Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1499: Trap you

"how can that be!"

When I realized that I had this kind of thought in my heart, both the Mantis and Porcupine monsters were incredible.

However, they also know that they have indeed begun to shake in the case of continuously performing magical powers without being able to kill each other.

Even to a certain extent, this idea has a tendency to turn into a demon.

However, from another perspective, the emergence of this trend has also made the solution easier.

As long as this guy is killed, the demon is naturally broken! One thought so, the two monsters have a stronger intention to kill.

At this moment, the air seemed to become mercury, and it was rolling down.

The whole area, at this moment, was filled with an ancient battlefield, a taste of iron and blood.

Facing the magical powers of the two monsters, Chu Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Shaohua jade dragon flute struck in front of his lips and sounded.

The Mantis and Porcupine monsters suddenly felt a buzz in their heads, and there was a short absence.

"God attack! That magic weapon can go attack!"

Shouted in their hearts.

The flute sounded again.

This time, the big praying mantis and big porcupine felt a sting in their brains.

However, for their metamorphosis period, such a degree of conscious attack can be tolerated.

But the monsters, even the wild beasts, that followed them were much worse.

When the first flute sounded, there were monsters screaming and rolling in pain.

As the flute sounded again, the attack of consciousness became more and more powerful. The monsters in the intellectual period all bleed, lying on the ground, and convulsed.

The beast was even out of breath, motionless.

"It's useless!"

The pain in the brain almost stimulated the killing of the two monsters.

That tragic green light, like a prison, has trapped Chu Yan in it.

The attack and kill of the praying mantis was even more devastating, killing all the vitality of Chu Yan. The next moment, Chu Yan was to be involved and torn into pieces.

But at this time, the scene suddenly appeared white mist out of thin air.

With a blink of an eye, Bai Wu covered the scene, making people reach out with five fingers.

Immediately between the praying mantis and the porcupine demon, he found that he had lost his target.



They shouted, the sound of the ground collapsing, and the roar of the blade tearing through the void, shaking their bodies, but they did not hear the screams from Chu Yan, nor did they smell the expectations Bloody smell in the.

"Missed and was avoided by the opponent!"

Both monsters felt incredible.

They wanted to see it clearly, but there was nothing in front of them.

Don't say it depends on where Chu Yan is. Even his own feet can't see right now.

At this moment, they feel like their eyes can only see a piece of white, so that their bodies cannot be seen at this moment.

What's more alarming to them is that this white mist not only blocked their vision, but even their consciousness was blocked at this moment.

In many cases, the consciousness is clearer than the eyes can "see" it.

But now that their eyes and consciousness are affected, they become truly blind.

But soon, the Mantis and Porcupine Monsters came up with a solution.

"Just rush out of this white mist!"

With that thought in mind, they flew in one direction without hesitation.

But just a few feet forward, the Mantis and Porcupine Monsters encountered new obstacles.

Lightning, flames, storms, tsunamis, tree vines ... all kinds of array methods, with each step they take, are like bamboo shoots after a spring rain.

Not to mention the fact that they were flying away from the area covered by white mist, at this moment they became very difficult.

And even if it is trapped in place, it will be suddenly attacked by various formations.

At this time, how could the Mantis and Porcupine monsters still not know what they encountered.


The teeth of the two deformed monsters are about to be crushed at this moment.

First use the treasure to create a fog, trap them, block their sight and consciousness, and then stimulate the chaos and make them difficult to move.

Chu Yan's plans were all known by the Mantis and Porcupine monsters at this moment.

But now it is because of this that makes them even more annoyed.

Because the other side is tantamount to upright conspiracy! My plan and action are now in front of you so that you are clear, but you can't do anything about it. This is the most annoying.

Carrying a record of Lei Guang, the Porcupine Roar roared around: "Even if you are trapped in us! If you step into this mist, you will still see nothing.

What you can do now is to run as far as you can.

Otherwise, when the fog is gone and the lawless array is ineffective, I must have swallowed you alive! "

The Porcupine Monster was obviously a scream of anger, and originally did not think that he would get a response from Chu Yan.

Because in his opinion, Chu Yan must have escaped at this moment.

But the moment his voice fell, behind his ears, a faint voice of Chu Yan came: "That's not necessarily true."

The sound was so close, almost like speaking out behind the porcupine monster.

At this moment, the porcupine monster's body was almost stretched straight, and the chill was like a cold snake, which sprang up along his spine. For a moment, his whole body's blood seemed to freeze.

He turned quickly.

But behind it is empty, where is the shadow of Chu Yan.

"Asshole! I must have killed you!"

The porcupine demon angered and roared angrily.

Wish is good, but now I can only roar.

Because the movement of his hands waving in anger just aroused the formation.

Suddenly, several swords of light stabbed from behind him, leaving the porcupine monster busy again.

"What's the matter, it's your turn right away, shouting."

Listening to the movement coming from behind, Chu Yan hummed and thought.

Just at this moment, in the surrounding area that no one can notice at this moment, a pool of blood that had been sprinkled by Chu Yan had been slightly shaken, and suddenly condensed into eyeballs, dripping around, observing around.

Neither sight nor consciousness can penetrate this fog, but if you know in advance where all the bloodstains are, consider them as coordinates, and then through the initial observation, you can see the location of the monster on the scene. The position of a monster is naturally no longer a problem.

Two split-minked marten, just now relieved from the severe headache.

Thanks to them, they are monsters in the wisdom period. If they are wild animals, they may be cold at this moment.

Even so, at this time, their bodies were still shaking, and Venus was in front of them.

The continuous roar of the transformed monsters and the explosions triggered by the formation also made them tremble with fear and huddled together, afraid to move casually.

At this time, they smelled a terrifying smell in the air around them.

And when they realize it, the taste has come to them.

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