Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1507: Rage of the Demon

The emergence of the group of six gave Chu Yan a new idea based on the idea of ​​violently breaking the game.

After a moment of groaning, he turned his wrists and took out Bai Jia's ancestor from his storage bag as a gift of his own ghost.

The corners of his mouth were tilted, and Chu Yan covered the face of Wansheng Ghost.

Suddenly, his face became blurred.

After a while, when Chu Yan's facial features became clear again, he had completely become another person: a moose in a group of six.

The reason for choosing the marsh sparrow is that this guy's nose is too big.

This physiological characteristic can be said to be memorable.

Imagine that a person's nose is almost like a fist holding on to his mouth. No matter who sees it, he will remember it fresh.

After the change of appearance, the realm of Chu Yan also began to decrease. From the triple consummation of Diyuan Realm, it soon fell to Dijun Xiaocheng.

Looking at the stagnant water around my feet, I have judged what they looked like, and then I looked at the seamless state of myself. Chu Yan couldn't help but said, "Zeng Bi also said that this method has no effect. Use it?

The appearance and the realm are completely different. How could the minds of those monsters want me to be this person. "

After being properly prepared, Chu Yan probed again with insight, and after confirming the current position of the group of six, he immediately reversed his direction and flew towards another place.

... In the dense forest, a big demon with a wolf's head showed fierce light and glanced around.

There are six or seven men beside him.

This demon is already in the metamorphosis period, but because he feels that the wolf is more powerful, he has a human head, but his head is still a wolf head.

Standing nine feet tall, with thick arms and wide eyes, such as electricity, and a face full of shame, in fact, this appearance, coupled with the evil spirit inherent in the monster, often confronts the enemy, and the enemy is horrified by him. When he looked scared, he became timid and his legs became weak.

As for the monster wolf's men, they are a group of monsters in the wisdom period. At this time, they are still in the shape of beasts.

"Lingzhu, there are signs here."

A bat almost half a human tall opened his mouth at this moment and said to the demon wolf.

Looking in the direction pointed by the opponent's paw, the demon wolf's eyes were instantly fixed.

In the hidden place of that tree root, in addition to a few drops of blood, there were several fresh fingerprints.

Although the blood has not yet solidified, the monsters have also experienced this pursuit: the blood of that monk, for no reason, can keep it fresh for a long time, so you cannot judge the appearance of the other person based on the traces of blood. time.

But looking at the moment, the fingerprints on the moss were extremely fresh.

In the eyes of the demon wolf, a strong joy suddenly appeared.

"That guy just left!"

He immediately yelled, and conveyed this message to the nearby ridge master monster, while pointing at the bat, "You fly higher, look around!"

The bat sprang toward the air in response.

But he had not yet reached the height of three floors. Suddenly, a white light suddenly radiated from a nearby forest, and in a moment, he penetrated the bat's chest.

The bat screamed, the back of his chest was gushing with blood and planted from the air.

The demon wolf and other beasts were suddenly frightened, only to feel that the dark shadow flashed in front of them, and the bat had fallen in front of them.

The bat smashed a large hole in the ground, and after struggling twice, there was no sound.

Its chest went to its back, and it was pierced through a large hole.

Around the wound, a layer of frost was condensed at the moment. Not only that, the blood flowing out at this moment also turned into smooth frosty sand, and while it was slowly flowing outwards, there was a burst of cold air.

Seeing this scene, the monster at the scene suddenly felt a chill on his back.

At this time, the dense forest that had just shot white light exploded, and a figure, like a cannonball, burst out from the inside.

Heiying holds a spear-like spear in his hand.

The gun turned, and suddenly, the void seemed to be frozen.

Sen Han's breath, in an instant, caused the surrounding water vapor to condense into a slice of clear ice.

boom! Frost rolled with the shadow of the gun, and the monsters around him suddenly screamed and flew out.

For a moment, the scene seemed to be frosty.

The worst thing was that the bat's body was the first to get involved, and in a flash, it was torn into countless pieces.

The six or seven Kaizhi period beasts that were in front of them swept away. The figure appeared, holding a spear in his hand, his eyes were like a torch, and rushed towards the demon wolf during the metamorphosis period.

The spear stabbed, and in a moment, the freezing cold air froze from the top of the demon wolf's head.

Hunting for the cold wind, like a knife, rolled across the ground, and there were sharp marks on the ground.

The demon wolf roared, and his spiked mace swept violently.

Crackling! Suddenly, the ice wall was shattered by him, the ice debris was flying, and everywhere was crystal.

The cold wind and mace rubbed fiercely, and on this innocent white, a large expanse of Mars bloomed.

With this power, the demon wolf jumped out of the cold wind, stared at the figure, and yelled in shock and angrily: "It's that ... No! Who are you!"

Standing in front of him at this moment, holding a spear, was a strange monk, a strange face.

But the nose on this face is unforgettable, as if a fist, a big drum, stuck between the eyes and the mouth.

Suddenly, the demon wolf stopped suddenly.

I did not expect that there were other monks besides that monk.

And he can be sure that the two are absolutely different.

Their looks are different, and their realms are also different.

At the moment when the demon wolf was in a trance, this face with a big nose was also known by all the monsters, including Wannian Savage Dragon, with his heart.

Suddenly, in the evil rain forest, howling came: "What! There are other monks!"

And monsters with wisdom beyond their peers, such as demon monkeys, immediately made extremely accurate judgments: "This must be the companion of that monk! His companion came to save him!"

It was also at the moment when this judgment appeared that Wan Nianlong was full of angry commands and passed through the mind to the hearts of every Ling Lord and Ling Lord's demons: "Smash them all! Except the monk before him, others , All killed, none left! "

Wan Nian's order from the dragon, now the demon wolf naturally accepted.

But he is powerless now.

When feeling the anger of Master Savage Dragon, the cold spear-like spear swept fiercely, rolled up a horrible layer of ice, and flew the mace in his hand.

The force of the shock even ripped all the flesh of his wolf paw palm, a piece of flesh was blurred.

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