Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1498: Active attack

The black sword awn spreads out like a tide.

The whole sky canopy, in an instant, seems to be smeared with a thick layer of ink.

Light and sound are blocked.

The chilling breath of the bones poured into the bone marrow of every monster on the scene.


The porcupine shouted.

When they chased Chu Yan before, Chu Yan was dodging and evading, and rarely hit them directly.

At this moment, Chu Yan is not only attacking them positively, he is also actively attacking.

The magical power under the active attack, the horror breath that erupted at this instant, even made the porcupine demon have a feeling that vitality must be broken.

But at this moment, the golden sword light tore the void, and slammed into it, hitting with the Kuroshio-like swordman.

The fierce friction, in an instant, produced an extremely hot air wave, and the friction caused the air to burn violently.

Large flames, such as the fire tree silver flower, shattered the Kuroshio.

After the sword light, the big praying mantis sneered again and again: "Dare to dare to attack the transformed big monster?"

The porcupine monster standing not far from the praying mantis monster can not help but cheeks.

At that moment, he was really shocked by the magical powers that Chu Yan exhibited.

If it hadn't been for the Mantis Demon who had already discovered it and took the lead, he would most likely suffer from it.

After returning to God, the porcupine demon yelled.

The green armor on his body suddenly glowed like jade.

The luster rose into the sky, turned into a horrible face, opened the mouth of the blood basin in the direction of Chu Yan's appearance, suddenly fell, and swallowed.

Immediately, dozens of acres of rain forest were uprooted, clicked in the mouth of that face, and chewed into pieces, making the sound extremely terrible.

However, the face of the porcupine demon did not see the slightest relief, but looked more dignified.

Because of this magical power, it did not hurt Chu Yan.

Just then, a red dot appeared suddenly on the chin of the green face.

The red dot turned into a fiery red spot almost instantly.


The porcupine roared in anger.

Before the words fell, the huge green face was immediately melted and burned by the fire, and the figure of Chu Yan jumped out of it.

The back of the bottle in his hand turned the bottle of the sun, and he blasted out a torrent of blasts against the praying mantis and porcupine demon.

If other monks or monsters are present at this moment, I am afraid that my jaw will smash to the ground.

At this moment, it is not only that the Diyuan Realm is attacking the Hualing Demon, but it also gives people a feeling that the Diyuan Depression suppresses two Hualing Demon at the same time, it is simply incredible! "presumptuous!"

The killing intention of the praying mantis was almost boiling at this moment.

The golden double-bladed long knife in his hand burst into unprecedented dazzling light.

The light wallpaper soars into the sky, and then spreads out, as if the sun rises to the east, the peacock opens the screen, and the sky shines for thousands of miles. The entire world must die in the golden light.

"Fei Ye Storm Cut!"

Huh! The fire light suddenly felt like a fierce storm.

The flame torrent, for a moment, seemed to be shredded into sporadic flying Mars, spreading and dancing in the air.

"Ha, see where you run!"

The porcupine demon growled, eyes wide.

He sighed suddenly, his body suddenly bulging like an inflated ball.

At the same time, the ground beneath Chu Yan glowed with green light.

In a blink of an eye, the ground around him more than ten miles away turned into a bleak green.

This tragic green light almost instantly became the face of a porcupine monster.

At this moment, Chu Yan was standing on the brow of this face.

Evil thoughts, disasters, destruction, resentment, anger, all kinds of emotions, with boundless curses, gathered on the face and cracked down on Chu Yan.

"This time, you are in danger!"

The porcupine smiled again and again.

Seeing this scene, the big demon praying mantis also retracted the golden double-bladed long sword and stood with his hands in his hands, his eyes were cold and he looked at Chu Yan.

But at this moment, Chu Yan's face saw no confusion.

After a moment, he looked at the Porcupine Demon, with a radian in his mouth: "This is your strongest magic power?"

This remark was full of sarcasm and mockery. Immediately, the Porcupine Monster was annoyed and angry, and his hair stood up again, forming a faint dark spike.

The thorn tip flashed a horrible chill, facing Chu Yan's direction.

The face trapped by Chu Yan became greener at the moment, and even a piece of the sky was printed with green.

Looking around, it looks like a purgatory, a kingdom of evil spirits.

The horrible tragic green, even condensed into a python-like chain, burst into the sound of twisting steel, lingering towards Chu Yan.

Seeing that Chu Yan was standing there, she still didn't move, and she didn't even seem to resist, as if she was ready to fight.

But the more so, the greater the uneasiness of the praying mantis at this moment, the more intense it became.

In his mind, at this time, I don't know why, and began to flash back the messages sent by the two split-toothed minks before.

Blood stains under the leaves also appeared before my eyes.

At this moment, the heart of the praying mantis leap.

He looked up suddenly and looked at Chu Yan.

He saw that Chu Yan was looking at himself at this time.

And in the other person's eyes, there seemed to be a smile.

At this moment, the big praying mantis finally understood why the blood was not right before.

In terms of time, when they found the blood stains, even if the blood had not dried up, at least it started to condense.

But when they saw it, those blood stains were completely fresh as they had just flowed out of the human body.

And now I recall carefully, those blood stains also showed a plum-like pattern, and the branches were patchy. It looked as if it were originally a small ball of blood coagulated, and the moment before they were found, Active beaches are coming.

"The blood stains were intentionally left there. What did he do with the blood ..." When thinking of this, the praying mantis monster saw Chu Yan suddenly move.

When the opponent's wrist was flipped, an extra flute had already appeared on the palm.

"Magic! He's going to fight back!"

During the metamorphosis of the praying mantis monster, I felt a little flustered at this moment.

"Don't let him do it!"

The praying mantis demon shouted to the porcupine demon immediately, and at the same time he shot out aggressively.


The porcupine roared with a roar, and his body was so full of blood that it shook the earth, "Crimson Purgatory!"

"Fei Ye Storm Cut!"

At this moment, the two monsters in the metamorphosis stage all shot together, exhibiting the most powerful magical power.

But unlike the last time, this time shooting at the same time, the big praying mantis and big porcupine monster found that they would be involuntary, and produced a feeling of confusion and guilty conscience.

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