Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1515: Savage Dragon

"You ..." Shuiyu was still in a bun, and when she lowered her head, she found that the two short thorns had penetrated her chest.

Her lips fluttered and she wanted to say something, but the electric light squeaked through her body.

The pain that went straight into the bone marrow immediately made the water fish kneel to the ground.

"What do you ... do ..." Shuiyu said hardly.

Her eyes were full of doubts.

Not only her, but Xi Ju's face was also confused and confused.

At the last moment he was the target of public criticism, and even he was ready to fight hard.

But what happened as a result, the situation changed?

No one answered water fish.

Twilight Wolf quickly drew out two short thorns, and then scooped from under the arm of the water fish.

The two arms of the water fish immediately flew into the air.

Blood spewed out in pain, causing her to fall to the ground suddenly, moaning in pain.

"Don't pretend, Wannian pretty dragon."

The dog talked slightly at this time.

The scars on his body, the horror-like appearance, and the low tone of his voice added a taste of killing and oppression to the whole person.

"If I hadn't learned anything about the evil rainforest before, how could I have rushed in so rashly.

Wannian Savage Dragon, Wanlong Savannah.

Although he was seriously injured, there is no problem hiding in the distance and controlling others to do things for himself through divine thought. "

The dog sneered.

The dog's voice dropped, and Shuiyu stopped moaning.

Not only that, but her terrified and painful expression disappeared.

In its place is indifference and ridicule never seen before.

She twisted her waist, stood up from the ground, and looked at the dog: "At this time, even if I don't admit it, I'm afraid it won't work."

"It's true."

The dog nodded.

At this time, Xi Tan wakes up like a big dream, exclaiming: "You are not a fish! What about a fish?"

The water fish turned his face and looked at the beaver, with a mockery on his face: "I am a water fish."

"You are not! You are a Wannian Savage Dragon!"

Xi Juli shouted, the sword in his hand was sharp and pointed, pointing at the water fish, "how are you doing with the water fish! Where is she now!"

"Yes, I am indeed a Wannian Dragon."

The water fish nodded, and then sneered, "But I am also a water fish. You haven't understood it yet, the two of us are now alone."

"What ..." Xi Tan said.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the head dog.

"The Wannian Savage Dragon controlled her mind. The current fish is a clone of Wannian Savage Dragon.

Water fish is gone. "

Hearing the words of the head dog, Xi Tan's head buzzed, and his eyes became red instantly, killing and condensing. The whole person was sharp, like a sword with a sheath.

"I will kill you!"

Xi Tan roared, the sword in his hand condensed the horror swordman, and pierced the water fish.

The head dog has five people, only water fish is the only female nun.

Over time, it is only natural for some of the remaining people to have feelings for water fish.

And Xi Tan is one of them.

After hearing the explanation from the head dog, Xi Tan understood it instantly.

Although the appearance of the water fish is still the original appearance, the mind and soul have been completely replaced by Wannian Savage Dragon.

The thought of the water fish is so dead, and even if it is dead, the body is still being controlled by the monster, Xi Xi is as keen as a knife, and I ca n’t wait to break the Wannian Dragon into a corpse and frustrate the bones at this moment to relieve my heart hate.

But as soon as Xi Ju shot, he was stopped by the flying eagle.

"what are you doing!"

Xi Tan yelled, "Don't you want to take revenge on the water fish!"

Between the words, Xi Tan shed two lines of tears, her teeth rattling.

"That's a clone of Wannian Savage Dragon. Even if you kill her, you just kill a clone and can't avenge the water fish."

Flying Eagle Road.

As soon as the flying eagle said, he immediately woke up Xi Ju.

But after thinking about it, Xi Tan was even more annoyed: "Don't you just watch it occupy the body of the water fish, do whatever you want here!"

The eagle didn't answer him, but the tanuki winked.

Xi Ju followed the eagle's gaze, and suddenly saw the water-headed dog at this moment.

Suddenly, Xi Tan came to understand.

At this time, the first dog that shot, must be ready! So he held the sword in his hand and slowly lowered it.

The head of the dog's eyes, from beginning to end, fell on the body of the water fish.

"Wan Nianlong, a former eighth-level monster in the metamorphosis period, if we kill, all of us will be able to grow extremely merit cards.

The head dog said lightly.

"But you have nothing to do with me right now, oh not right, you can abuse your companion's body wantonly."

The familiar face of the water fish, at this moment, a coldness and ridicule that had not been seen before have appeared. "Do n’t you monks pay special attention to your companions? I want to see now that you can make a good body of your former companion. What kind of thing is coming. "

"It won't bother you."

The dog coughed at this time.

With the cough, in addition to blood and water, there were fragments of the internal organs.

After coughing, the head dog feels like it is about to run out of oil.

Even the glory in the original eyes turned into a shimmer of fire at this moment, which was about to go out.

"Before I fall, I have to do this, otherwise, this time I came to the evil rain forest, but it was a big loss.

And I must not, lose, emperor, monk, face, face. "

The last few words, the head dog is so solemn, almost finished the word.

The words fell, and the ground trembled beneath his feet.

Suddenly, the golden light permeated from under his feet, and along the ground, a striped road was drawn, spreading towards the fish.

"not good!"

The water fish changed his face immediately.

Wan Nian Savage Dragon had seen the power of this golden light before.

From the perspective of the eighth-level demon in its original form, it is natural to see that this golden light comes from the goddess of a powerful monk.

What it didn't expect was that before it had thrown out this rainforest evil **** as a shield, it consumed the power of the golden giant palm, but there was still a part of the dog's body in order to deal with it! Wannian Savage Dragon controlled the body of the water fish and immediately rose into the air, trying to escape.

Although I don't know to what extent the other party can do it, the thought of the mighty eyes behind this golden light may be watching here at the moment, Wan Nianlong feels scalp numbness and just wants to run away.

Even at this time, it was regretful, why did she control the body of the nun when her two palms collided in midair.

Just when the feet of the water fish were about two feet off the ground, the golden light spread to her feet, and then slammed from the ground, as if it were a golden whip, snapped, and pumped the water fish fiercely. Fall to the ground.

At the position where the back of the water fish was drawn, a full and short burnt mark of the length and thickness of the arm suddenly appeared, and at the same time a burst of green smoke, fleshy flesh, and was extremely terror.

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