Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1508: Gone

The body of the demon wolf flew out a distance of hundreds of feet instantly. The body flew over in the air, breaking through layers of huge leaves.

Blood water was frozen into ice mist and exploded in mid-air.

The body slammed to the ground, and the face of the demon wolf was full of horror.

His half of his body was shaken by a great force, and now he was numb and unconscious.

At this time, there was only one thing in his mind.

He is the shame of the monster! In the history of the monster and monk competition, the monster was lost to the monk for the first time because of its strength.

And this monk is only a triad of Diyuan Realm! This is equivalent to a big demon in his metamorphosis period, who was rubbed on the ground by a monster of seventh order in Kaizhi period.

Just when the demon wolf was unable to extricate himself in this embarrassing and terrifying mood, a buzz sounded, the tremor of the void, and the next moment, the cold air came.

The wet ground was now frozen.

The large leaves around it turned into ice sculptures at this moment.

Some leaves even fell to the ground, clicked, and fell directly into several pieces.

In a crystal of ice and snow, the murderous gas condensed and came straight.

At this moment, the demon wolf felt like the whole world was covered with snow. All his vitality was blocked, and the soul was to be penetrated at this moment.

"it's here!"


Suddenly, two angry drinks came from the nearby woods.

Suddenly, a green face, with a large door panel, and a golden swordman rushed towards the frost.

boom! boom! Ten miles away, all frost exploded.

The ice and snow were shook into powder by giant force, and turned into a huge mushroom cloud, spreading towards the sky.

Om-in the vast white, the horrible green light and the golden knife light continue unabated, the eruption of the shock, spurs space and light, and instantly cuts the ice and mist like cloth.

After a while, the figures of Porcupine and Mantis fell to the ground.

The two looked at each other, and when they saw each other's faces, they looked unwilling.


The porcupine took a sip, turned and pedaled a few steps, and walked in front of the demon wolf that had just risen.

The face of the demon wolf is also not particularly good-looking.

It is also the Ling master under Wannianlong, who was just rescued by the Porcupine Monster and the Mantis Monster and owed them two big humanities, that's all.

More importantly, he was also seen by the other side as he was embarrassed.

This is for Ling Zhu, who is usually just in discord with his heart. Losing face can sometimes be more uncomfortable than killing them.

But at this time, the porcupine demon obviously did not have the mood to mock him.

The big mouth with fangs, Porcupine said, "Is that fellow's companion here?

Several people? "

The demon wolf was upset at the moment, but he did not dare to say more, and said, "Just one."

Then he emphasized again: "The nose is big."

He felt even more sad and angry when he said it.

What kind of monk did he grow up in nowadays? A territorial realm can beat him back.

If there were more days of mind, wouldn't Tongzhou City be able to even out the whole evil rain forest?

At this time, a horrible explosion sounded tens of miles ahead.

At the same time, there was a brilliant flash in the eyes of the porcupine demon, the praying mantis demon and the demon wolf: "It's that guy! Chase!"

The three-headed demon immediately left in the direction of the explosion.

"Don't let him run away!"

At this moment, the demon wolf is anxious to find his face.

The blood and water left by his broken head had flowed half of his head at this moment, making him look even more horrified.

... "Seventy miles away!"

With the latest information reported by the Twilight Wolf, the faces of the remaining five people now appeared with a serious look.

At the beginning, they were eighty miles from the target.

But for no reason, the other party suddenly moved at a high speed, and the position was constantly changing.

If they weren't convinced that the other party didn't know their existence, the six of them would even doubt whether the other party was deliberately avoiding them.

But not long after, the distance between the two sides began to quickly get closer.

"Very well, he doesn't know that we exist, and is now coming towards us."

The dog nodded, "Be prepared, this monk will be more difficult."

"Fifty miles!"

Mulang quickly reported a new distance.

At this time, in addition to the head dog, the other four people have already held magic weapon in their hands.

"Thirty miles!"

Not long after, Mulang looked at the array of flags on the ground and reported a new distance again.

The flying eagle, water fish, marmot, and evening raccoon all dispersed and stood.

If this is not in the evil rain forest, they have already taken the initiative.

But now it's okay.

And the other party doesn't know their existence, so if it goes well, they can minimize the loss.

The distance of thirty miles is already very close to the monks in the Yuanyuan Realm.

And according to the speed at which the other party is approaching at this time, it may take just a few breaths for the other party to arrive.

At this time, the atmosphere at the scene seemed like a tight string.

Except that the head dog still looked calm and restless, the other five were holding their breath at this time.

But after waiting for a long time, everyone still didn't wait for Mulang to report the distance next time.

According to the past, at the last ten miles, Mulang will remind everyone.

But after a while, it was a long time longer than expected, and they still hadn't been reminded by Mulang, and everyone couldn't help turning their heads in confusion.

At this time, they saw Mulang's look even more puzzled than them: "I'm gone!"


The dog blinked and looked at Mulang, "What's gone?"

"That guy is missing, thirty miles away."

Mulang looked up, eyes full of surprise and confusion.

This situation has never happened in their past.

Even if the opponent is dead, the distance displayed by the banner will not change any more, and it will not disappear like it is now, as if this person had never appeared at all.

The dog's brow frowned slightly.

But at this time, he didn't realize how serious the problem was.

"what happened?"

He walked to Mulang and looked at the banner.

The six-member group has six people each performing their duties. Mulang is good at tracking and positioning, so in this regard, even the head dog must listen to his opinions.

"It's gone, that guy, it's gone."

Mulang looked up and repeated the words just now.

"What's missing?"

The head dog looked at the confusion and suspicion on Mulang's face.

"It's as if this person never appeared."

Mulang's tone was unbelievable, "I have never encountered such a situation."

"Is there any possibility that will cause this to happen?"

The head dog immediately grasped the point of the problem.

Listening to the talk of the dog, Mulang's thoughts were not so chaotic immediately.

He groaned a little and immediately nodded: "There is a situation that will make this possible."

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