Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1502: Savage Dragon (Part 2)

Although it is not clear why the savage dragon does not blame himself, at this moment the mantis and the porcupine demon can clearly feel the anger from this savage dragon.

Not only that, but at the moment they are puzzled in the heart, there is another thing: Is n’t the Lord Dragon being healed, why did he suddenly shoot himself?

At first they thought they were dissatisfied with their work. So many deformed monsters could not even kill a monk in a realm.

But it now seems completely different.

The Mantis and Porcupine monsters didn't know what the reason was, but they didn't dare to ask more.

Although the savage dragon had just said that they would not blame them, the sorrow and anger of the sage was famous.

Touch his brow at this time, for fear that his life is too long.

So the big praying mantis and big porcupine were kneeling like this at this moment, and the atmosphere didn't dare to sip, waiting for the next order from Wannianlong.

After a while, this condensed human figure opened its mouth again.

"That guy, never let him leave the evil rainforest.

Next, I will send all the ridge owners of Seventy-two Ridges to shoot together. "


Hearing this, the praying mantis and the porcupine monster exclaimed in unison, and their eyes were full of incredible looks.

The Lord of the Seventy-two Ridges is the title set by Wannian Savage Dragon to his great demon.

Each ridge master occupies an area and works for Wannian Savage Dragon.

Of course, the Lord of the Seventy-two Ridges is not all the monsters in the metamorphosis period.

If there were so many monsters, Tongzhou City would have been razed to the ground.

Among the seventy-two ridge masters, there are thirty monsters.

So far, there have been five big demon beheaded by Chu Yan.

This is definitely a huge loss for the forces of Wannian Savage Dragon.

Compared to being human, it is almost as severe as chopping off one arm or one leg.

The Mantis and Porcupine Monsters now take it for granted that Wan Nianlong is so angry that he is even healing his wounded body, driving magical powers, condensing the clones, and shooting, because of the serious loss of his men.

But even so, it was too trivial to let the main owner of Qieringling rush out.

Even if the Diyuan Realm is stronger and more methods are used, his upper limit is just the Diyuan Realm.

Previously, the main reason for being successful by the other party was because these transformational monsters looked down on each other, which led to the overturning of the gutter. Over time, as the other party's whereabouts were controlled by them, multiple transformational monsters would then Qi Qi shots, without giving the other party the slightest chance, the other party will only have a dead end.

But even though he thought so, the Mantis and Porcupine monsters did not dare to show the slightest.

They all nodded and said yes.

And then, Wan Nian's orders made them feel incredible.

"You shoot, just trap it.

At that time I will personally kill it.

Remember, I want to live.

If any of you kill him before me, I will make him die. "

"To, to live?"

The porcupine monster is extremely surprised.

However, at this time, this clone of Wan Nian Savage Dragon will no longer answer him.

After the voice fell, the avatar was like a lighted spice, turned into red smoke from the beginning, and was completely dissipated by the wind.

Above a large, bottomless pit, there were suddenly the Mantis Monster and the Porcupine Monster.

The two looked at each other, and they saw the puzzled and confused from the other's eyes.

"That monk, is it worth the shot of the Seventy-two Ridge Master?"

The Porcupine asked, lowering his voice.

"Who knows? Maybe it's the Lord Dragon who hasn't moved for a long time. Now I want to move my hands and feet."

"The same is true, we just need to do the job well, as the Lord ordered.

As for the ideas of adults, we cannot speculate. "

The two demon nodded, and then looked at the big pit just like the mouth of a beast. The back was cold for a while.

Even if the savage dragon shoots as a pair, the power is not trivial.

Even so, the monk escaped.

It seems that the monk's strength is stronger than they think.

With such an idea, at the moment, both of them had no idea about cooperation, and will not mention it again.

They turned and flew in one direction.

The urgent task is to obey the orders of Master Savage Dragon, meet with the remaining dozens of lords, and then look for the whereabouts of the monk.

At this moment, in the eyes of Mantis and Porcupine Demon, with the action of Lord Savage Dragon himself, that monk can no longer hide.

Master Savage Dragon not only controls the minds of all the monsters under his control at the same time, knows the thoughts in their hearts at all times.

In this evil rain forest, there are countless flowers and small animals, which are the eyes and ears of an adult dragon.

Master Wanlong ’s thoughts are definitely not just talking.

At this moment, the Lord Dragon fully opened all his thoughts in the entire rainforest, which meant that the entire rainforest had been shown to him without any dead ends.

Any inconspicuous grass may be the eyes of an adult Savage Dragon, who observes everything around it, and can be used as a coordinate at any time for the advent of the Savage Dragon.

It was only a short time to find that monk and lower the containment.

... and at this time, as the human form dissipated, a moist cave in the depths of the evil brutal rain forest came with an angry growl.

"It's the smell on that guy! Damn Kirin, the smell of your blood, I will never forget it in my life! You hit me badly in the past, so that I can't recover from the injury so far.

This time let me seize this guy who is related to you. I must smash him into pieces and take revenge on you! Not only that, I also need to extract the Qilin blood from his body for me to heal the injury.

When my wound is healed and my peak strength is restored, the first thing I need to do is to strip you away! As for your **** monk, don't think that you have just escaped my blow, you can shake away from the evil rain forest.

That blow was the accumulation of my recovery in the previous ten years. If you let me consume so much, then I will pay you the price of life to compensate me! And now, the whole rainforest has been revealed in front of my eyes, you can't escape! "

As the voice fell, red rays of light, twists and turns, slender and long, extremely dense, as if thousands of tentacles, meandering toward the depths of the void.

At this moment, the whole evil rainforest reveals an extremely eerie smell.

Anyone who is at this moment will feel extremely uncomfortable, as if there are countless invisible eyes around, and they are watching you from every direction.

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