Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1500: Savage Dragon Wannian (on)

In the throat of the split-toothed marten, a terrified scream was about to be heard. Suddenly, when the neck was tight, the body was lifted by Chu Yan.

Although the monsters in the wisdom period cannot be said to be extremely powerful, if a pair of claws are swung, there are still thousands of pounds of power.

But at this moment, when the crack was broken, there was no chance to show its power, and Chu Yan was immediately blown into the head by a punch.

The other split-sniffed mink felt dangerous and ran forward like a brow fly.

As a result, these four weeks have been completely shrouded in chaos.

The split-knot tooth mink broke into a sword array and blinked, and the whole body was penetrated through dozens of holes, and the internal organs were smashed and shattered into flesh and blood, flowing out of the wound.

The first thing Chu Yan wanted to kill was these two split-knot minks.

A long time ago, Chu Yan released a lot of blood in the places where he passed.

This blood, on the one hand, can help him confuse the enemy's tracking and can't tell which direction he is going.

On the other hand, the most important reason is that blood condenses into eyes, helping Chu Yan hide in the dark and peeping around.

A pool of blood can condense into eight eyes on average.

That is to say, it can help Chu Yan to monitor eight directions at the same time.

Along the way, the blood spilled by Chu Yan, if measured by the beach, is at least three or four hundred.

In other words, at this time in the evil rain forest, Chu Yan had close to three thousand extra eyes, monitoring his movements.

Once there is a monster following him, he will not only find it the first time, but also know the number of the opponent.

Coupled with mysterious ear bells, Chu Yan can fully anticipate the enemy's opportunity.

Wannian Savage Dragon's greatest advantage in this evil brutal rain forest is that he has thousands of eyes, peering into every corner of this rain forest.

Now, Chu Yan is equivalent to the ability to spy on some areas.

So within this range, Wan Nianlong's advantage over him no longer exists.

More importantly, Chu Yan knew the ability of Wannianlonglong.

However, Chu Yan's blood gas method, Wannian Savage Dragon was unaware.

With this poor information, Chu Yan was able to do a lot of things before his secrets were exposed.

Chu Yan learned about these two split-knot minks through eyeballs.

It is not an exaggeration to say that everything that the porcupine demon and the mantis demon do here, every word that they say, is clear.

So after learning about the two split-sniffed minks, he made a decision, even if he was not completely ready now, he should immediately take the shot, and cut the two monsters in the wisdom period. Already.

Otherwise, the more secrets they learn from their own blood, the more disadvantageous they will be to their situation.

In order to slay the two split-kissed minks, Chu Yan used the fourth of the eight-handed flying swords that had not been used before, representing the black soul ghost sword of water.

The water vapor in the evil brutal rain forest is very sufficient, so the power of the supernatural power in the Black Soul Yin Ling Sword can also be released to the maximum.

The purpose of this is to limit the mantis monster in the first time.

The monsters encountered before, although there are several metamorphosis periods.

But only the golden double-bladed long knife in the hands of the big mantis demon hurt Chu Yan.

Moreover, the black gas full of destruction in the opponent's blade also made Chu Yan's wound heal slowly.

The facts are as expected by Chu Yan. The Mantis Demon was also the first to detect himself and respond.

But this time the words were prepared.

After the Black Soul Yin Ling Sword restrained the opponent, and then inspired the chaotic array, then everything went into Chu Yan's plan.

In order to be able to delay time and successfully stimulate the chaos, Chu Yan was deliberately trapped by the magical power of the porcupine monster.

As for the method of getting out of trouble, Chu Yan had already thought about it.

Shaohua's jade dragon flute's attack on the consciousness, as long as the Porcupine Demon appears to be absent-minded, will be enough to free him from that magical power.

After killing two split-sniffed minks that seemed to Chu Yan's current threat, second only to Wannian Savage Dragon, Chu Yan quickly retreated.

Because the blood was set as coordinates, although he was in the fog at the moment, the fog had little effect on him.

After a while, Chu Yan withdrew from the mist.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, turning his gaze to the two roaring moments in the fog.

The formation of this chaotic array was obtained from the monsoon pond of the master.

In the realm of the monsoon pond, this imaginary enemy of the chaos is naturally a monk in the state of heaven or a monster in the metamorphosis period.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, it is extremely difficult for the praying mantis and the porcupine demon to get rid of this area where all kinds of formations are pouring out without warning, not to mention that they still can't see it and have no sense of consciousness Situation.

In the white mist, you can keep hearing the roar of these two big monsters.

But before the formation method fails, they want to come out, it is impossible.

In Chu Yan's original plan, it was worth the cost of consuming one map to kill the two split-knot minks.

But now, not only is it worth it, but it also seems to be profitable.

Among the white mist at the moment, on the left of Chu Yan was the mantis big demon, and on the right was the porcupine big demon.

The wound on his ribs is still fully healed with the blood of three deformed monsters.

And more importantly, Chu Yan was very interested in the black gas contained in the golden double-edged sword of Mantis.

The dark air gave him a sense of destruction, and it was definitely not anything.

It can be said that before, it was not the mantis that hurt Chu Yan, nor the golden double-edged sword that hurt Chu Yan, but the black gas was on Chu Yan's waist, leaving the wound that had not healed at the moment .

The golden double-edged sword is just an ordinary magic weapon.

But because of that black gas, this long knife is completely different.

As soon as Chu Yan groaned, he was ready to go towards the big mantis on the left.

Because he can feel that the frequency of the left matrix method being constantly excited at this moment is much higher than the right.

If there is a heavy rain on the right, then the left is now dense hail.

From this, Chu Yan can judge that the mentality of the praying mantis monster must be much more urgent than that of the porcupine monster at this moment.

He knew that only he had hurt Chu Yan before, so at the moment he was trapped in the chaos, and the mantis monster was even more worried that Chu Yan was the first to find him.

"The more the Chaos Matrix's formation is triggered, the more you consume.

It's just a pity that I can't waste too much time on you and I can't wait.

Otherwise, I can wait until you are exhausted and go to work. "

When Chu Yan performs his footwork, he has to go in the direction of the big mantis.

But just then, he suddenly felt his heart tighten.

This feeling is like being suddenly stared at by a pair of giant eyes covering the sky.

At the same time, he felt a scorching heat around his waist, almost as if hot steel was pasted.

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