Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1492: right here

The gloomy rain forest, huge snake heads, sharp teeth, and **** smells made the scene reveal a very dark atmosphere.

The monster rat jumped down, landed on the ground, and then poked out its head, sniffing **** the snake's head.

Gradually, the blood red in the eyes of the demon rat became more intense.

A violent emotion almost formed a force field, distorting the air around its body.

"Asshole! We've been cheated!"

The monster rat screamed suddenly.

Angrily, it raised its little paw and punched the snake's head with a punch.

The monster's paw is probably not one thousandth the size of the snake's head.

But this fist, with a slam, turned the snake head into minced meat, mixed with blood and water, and sprayed out like a firework.

"Chasing! The kid was hurt! Catching up with him, then dumping him eight pieces!"

The demon rat turned into a gray electric light and jumped back to the demon cow's shoulder.

It grasped the horns with one paw, leaned forward, sniffing the air with its nose.

After a moment, it pointed to the side: "That direction!"

boom! There was a thunder on the ground.

The demon cow suddenly felt like a high-speed flying meteorite, wiping out a long gully on the ground, shaking a large number of branches and leaves in the dense forest, collapsing towards both sides, as if a typhoon was crossing.

After a moment, I crossed over a distance of more than thirty miles, and then stopped suddenly.

The monster rat's nose was still sniffing hard.

Under its keen sense of smell, it can clearly feel the smell of blood from Chu Yan.

"This kid is hurt."

The demon rat fangs, with a cruel smile, "The cricket didn't die in vain, it hit the kid badly.

Hey, let me say it.

How could it have been so easy to kill a maggot in a territorial environment.

Big stupid cow, widen your bull's eye, look around.

The kid was able to carry the sneak attack of God's consciousness, and there must be some treasure on him.

Presumably what kind of ancestors or children from the family experience.

Killing him will definitely make us a lot of money.

And the death of red sulfur fire scorpion must have a lot to do with him.

You can also receive rewards by holding this guy's head.

Don't miss this opportunity. "

"Hey—" The demon cow seemed to understand the words of the demon mouse, smirked, and then turned his head and looked around.

Although looking for, but the appearance of the demon cow looks really stupid.

The devil rat reluctantly patted his face with his paw, then raised his head, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

At this time, its tail slowly tilted up behind, until it was over the head.

Then the tail was straight like a needle, only the tip of the tail was turning slowly.

"The smell of that kid ... um ... it's strong here ... yeah, he was wounded by a cricket, and he must have vomited blood after fleeing here.

And the smell of the other two guys.

Damn, the kid's flavour is too strong, covering up the smell of those two guys.

But that ’s okay, the stronger your flavour is, the easier it is for me to find you ... uh ... this, no, it should be this ... and here ... "As the monster rat muttered, its tail The amplitude of the tip rotation is getting smaller and smaller.

"He left ... no ... not far away.

He was injured, nearby, just ... "The monster rat's tail stopped abruptly.

The tip of the tail was bent, pointing directly at his feet.

At the same moment, the demon rat opened his eyes, horrified, and exclaimed, "Here it is!"

boom! The ground at the foot of the demon cow suddenly collapsed.

Its tall body immediately chased down.

At the same time, Chu Yan's body violently broke through the thick fallen leaves, leaping high just three steps behind the demon cow.


In the throat of the demon cow, a roar was made, and the originally fallen body suddenly stopped abruptly.

The demon rat turned around immediately, smirking and looking at Chu Yan: "It was really embarrassing to come to the door myself."

The tail pointed directly at the big pit under the foot of the demon cow, and the demon rat smiled horribly: "Do you really think that such a trap can trap the big demon?"

Chu Yan didn't say a word, and his wrist flipped.

The Wanzhong Crossing Sword, which was already prepared, stood in front of him.

The broad sword body, the earthy yellow light, wiped out, revealing an incredibly thick, practical, and magnificent taste.

The monster rat's face suddenly changed, his mouth opened, and he seemed to want to say something.

But at this moment, the magic in the sword has been inspired by Chu Yan.

"Jianling Peaks!"

Bang! Layers of mountain peaks emerged in the midst of the sky, with the momentum of covering the sky and smashing into the head of the demon cow.

A slam.

The ground is undulating.

The demon cow uttered a wailing sound and was directly smashed into the ground.

There was only a huge black hole on the ground, as if the earth suddenly opened its huge mouth, swallowed the demon cow and disappeared.

The devil rat was still hanging in the air, eyes wide and surprised.

"God, supernatural power?"

Apparently, he was stunned by the sudden scene in front of him. For a moment, there was no response at all.

Chu Yan's magical power burst out against it.

Wanzhong crosses the sword, and the vast broken sword comes out.

"Xinghe Thunderstorm!"

The roaring thunder, like a galaxy falling, flashed in mid-air, and the next moment, swallowed the demon rat into it.

boom! Hundreds of thousands of thunder exploded.

Ten miles into the circle, it exploded into mud.

In the blink of an eye, the leaves of the dense forest turned into mud, and together with the lifted mud and water vapor, melted into a thick slurry.

The monster rat screamed and kept convulsing in thunder.

The flesh was ripped open, and blood spewed out like money.

The bleak thunder light almost made the demon mouse's body transparent, and even the organs and bones inside it could be seen clearly.

Chu Yan took a step back and shook his body slightly.

The old wound was not healed before. I didn't expect this monster rat and monster cow to chase so fast. Now I have to cast the spell one after another, and immediately add new injuries.

But this is also an opportunity for Chu Yan.

At this moment, the demon rat wanted to break free of the thunder, and a blood ring broke out all over his body. He was born in the thunder and the constantly broken void, tearing a gap and trying to squeeze it out.

If in the past, the action of this monster rat must be extremely agile.

But now, it slowly resembles a snail.

Chu Yan locked the opponent and strode forward.

The body pulled out a long series of virtual shadows, slammed into the thunder, condensing the whole body strength between the right index finger.

"Creating Bloodthirsty!"


The monster rat wanted to resist, and his whole body's blood ring soared tenfold, turning it into a big ball with a diameter of more than three feet.

At this moment, the Thunder can't cut into it.

Chu Yan's fingers pierced the blood cells all at once. The next moment, he rushed to the slow-moving monster mouse, and his fingers pierced through the opponent's chest.

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