the air at the scene had solidified, and the void seemed to solidify into an iron plate.

At this moment, she can guarantee to stand here, it is already amazing.

After all, compared to any of the three monsters in front of her, she seemed like a stone in front of a mountain, which was insignificant.

Of the three, only Chu Yan's posture was comfortable.

He squinted his eyes slightly and looked coldly at these three deformed monsters.

Because Chu Yan is in the realm of the earth, he can naturally feel the coercion from the other side.

But the Tianxinjing monk he killed, now has more than one hand.

The sense of mystery and psychological oppression from high-level monks, or monsters, is no longer here.

The other is because he has the essence and blood of higher-level monsters.

Whether it's a sea-splitting beast, a white tiger, or a unicorn, which one is no better than the snake, cow, or mouse in front of you.

Therefore, this kind of pedigree advantage also makes Chu Yan look down on these three monsters.

What can be felt, that is, the gap in the realm, brings the slightest coercion.

And that's it.

At this moment, the calmness and calmness of Chu Yan, even containing a high spirit, was soon discovered by these three monsters.

Their eyes fell on Chu Yan's body.

The demon cow's eyes are as big as three fists of an adult; the devil's angry, blinking little green pea eyes; and the devil's snake is full of insidiousness, and there is only a small gap between the eyes. Wang Xiang Chu Yan.

The atmosphere at the scene was not slowed down because their attention fell on Chu Yan.

On the contrary, the intention of killing that began to permeate the scene became even more killing.

The air seemed to start to smell bloody.

Huang Ze was ready for a desperate fight.

And he stepped aside, blocking Bai Xiuxiu behind him.

Huang Ze has made up his mind at this moment.

Even if he falls here, he must do his best to get time for Bai Xiuxiu to leave.

The atmosphere suddenly became more dignified.

At this moment, the uncle suddenly spoke.

It sounded like a late old man, but it got into his ears clearly.

"That young monk, do you know what happened to the Red Sulphur Fire Scorpion?"

Listening to this tone is quite gentle.

People who do n’t know may think they are the elders and are asking the juniors about something.

Huang Ze and Bai Xiuxiu's bodies even loosened a bit.

Maybe-these three monsters are just passing by and asking about the situation?

But Chu Yan's body shook suddenly at this time.

After a moment, he yanked out the Beheaded Soul, smirked with a finger, and grinned his teeth: "Old earthworm, you know you are dead today!"

At that moment, the pair of narrow snake eyes also showed a very shocking look.

When others were still wondering what happened, Chu Yan stepped out.

"Thousands of miles away!"

"Irritated sword!"

boom! Seems like a flat mine surge.

Jianmang exploded at such a close distance, like a fiery red dragon, roaring and dragging her into it, together with the space where she was, the whole exploded into a mud.

When others saw this scene, they could not help but trembled their hairs and felt a chill, cracking along the spine and straight up.


A scream came from the terrifying swordman.

The next moment you can see a green-black figure, like a python, rushing out of a gap in the sword-mantle, bringing up a gust of wind, and instantly submerged into the distant forest.

At the moment when the python disappeared, everyone could clearly see that the tail of the python was blurred with flesh and blood, apparently suffering a minor injury.

"I dared run if you attacked the old earthworm?

Do n’t shatter you today. I have your last name! "

His Royal Highness Chu laughed again and again, a rat demon who had been stagnant at the moment and a demon cow still blank on his face, "You wait here for me, and you can't go anywhere!"

After speaking Shi Wanli, he chased out in the direction that Xi just ran away.

From the opening of the speech by Chu, at this moment Chu Yan's electric radio chased out, everything happened in the electric light flint.

There is so much information emerging at this moment.

For a moment, the two men and the two beasts on the scene were all in situ, not knowing what happened.

After a while, they gradually came back to each other and looked at each other.

It seems speculated that it should be a grafting interrogation, but what practical way it has attacked Chu Yan.

I should be confident that the attack could succeed, but I did not expect that Chu Yan resisted it.

Not only that, they immediately launched a counterattack.

But this is no longer the point.

The focus now is on the two remaining beasts.

If Huang Ze had been desperate before, then he is desperate now.

The two monsters of the metamorphosis period, he has a heavenly state of mind.

Bai Xiuxiu in the condensed context can be ignored.

If the other party suddenly has a problem at this moment, he may be the most, so he can only delay a few breaths.

What can be done in such a short time?

But soon, Huang Ze found that things seemed different from what he imagined.

Chu Yan has left. Before leaving, let the demon rat and demon cow not move.

But this demon rat and demon cow did not really move.

The monster mouse stood on the shoulder of the monster cow, staring at Huang Ze and Bai Xiuxiu.

It's just that they look different.

One looked startled, one ... still blank.

Huang Ze's beating heart gradually calmed down.

He quickly understood why the other party was not moving.

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