Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1509: I want you to die

"what's the situation!"

The head dog asked immediately.

"It was him who was eaten by the monster."

Mulang said.

After he finished speaking, the scene was silent.

In theory, this is naturally a reasonable explanation.

But now that this situation is happening in front of everyone, it is not normal.

Thirty miles away, a monk who could kill the enemy step by step was swallowed by a monster. How could they not feel it at all?

An extremely ridiculous and unbelievable feeling is now in the hearts of everyone.

"The situation is wrong."

The head dog groaned a little, "Leave here before talking."

Although I'm not sure where the problem is, the strange feeling that suddenly rises makes the head dog vigilant.

But at the moment when his voice fell, a huge shadow suddenly appeared, with an extremely strong **** breath, appearing on top of Numa's head.

It was a wolf head.

The person with a wolf head is a great monster! Only at this moment, the transformational demon looked extremely horrible, almost half of his body was covered with blood.

But the eyes were full of extreme savage and anger.

"Be careful!"

The head dog hurriedly reminded, and with a wave of his arm, a blue faint stone shot out.

This stone looked like a spirit stone, but suddenly exploded when flying in front of the demon wolf.

Suddenly, blue rays intertwine in the air, forming a large net, blocking between the demon wolf and the marsh.

In the big net, Lei Yun billowed, giving people an extremely shocking, extremely oppressive, as if the dark clouds over the city.

The demon wolf roared suddenly, his arms suddenly thickened, swelled three or four times, the muscles were knotted, and the roar of a prying steel plate broke out. The sharp claws were thick and sharp, grabbed the big net, and snapped.

Crackling! The big net burst into a flash of lightning and Mars, and in an instant, it was torn in half.

Dewclaws slap on Mog's head instantly.

The marsh bird took out a small mirror with his backhand, and then he looked into the face of the demon wolf.

There was a holy white light on this small mirror.

At this time, it can be used by the marmot to deal with the demon wolf, which is obviously a powerful magic weapon.

Because it was blocked by the big net before, so this time, the marmot inspired this magic weapon, and the time should be enough.

But at this moment, the marmot felt his head together.

The movement in his hand stopped immediately.

At the same time, a scary thought emerged in the head of the marsh bird: "God attack! This guy is not ..." Bang! More thoughts, before he had time to show it, his body was immediately torn by the wolf claws.

The upper body was caught by Dewclaws again, and it was shaken hard. Suddenly, blood was mixed with the internal organs, and a hot piece was scattered around.

Originally speaking in the realm of marmoset, even if the body is torn in two, if the treatment is timely, there is still a chance to survive, and the chance is still great.

But now I was tossed like this, and then the demon wolf slammed his body on the ground. Suddenly, the last vitality was annihilated.

The whole process does not even add up to a blink of an eye.

After the demon wolf killed the marmot, he did not continue the offensive against other people. Instead, he flew into the dense forest next to him and disappeared in no time.

At this time, the corpse's body shook two places in place and crashed to the ground.

The astonishment and confusion on the faces of the eagle, the water fish, the Twilight Wolf, and the Xiju, did not even have time to disperse at this moment.

This guy ... killed someone and just left?

After a short stint, the four of them turned back and looked at the dogs together.

However, I did not expect that the expressions of the head dogs were even more shocked than theirs, and their faces were more uncertain.

"We ..." After hesitating, Mulang spoke.

The appearance of the monsters and the death of the marmots indicate that they have been found by the monsters here.

If there is no accident, once the monster meets with the monk, it is an endless situation.

So Mulang speaks at this moment to remind the head dogs whether they should leave quickly.

The change just happened was so big and so sudden that Twilight had forgotten that they only had to obey the order of the head dog.

But at this moment, the words of Twilight Wolf also obviously played a role.

The terrier was shocked, as if waking up from a nightmare, and murmured, "Just that guy, not a monster ..." "What?"

The other four were stunned, and for a moment did not understand what the other party was saying.

The head dog also seemed to realize something at this moment, and his face became extremely ugly in an instant, and he immediately sank: "We're doing it, hurry up! Don't waste time!"

"That corpse's body ..." Heiyu hesitated.

She is the only female nun in the group of six. At this moment, she saw that the sparrow was dead, and as a companion, for a moment, Yu Xin couldn't bear to leave the other's body here.

If the opponent's body is left here, it won't be long before it will be eaten by the monsters here.

"It's too late, hurry up!"

At this moment, the head dog left no room and ordered immediately.

After speaking, leading the crowd will quickly leave.

But the five talented people just stepped forward, and suddenly, a gust of wind, with an extremely **** breath, shot from a distance.

Wow! All the branches and leaves along the way were shredded and smashed in the air.

"Sure enough!"

The head dog's eyes were frozen, and what he thought before, turned into reality at this moment, and his heart suddenly became half cold.

"I've found you! Damn monk!"

There was a roar in the wind, and the next moment, an astonishingly large mace, as if it were a towering giant tree, fell from the sky and fell down fiercely towards five people.

On the mace, the blood was soaring into the sky, condensing into a pair of wolf packs, as if to tore five people into pieces, not even bone scum was left.

"kill him!"

The dog bit his teeth and shouted, "Flying eagle, water fish, marsh ... Mulang! Ziwei exquisite cannon!"

The three had orders, and at the same time pulled a triangular jade hanging from their necks, and all shot: "Ziwei exquisite cannon!"

boom! The golden beam of light burst out from the three of them, condensed into a bunch in the midair, with an immensely magnificent, hot, intense, and fierce breath, instantly penetrated the shadow of that pack of wolves and hit the mace fiercely on.

The blood shadow exploded instantly, and the surrounding area burst into chaos, a tumbling, as if boiling water.

The three flying eagles receded several feet on the ground, looking dignified.

In the eyes of the head dog, an expression of shame also appeared at this moment.

There was a slamming sound, and there was a gap in the surroundings, and a gap was opened. Half of the face was filled with blood and blood, holding a mace, surrounded by blood, roaring out.

At first glance, he saw the corpse of the moor on the ground, and saw the most striking big nose.

"I found you! I want to kill you!"

Suddenly, the demon wolf exploded into a horrible killing intention that made Eagles and others incomprehensible.

Listen to his tone and look at his expression, as if the crowd had just attacked him, and then escaped under his eyes.

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