Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1495: Tricky guy

Facing the opponent's accusations, the big demon with thin cheeks slowly raised his head.

If you have a seemingly indifferent look and penetrate long hair, you can't help but feel cold.

"He killed at least five metamorphosis periods, and only I chopped him."

Looking at the other person, the thin-faced demon said coldly.

The voice dropped, and there was a black gas on the blade of the double-edged sword in his hand, steaming out.

This black gas is constantly twisted in the mid-air, condensing into a constantly interlaced human face, or roaring or roaring.

For a while, the temperature around it seemed to drop below freezing.

The big demon with his hair upright, suddenly speechless, his teeth biting loudly, but there was no way to refute.

Because the other party is telling the truth.

"This guy is indeed a little weird."

After a while, he spoke resentfully, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone, "But even if you didn't hurt him, I could catch him."

"Ha ha."

The demon with thin cheeks sneered.

"You look down on me?"

The big demon with hair on the branches, raised his throat sharply, and his face became red.

At the same time, the long hair on his head actually coagulated into black spikes.

And these spikes also extended from his head down the back of his head, covering his back, until he stopped at the position of the back.

Coupled with his distorted face at this moment, it looks a bit like a porcupine.

"Porcupine, with this strength against me, might as well think about **** that monk."

The cheek-shaped thin demon suddenly broke the opponent's body.

"I want you to control!"

The porcupine monster is unwilling to lose face in his own hands. At this moment, he is rude and vicious, "Don't think that you have two knives by nature, I am afraid of you!"

"Do you think he can't hear what you say, Lord Dragon?"

The phrase "Mantis Demon" suddenly made the face of the Porcupine Demon look terrified.

That sloppy pig face twitched fiercely at this moment, and recovered his human appearance.

Although he was afraid in his heart, the porcupine demon still insisted: "Master Ronglong knows that I am doing my best for him, how can I be punished ..." As soon as he had finished speaking, he felt a sudden cramp in his heart.

The face of the porcupine monster immediately appeared the expression of extreme fear, covering his chest and slowly kneeling to the ground.

His lips moved, as if asking for mercy, but the pain in his heart prevented him from making any sound at this moment.

At the same time, a voice with no emotion came from his heart: "You are teaching me to be a man?"

I dare not! The porcupine monster wants to shout like this.

But at this moment, he felt that the vitality of his whole body was constantly being broken.

Not only is it painful, the fear of death is constantly oppressed, but it also makes him have a soul to be squeezed out, a sense of despair wandering alone in the universe.

After a while, black stripes streaked with an eerie ghostly atmosphere, like a cobweb, spreading from the chest of the porcupine monster.

In his mouth and nose, thick blood began to spray out, and his body was more like a mysterious kneading and pulling side, constantly changing the unimaginable terror.

Seeing the porcupine monster curled up on the ground, revealing this miserable look, the mantis monster who had shown coldness before, his face suddenly changed.

As if thinking of some uncomfortable memories, he shuddered, and then immediately fell down on his knees, slamming his head on the ground, and dare not lift it.

The monsters that followed them, at this time they were still on the ground, shaking their bodies, the atmosphere did not dare to spit out.

After a while, the Porcupine's body stopped painfully curling.

The streak that spread out on him gradually disappeared at this time, as if it had disappeared into the skin again.

Although the five internal organs and the six internal organs were still extremely painful at this time, the Porcupine Monster did not dare to lie on the ground, but resisted the pain, and quickly got up from the ground. His heart was sincere and horrified, and he continued to say, "Thank you, Lord Dragon, for your kindness, thank you It's the kind of Lord Dragon who doesn't kill ... "Even after saying several times, he just stood up from the ground.

If this scene is seen by unsuspecting people, I'm afraid I'll smash my jaw to the ground.

Because of the great demon in the metamorphosis period, it is equivalent to the existence of a master in the state of mind.

But now, it feels like a gnat, and anyone can knead it.

After standing up, the porcupine monster and the praying mantis monster looked at each other.

Both of them no longer had a quarreling thought, and at the moment, they saw the look of horror and fear in the eyes of the other.

Settled, wiped off the blood on his face, the porcupine demon said, "Where's that monk?"

"Should not be from the same city."

The big praying mantis's eyes narrowed, "No city in Yuanzhou can kill the transformed monster, and there is no place in my country where I haven't died.

But no matter what, as long as you kill him, you can make a great contribution and get the reward of the Lord Dragon. "

Speaking of which, the big praying mantis had a sudden meal, and the whole person instantly showed a strong and revealing taste: "It's just that this guy is too cunning, and it is not easy to catch him. "

"Not always."

The porcupine snorted suddenly.

Seeing the doubtful look of the praying mantis, the porcupine suddenly took a step to his side and lowered his voice: "How confident do you think you can kill that monk with your own strength?"

The big praying mantis hesitated, but didn't answer.

"That guy's magic weapon seems to be more than we think, and the body is definitely several times stronger than the average monk, and it is definitely not comparable to the ordinary context."

The porcupine monster said again.

"What do you want to say?"

The praying mantis interrupted him. "When I met this monk before, you and I were all present. The means of this guy were not unheard of. You have nothing to say right now.

Even if you want to hide in your heart, wouldn't you be an adult dragon?

Or do you still want to bear the pain just now? "

The Porcupine waved his hand: "Nothing else to say, I'll ask you, just now that monk blocked the magical power we released together, hasn't he used this trick before?"


The big praying mantis nodded.

"I can conclude that there is a similar magic weapon to this guy.

So if we only rely on the strength of us alone, it is very unlikely that we will catch this guy.

If not, it will be directly smashed like the stupid cow just now. "

The porcupine monster looked at each other, and said with deep meaning, "If we cooperate, the credit will be divided equally."

"It's light."

The praying mantis sneered, "Even if I promise to cooperate now, do you know where to find that guy?

Don't be so bad that other people will grab us in front and kill the guy first.

And don't forget, the eyes of Lord Savage Dragon are everywhere in this evil rain forest.

That guy escaped our pursuit, and he would certainly not be able to hide from the eyes of Lord Savage. "

As soon as the Mantis Monster had finished speaking, he saw the Porcupine Monster shaking his finger at him, expressing disapproval.

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