Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1512: Rainforest Evil God (1)

"Golden light ..." Chu Yan muttered.

There were some pictures in his mind, flashing.

But there is no way to connect these pictures.

So for this golden light, he just felt a familiar feeling, but he couldn't remember how he had seen it.

At this time, the attack and killing of more than a dozen transformational monsters on the scene came, and with the power of destroying the world, they poured heavily on the heads of dogs and other people.

"You guys, find your own way-" In the golden light, the corner of the dog's mouth turned up, showing a mocking smile.

At this moment, Jin Guang seemed to be boiling, bursting out of his wound, and in a moment, he melted the head dog and the surrounding eagles and others into it.

Bang! More than a dozen magical powers fell, such as flames, frost, heavy rain, and sharpness. At this time, the void was smashed into a staleness, as if falling into eternal desolation and chaos.

But at this time, these deformed monsters hanging in the air were changing their faces.

They felt something wrong.

In the midst of a mixed mansion, an invisible wall appeared to block their magical powers.

Blocked the magical powers of more than a dozen transformational monsters! At this time, a beam of golden light pierced through the mixed mans, pointing directly at the sky.

The moment when this golden light appeared, the chaos, shock, and destruction of the emptiness suddenly calmed down.

This golden light seems to have the supreme idea.

The magical powers of these transformed monsters are just for foiling.

Looking at the golden light, the faces of the transformed monsters suddenly became harder to look.

"On! Don't give him any chance!"

The porcupine demon came back, his face sullen and roared.

With a buzz, the blue light around him illuminated the sky for more than ten miles around him, all of which was a miserable green.

In this piece of green light, a fierce face was violently condensed, and with a loud roar, the mouth of the blood basin was opened, his mouth full of fangs was exposed, and he bit the gold light.

At first glance, it seemed as if it was an ancient beast, rushing out of nothingness, with an extremely strong hatred, to devour all the living beings between heaven and earth.

At this time, the golden light slowly unfolded, with a sense of calmness.

The face of the beast swallowed the sky, and rushed to it, as if it were a round of green sun. In an instant, they attacked and killed the golden light.

The vast void collapsed inward, and a deafening roar erupted.

"My ants, be dead."

At this time, a voice came from the golden light.

This sound was exceptionally loud, penetrating through the sky, and was heard in the ears, so that people could only hear the rumbling sound and could not understand what was being said at all.

But at this moment, the words spoken by this voice seemed to be directly introduced into the hearts of everyone, not only letting people know the content of the words, but also directly letting everyone feel a majestic and magnificent momentum, as if straight into the sky The holy snow mountain is as if it is a deep blue sea, which makes people feel that they are extremely small, as if it is a trivial dust in the universe.

Time, space, light, at the same time the sound sounded, seemed to stop flowing.

In the real world, at this moment, it stops and can only face the crushing pressure of this golden pressure.

In the eyes of the beasts, a moment of terrified expression appeared at this moment.

As long as it is not a fool, you can feel at this moment that this golden light contains a very powerful god.

This divine thought will sweep them all.


The Porcupine Monster, who took the lead in the first shot, had deformed his face due to extreme fear.

He wants to take back the magical power, he wants to escape from here.

However, there is no chance.

Amidst the golden light, a large hand slowly came out.

The movement of this hand is slow.

But all the monsters at the scene felt that they could not escape the suppression of this golden hand.

The big hand seemed to be a cloud in the sky, slowly and slowly, stretched out in front of the face of the tragic green monster, spread his fingers and placed it on this face.

Elegant and soothing movements.

The porcupine monster wants to escape.

But at this moment, his body and soul seemed to be frozen, and even his mind could no longer function.

Golden palm, pinch with five fingers.

The monster's face across the sky suddenly collapsed and shattered into dust.

At this time, the porcupine demon seemed to be returning to God, with extreme fear in his eyes, and even the facial features were deformed.

He opened his mouth and wanted to shout, but before he could make a sound, he slammed into the flesh and blood in the air.

The golden palm continued to stretch forward.

The big demon, at this time, is still in the shape of a body.

The golden palm patted it lightly.

Wow—the big monster suddenly turned into smoke and dust, spreading slowly in mid-air.

Palms extended again.

At the scene, there were more than a dozen deformed monsters. At this moment, hovering in the midst of the air was like lining up in line, waiting to be destroyed one by one by the golden big hands.

The demon wolf was touched by the golden palm, his body was like a light smoke blown away, and he disappeared in the air a little.

Another monster, motionless, let the golden palms move from him.

And when the golden palms were removed, the monster was gone.

It was empty in midair, as if it had never appeared.

It can be said that this golden palm is not at all killing monsters, but erasing all traces of these monsters appearing in this world.

Chu Yan hidden in the depths of the rain forest, looking at this scene at this moment, just felt very shocked in his heart.

"Why do I feel so familiar with this golden light.

Where does it come from?

The dog is a monk at Ziweimen. Does this golden light come from that emperor? "

Suddenly, Chu Yan came up with many questions.

But at this moment, like the monsters, he was so shocked that there was no way to stabilize his emotions and think about these issues.

At this moment he looked at the palm of his hand and wiped out the transformational monster in the air.

As for the Kaizhi period monsters on the ground, this golden palm does not need to be managed at all.

As it moved from mid-air, the void continued to stack and shatter, directly crushing the Kaizhi period monster on the ground into plasma.

And when more beasts of Kaizhi period, when this golden palm appeared, they bleed in seven holes and died in the end.

The speed at which the golden palms kill the monsters at the scene is as easy as wiping off the dust on the desktop.

All of a sudden, the monsters on the scene were wiped out.

There are also half of the transformational demon in mid-air.

At this time, the golden palm moved with great grandeur to the mantis.

The big praying mantis is humanoid at this moment, and it is almost insignificant compared with the golden palm of nearly ten floors.

Like the previous transformation monster, even if the double-edged sword is clenched in his hand, the praying mantis monster is like a clay sculpture at this moment, motionless and waiting to die.

But when the golden palm met the praying mantis monster, the mutation was abrupt! A black gas, with a very wicked smell, burst out from the mantis demon and spread out.

Suddenly, the whole world seemed to be in darkness, enchanting, countless evil spirits, rushing out, gusts of wind, and wailing again and again, making the hairs of the whole body stand up.

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