Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1491: Exciting game

Hearing the words of Chu Yan, Huang Ze and Bai Xiuxiu were stunned.

Four hours, when converted, is less than half a day.

That sacrifice period is not fake, but Chu Yan, as the realm of the earth, has the mentality of beheading the heavens, and relying only on God ’s consciousness, he can convince the guru Huang Ze to take oral medicine.

I didn't think there was any problem before.

Now thinking about it, the four hours really took a long time.

And if you are looking forward now, Huang Ze and Bai Xiuxiu have also discovered that Chu Yan's eyebrows have a rare appearance of fatigue.

"In the end what happened?"

Huang Ze could not help asking.

"We all underestimated the 10,000 Years Wild Dragon. This evil brutal rainforest is actually under its control."

Chu Yan took a deep breath. "For the specific situation, I don't have time to elaborate on it now. As long as you know now, there are a lot of monsters coming together here.

In that time, in addition to the cricket, I also beheaded two other big monsters in the metamorphosis period, and made some misleading, so that other monsters thought that I was going in a different direction.

So now you should have time to leave here. "

"More monsters ..." Bai Xiuxiu froze.

Huang Ze thinks more deeply than Bai Xiuxiu.

At this moment, after listening to Chu Yan's speech, he hesitated for a moment, then immediately understood what the other party said.

Everyone thought that Wannian Savage Dragon only controlled the area where he was.

But what was unexpected was that this guy had already controlled the whole evil rain forest.

Even if it is not complete, most of what happened in the rainforest area is well known.

After all, the action of beheading the red sulfur fire scorpion was still a little bigger.

Therefore, under the orders of Wannian Savage Dragon, many monsters are enclosing towards this side.

If it were later, the consequences would be unthinkable.

With that thought, Huang Ze's back was soaked.

"We were lucky. We met these three monsters first.

If it were later, we would not be able to leave if we were surrounded by monsters. "

After Chu Yan said, they have started the spiritual boat for the two.

And he turned away from the cabin and was about to leave.

"So, Lord Chu, why don't you go with us?"

Bai Xiuxiu shouted at Chu Yan's back, "This spirit boat is also yours!"

Chu Yan paused and said, "I still want to kill Wannian Savage Dragon, you go back first, discuss the transaction with the Bai family ancestors, and I will come to you."

After that, he jumped down from the spirit boat.

And at this time, the spirit boat was racing towards the established route.

The dense forest outside the cabin at this moment turned into a ghost image and quickly moved backwards.

Bai Xiuxiu is still in a sluggish state: "Master Chu ... he wants to kill Wannian Savage Dragon?"

Huang Ze's face was also very serious at this time.

He knew that even if he stayed, his help to Chu Yan was extremely limited.

If you are now in Tongzhou City, facing a monster besiege, a heavenly state of mind may also play a role in affecting the battle situation.

But now it is in the evil rain forest, facing the monsters who do not know how many.

If he stays.

I'm afraid nobody knows when they die.

"Let's go back and talk to Master Chu's requirements with his ancestors, that's the best help for him."

Huang Ze gritted his teeth and said.

Then he took out several spirit stones, stuffed a few pills of elixir into his mouth, and meditated with his knees began to adjust his breath and resumed.

Because Chu Yan told him, because of an accident, this road can no longer be said to be completely safe.

Therefore, he must adjust his state to the best in the next few days to prevent accidents that may occur at any time.

At this moment, after seeing Lingzhou go away, Chu Yan suddenly covered her mouth and coughed a few times.

A ray of warm blood leaked from his fingers.

Chu Yan put his hand in front of him and looked at the bright red on his palm, grinning.

The white teeth in his mouth were scarlet at the moment because of being soaked in blood.

"It's cruel enough."

Chu Yan exhaled.

In fact, he is now more injured than he looks.

Otherwise, how could you easily let the demon rat and demon cow leave just now.

"It's also because the two brains are not very good, but after so long, they should react quickly."

Chu Yan hummed.

Look down and look at the blood on the palm, then shake your hand.

The blood in the palm of your hand suddenly turned into dozens of blood beads, and shot towards you.

Some fell on the treetops, some stuck to the trunk, and some fell into the dirt.

Then Chu Yan was moved.

Those scattered blood beads, squirming and condensing, turned into hidden eyes.

This time, Chu Yan is equivalent to dozens of eyes.

Everything in this area, even the most hidden place under the leaves, he could see clearly.

"It looks like a lot of blood will be consumed in the next period."

After a silent sigh, Chu Yan's mouth evoked a shallow arc.

"Hey, destroy a red sulfur fire scorpion, you start sending your men to kill me.

However, in this way, it is tantamount to exposing you, saving me from looking around.

Next, it depends on whether I find you first or the men you sent to stop me first.

The loser will die, isn't it exciting? "

After speaking, Chu Yan glanced left and right, and as soon as he moved, he got into the dense forest.

... At this moment, another tall evil bull, a tall demon cow, was walking forward.

If someone carefully measures it at this time, it will be found that the steps taken by this demon cow are actually not bad at every step! But look at its staring eyes and sullen face, and you will doubt how the intelligence of it looks like to do this.

On the shoulder of the demon cow, the devil rat was restless now, not knowing what was going on.

It sat down holding its knees for a while, then stood up and paced again and again.

After a few moments, he stabbed the fur on his head with his hands.

After a while, I even held my neck with a long tail, and the tighter I got, the more I opened my mouth, and when my eyes were about to pop out of my eyes, I jumped suddenly, A sharp voice said, "No! Stop!"

Boom! The demon cow stepped on the ground and stopped moving forward.

"That kid has a problem! Let's go back! Use the fastest speed!"

The devil rat hissed and exhausted.

His beard was shaking with anger and his eyes were blood red.

The demon cow turned and took a step.

This time, it's not going step by step.

His body was only a movement, and a hurricane rolled up in a flash.

The dark red body, like a vented shell, blasted forward.

A long ditch was drawn on the ground, and all the trees in front of it were smashed.

In just a moment of effort, the demon cow and demon rat returned to the place where they separated from Chu Yan.

Suddenly the huge snake head was still on the ground at this time, with his mouth open facing the sky.

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