Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1501: Savage Dragon Nian (Chinese)

The heat was hot and hot.

Chu Yan looked down, his gaze gaze sharply.

The heat is a mysterious bell hanging from the waist.

At this moment, the Myrtle Bell is not only red like burning coal, but also cracks on the surface.

And these cracks are still spreading, and the bell is about to crack.

This situation represents a big threat and is extremely dangerous! Yun Nishang gifted this magic weapon to Chu Yan, so she could sense the surrounding evil thoughts and warn Chu Yan in advance.

Depending on the degree of danger, the colors that emerge from the Myrtle Bells are different.

In general, it is light yellow or stronger orange.

Before the most dangerous time, it was just red.

This is the first time that this kind of red is about to burn and the whole bell is about to burst.

This also means that an evil thought that Chu Yan could not be defeated at this moment has been concentrated on him.

At the moment when Chu Yan was surprised, the mysterious ear bell slammed into pieces.

The crisis of terror also shrouded the hearts of Chu Yan at this moment.

Thinking of the feeling of suffocation that was just staring at the huge eyes, Chu Yan no longer cares about the two transformed monsters trapped in the chaos at the moment, but immediately pays attention to the past.

Soon, he locked down the source of the danger.

Not far from his side.

Less than thirty feet away from Chu Yan, there is a stone protruding slightly from the ground.

Above the stone, at this moment was a lizard.

This lizard is about as long as an adult's palm.

From the appearance, it is the one that is very common in hot and humid rain forests.

But at the moment, when seeing this lizard, Chu Yan felt as if there was a mountain, which overwhelmed his chest and made his breath almost stagnant.

And the pressure is still increasing, so much that his soul is completely crushed.

At this moment, Chu Yan saw the lizard's eyes and began to gradually turn red.

Although there have been no changes in reality, Chu Yan seemed to have seen this moment, and a pair of blood-red eyes appeared from the void behind the lizard.

These eyes, as high as ten thousand feet, now stared at themselves with unparalleled strength of great shore.

With a snoring sound, if Chu Yan's chest was hammered, she flew out suddenly, and there was a sweet smell in her mouth and nose.

His original standing position suddenly collapsed into a bottomless pit.

Falling to the ground, the corners of Chu Yan's mouth had overflowed with blood.

He stared forward, looking at the lizard on the stone.

The lizard was still resting on the stone without moving.

But at this moment, his body seemed to be ignited, and a thick red smoke was rising.

After the thick smoke floated into the air, it remained condensed and kept scattered, and kept condensing and wriggling.

In Chu Yan's mouth, four words were also spit out at this time: "Wan Nian Savage Dragon!"

Unexpectedly, Wan Nianlong took his own shot so quickly.

The lizard is probably just his incarnation.

But I did not expect that just being an incarnation, I let myself suffer so much.

Chu Yan almost didn't hesitate, turning back to the next day the bottle pointed at the other side.

Suddenly, the sea of ​​fire was tumbling, the burning void roared, and it collapsed again and again, rushing towards the human form.

Chu Yan's body receded quickly.

"Thousands of miles away!"

At the peak of Wannian Savage Dragon, it was an eight-level metamorphosis demon.

According to the handsome dad, Wan Nianlong was once severely wounded by him, and his realm fell to a level that is almost the same as a small and a big one.

But this is only an estimate.

After all, after many years, no one knows exactly what the situation is.

However, judging from the fact that the Wannian Savage Dragon can show such a powerful power just now, even if he has not recovered to the peak period, I am afraid that it is not far from the peak.

It is comparable to the triple transformation of the demon in the state of mind. At this moment, if you go head-to-head with the other party, you can use the state and strength of Chu at this moment. I am afraid that it will be bombed by the other party.

At this moment, since the opponent's strength is different from his own estimate.

Then the plans that have been made before will naturally change accordingly.

Continue to stay here, there is only a dead end.

Therefore, Chu Yan chose to temporarily avoid its frontier, and blocked the other party by using the flame magical power that Huiguang Sun Bottle blasted out, and then left here first.

Chu Yan's idea seems to have been given to Wan Nianlong at this moment.

The body had no legs, and the body flew towards Chu Yan so straightly.

When facing the sea of ​​fire, raise your palm and press down.

Huh! The raging sea of ​​fire disappeared instantly, and even a trace of Mars was gone.

The next moment, this scarlet figure appeared in front of Chu Yan.

Still just raised his hand and slammed down.

Rumble! Suddenly, Chu Yan even interrupted the pillars supporting the sky. The whole sky seemed to be a big cauldron. At this moment, it felt like falling down to the hood.

The terrifying scarlet five-finger fingers continued to stretch into a world, where the sea of ​​blood was tumbling and the flames were raging, and Chu Yan was to be brought into it.

boom! The ground suddenly collapsed into a five-finger palm print.

After a quiet breath, the earth, which was 70 or 80 miles away, shattered, fell, and turned into a horror pit, as if it had never appeared before.

But Scarlet Humans didn't seem to be happy with it.

Hovering in midair, he turned around, as if looking for something.

After a while, the position of the human face slowly condensed out a human face.

This face gives people a very gloomy, oppressive feeling. It should be the position of the face.

At this moment the face gritted his teeth, with an incredible tone in his tone: "Sure ... ran away?"

The voice dropped, the human figure turned around, and flew out for a few miles, and then appeared in front of the big mantis and porcupine monster.

The palm of the human figure has not only completely destroyed this 70-80-mile-long rain forest, but also the tremendous power of the shock, and it will also detonate the entire circle of lawlessness, leaving the two trapped in it. Xing Da Yao got out of sleep.

When I saw this clone of Wannianlong, I saw the dark underfoot, like a huge pit like an abyss. The Mantis and Porcupine monsters immediately understood what happened, and in an instant, there was boundlessness in my heart. fear.

The two demon knelt hurriedly in midair, their voices trembling, "The subordinates are not good at doing things, they alarmed the Lord Dragon, and asked the adults to punish them!"

"Don't blame you."

What's beyond the Mantis and Porcupine Monsters is the Wannian Savage Dragon, which has always been known for its violent personality. This time, they even said such things, so that they would hold back for a while and didn't know what to say next.

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