Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1513: Rainforest Evil God (2)

This billowing black gas, with the breath of death, the temperature of death.

At this time, the entire rain forest seemed to drop to freezing point, making people's bone marrow seem to be frozen.

Strong winds rolled up all around at the same time.

When it blows to people's ears, it makes people seem to hear that fierce ghosts grind their teeth in their ears.

Although Chu Yan was hiding in a very deep place at this time, he still felt uncomfortable.

He knew the gate of **** in the sea, and it was also a magic weapon to communicate the land of the dead.

Through there, he even went to the world of the dead.

But the world of the dead he's seen, the sky is gray, giving people a sense of vitality. It's definitely not like it is now. It is full of evil, evil thoughts, and full of the taste of destruction. From fierce to fierce, the source of the world's destruction and sinking is general.

"This is the black gas that hurt me before!"

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan's gaze was condensed, "Is it Wan Nianlong Dragon's shot?"

The thought suddenly came to his mind, and the dark air suddenly changed again in the sky.

The billowing black gas condensed into a ball, and then five thick black pillars were drilled from above.

Suddenly, the mad, raging black smoke seemed to turn into a giant palm.

It's just the five fingers of this giant palm, each finger seems to be a bridge connecting the land where evil spirits are bred.

At this moment, countless undead evil spirits, roaring and roaring, hovering around their fingers, erupting in wailing, growling, and crying.

And in the center of this black gas, we can see a faint stone statue, as high as six or seven floors. At this moment, with the change of the dark gas, it seems that various actions are being made.

"That stone statue is ..." Chu Yan was suddenly shocked.

He instantly remembered that the stone image was exactly the same as when he first dug out of a mud pile when he first entered the rainforest! It was just the one he dug out at that time, not so big.

Although the sizes are not the same, the sculpture is the same thing.

To be precise, the same figure is carved! And now the black gas condensing into the palm of this evil spirit surrounds the stone statue, leaving the stone statue in it, floating up and down, as the light changes, it seems to come to life.

"No! This is not the Wannian Savage Dragon! This stone statue is at least ten thousand years old, and the Wannian Savage Dragon is not so old.

What's more, he is a monster and has no ability to control this evil spirit.

This statue is probably an evil deity who was enshrined in this evil rain forest at that time.

And its ability can be used by the monsters here, it is very likely that Wannian Savage Dragon discovered the secret of this deity, or communicated with the evil **** through his eyes, and obtained some of the power of the evil god.

Then Wan Nianlong gave this ability to the monsters under his control.

Therefore, some of the monsters that chased me before will have this power. "

Chu Yan's mind turned sharply, and relying on not having many clues, she soon deduced that it was possible.

But at this time, the giant palm condensed by black gas and the golden holy palm are about to collide for the first time.

In this urgent moment, I can't afford to say anything more.

His attention was instantly drawn to the picture in midair.

Om-bang-the long roar came.

In the middle of the air, the golden palms that kept advancing were stopped by the giant palm that was condensed by black gas.

Because he couldn't move forward, the void around the golden palm was squeezed and cracked.

Large cracks burst constantly.

At first glance, the sky above the sky was covered with cobweb-like cracks, as if this sky was about to open a large cave.

The deformed monster who was just shaken by the golden palm just now. At this time, although the look of horror still difficult to conceal in his eyes, he has at least returned.

Looking up at the shocking scene at their fingertips, they knew that the opportunity was rare, and they no longer hesitated, yelling loudly, turning into a swift light, and fled away.

If you don't run at this time, you can't run away! "Do you ... really run away?"

Looking at the fleeing transformation demon, Chu Yan's eyes narrowed.

He did not chase while chasing, but remained hidden in the depths, motionless, but his eyes fell from mid-air, looking directly below the golden palm: "This guy, showing such a large handwriting will not let You run away so easily. "

In Chu Yan's heart, this idea had just arisen.

In the air, the golden palm suddenly diffused a circle of light.

Suddenly, the light of the golden palms was more prosperous, like the hot sun, illuminating the ancient sky.

"The only ray of divine thought left is to dare to stop my steps and to be wanton--" In the golden palm, the majestic voice came again.

At the same time, the glow of the golden palms became more solid.

Before, it was the palm of the golden light condensed. For a moment, it seemed to become the palm of the golden gold condensed and pushed forward.

Click! Click! Countless evil thoughts, countless evil spirits, palms filled with devastating black gas, and immediately began to collapse.

Cracks were spreading on them at the moment.

"Lagerstroemia destiny, destroy all evil!"

A melodious chant came from the golden palm.

Suddenly, the golden palm was pushed forward again.

This time, like any resistance, there is no way to stop it.

Crackling! The billowing blackness seemed to collapse like a dark Wuzhishan.

The broken pieces fell into the mighty golden light and disappeared immediately.

In the dark air, a ghost screamed and wanted to escape.

But that sky, at this moment, seems to be imprisoned by Jin Guang.

They can't escape at all.

As the golden wave approached, it suddenly evaporated like water vapor, and it was never seen again.

When the black gas was completely dissipated, the huge statue wrapped in the center was completely exposed in mid-air.

The statue is a stone sculpture, mottled, giving a feeling of ancient flavor.

But I do n’t know how it was carved. It was just a stone sculpture, but at first glance, I felt that my chest was stuffy and depressed, as if a calamity was imminent.

At this moment, even if the holy golden light is spread on it, there is no way to dispel this uncomfortable feeling, as if it is the source of evil and cannot be washed away.

On the surface of the statue, there is still a faint black gas lingering, and it seems that it wants to gush out.

But at this time, there is no such opportunity.

Push the golden palm forward.

boom! The golden light shook, the golden tide was turbulent, and a violent spread.

The stone carvings bear the brunt of it, blasting it into powder, which was illuminated by golden light, turned into smoke and dust, and was scattered by the wind.

The deformed monsters, who had fled to the distance, suddenly felt that a mighty force was looting in their bodies, and had not responded yet. Doraemon, when it was empty, it was torn into pieces.

The flesh and blood seemed like a torrential rain pouring down.

And the light of the golden palm, at this moment, seemed to be burning, reaching the extreme, falling from the sky, enveloping the whole world in a brilliant light.


Chu Yan took a deep breath at this moment and rushed into the golden light.

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