Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1496: I have a way

"Are you questioning the ability of Lord Barbara?"

At this moment, the praying mantis demon was shocked, his face was deformed, and there was a thick expression of fear in his eyes. There was the former cold as ice and sharp as a knife.

"What are you talking about!"

The porcupine monster was also startled, and jumped almost in place, "don't talk without talking!"

The praying mantis stared at the porcupine demon carefully for a while, and after confirming that the other party had not just slandered the Lord Dragon and did not mean to drag himself into the water, he nodded: "Okay, what do you want Say what?"

"I want to say that we cooperate and that guy can't escape if he wants to escape."

The porcupine monster replied.

The monster enters the metamorphosis period. Although the fetus can be removed and transformed into a human form, depending on the race, the brain also has a difference between good and bad.

For example, the demon apes, demon monkeys, and demon foxes are recognized as the three most intelligent races among demon beasts.

The other kinds of monsters are relatively worse.

For example, this praying mantis monster is obviously limited in brain power at this time.

He stared at the Porcupine Demon. After a while, he shook his head: "Be clear, don't waste time here."

The Porcupine Monster knew that the other party was unexpected, and he didn't break it at the moment. He laughed and said, "The monster family, tracking the enemy is generally based on the smell.

What if I had a way to lock in each other's smell more accurately and faster than others? "

"Do you have a way?"

The big praying mantis' eyes brightened.

Monsters and monks are different.

Monks can use methods such as formation methods, magic weapons, etc. to achieve their own goals.

The monsters, more, still rely on their own ability as a beast.

In fact, for the monsters, their own abilities were originally unique treasures.

For example, the spikes on the porcupine monster, the golden double-edged sword with the forelegs of the praying mantis monster.

The Porcupine Monster now smiled proudly and waved behind him.

Immediately, the two monsters that looked like a mink, but were significantly larger than a mink, were almost the size of a pony, and came over with trembling, then limped on the limbs, and slid between the two deformed animals. Before the demon.

Pointing at these two beasts, the porcupine demon smiled proudly: "This split-kissed mink is two guys that I just took in at the front end. Because of their natural blood, they have a stronger sense of smell than ordinary monsters. Ten times, even some metamorphosis guys, can't compare them.

If other guys can breathe the smell, which is fifty miles away, then they will be at least eighty miles, or even ninety miles, one hundred miles! Those guys can judge the approximate distance at most based on the smell.

For these two split-kissed minks, the distance and range of their judgment will never exceed three feet! Let me make it simple, that is, they say that guy is hiding there, that guy must be there! "

"I understand."

The praying mantis closed his eyes and groaned for a moment, then opened his eyes again.

At this time, a faint film appeared in his eyes.

This film made him look unpredictable again.

"You have special means to track down that guy.

But you worry that you can't deal with that guy by relying on one's own strength.

And I was the only big demon who could hack that guy before.

So you are asking me for help. "

The praying mantis said.

When the last word was heard, the porcupine monster almost angered the crown again.

But in the end he took a hard breath.

the reason is simple.

He had seen with his own eyes that Chu Yan had beheaded the big demon of metamorphosis.

Then Chu Yan escaped safely under the magical power that he and the Mantis Demon teamed up together.

Judging from the experience accumulated by the porcupine demon through a long life, the monk's status is definitely not ordinary.

There must be many similar magic weapons on his body.

It is even possible that he has a companion in this evil brutal rainforest.

In this case, he could not even act rashly.

Lord Savage's order is important.

But his life is also important.

To the present state of cultivation, the demon has learned to save his life.

This is like a monk, the higher the realm, the more hesitant.

Because only the people who come here know what kind of hard work it has taken to this point.

"It's cooperation."

After taking a deep breath, the porcupine monster almost gritted his teeth and emphasized, "Without me, you don't even want to find that guy earlier.

And even if you don't want to cooperate with me, then I can find someone else. "

"Okay, then, as you said, cooperation."

The big praying mantis waved his long double-edged sword. "In fact, I'm also curious about how the boy's body is cultivated.

That knife, even a monk with a heavy state of mind, can be torn open directly.

The result was just a wound on him.

And judging from his actions just now, this injury does not seem to have much impact on his actions.

You kid, do n’t get caught by me, otherwise I will take down your bones and sacrifice them into my new weapon.

Your bones should be harder than I thought. "

As the words fell, the praying mantis looked at the porcupine demon: "It's up to you to find that guy."

The porcupine nodded and nodded, then pointed at the two split-kissed minks.

After screaming twice, the two snouted minks put their noses on the ground and sniffed hard.

At first glance, I thought it was a person with poor eyes, and lay on the ground to find the falling embroidery needles.

"What are they doing?"

The praying mantis was puzzled. "Don't go find that guy, what are you smelling here?"

The porcupine demon explained: "The monk was injured before. When he fled, there must be blood left here.

Not only can the two split-knot minks find someone, but based on the taste in the blood, they can also know what the monk is, what the injury is, and what kind of magical powers he is good at. "

With that said, the Porcupine Monster smiled with a sharp mouth: "I'm afraid that monk can't think of it. My subordinates can know the attributes of the elements in his body. By the time of restraint, he will be caught by surprise."

Just when the Porcupine Monster laughed proudly, two split-knotted minks suddenly discovered.

They lie on the ground with their limbs, sliding forward quickly like snakes.

After sliding out of dozens of feet, he suddenly stopped, then extended his front paws, and turned the leaf covered by that layer.

Suddenly, a pool of blood spots about the size of a slap appeared in front of everyone.

"Ha, found it."

The porcupine demon immediately ordered, "Sniff me carefully and dig out all the secrets of that guy!"

The big praying mantis looked at the unstained blood stains on the leaves at this moment and couldn't help tilting his head.

He faintly felt that there was something wrong with the blood.

But there was something wrong, and he couldn't tell at this time.

At this time, the two split-kissed minks seem to have found out, and issued a series of strange calls, reporting to the porcupine monster.

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