Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1516: You have n’t shot yet (on)

When the water fish was previously pierced by the Twilight Wolf's chest, it did not show pain.

But at the moment, the appearance of a back wound made her groan painfully and rolled around on the ground, unable to stand up.

At this time, the golden texture reveals an ancient, mysterious taste, like dense characters, spreading from the ground, covering the ground under the water fish.

Before, the fish was still full of pain, but now it is full of horror.

She was struggling and trying to escape, but the golden lines suddenly lifted, like a large net, covering her instantly.

The lines suddenly seemed to be engraved on Shuiyu's face and body, constantly twisting on her body as if living.

At this time, the water fish seemed to be suffering indescribable pain, sorrowful and mournful, as if the cuckoo was crying with blood, and the ghost was crying at night, which made people tremble.

"Water fish!"

Looking at the familiar face, such an unbearable expression appeared at the moment, Xi Jue felt his heart was breaking.

"She's not a water fish, she's a Wannian Savage Dragon.

Now is forcing her body out, you don't do stupid things. "

Flying Eagle reminded.

Xi Tan clenched her teeth tightly and clenched her fists, which forced her to suppress her internal pain.

After a while, the water fish rolling on the ground began to melt like a candle.

As it melts, it reshapes.

In front of everyone's eyes, her body became wider and longer, and finally, she became a completely strange figure to everyone, kneeling on one knee, with her head down, her hands covering her chest, and a dull cough. sound.

"I was forced out of your body."

The dog sneered.

"But you have the ability to kill me."

Wan Nianlong, kneeling on the ground on one knee, made a joke of laughter and slowly raised his head.

Its appearance is probably reappeared in the eyes of the world for the first time in the past 100 years.

Wan Nianlonglong looks like a frail middle-aged man, his face is pale as paper, and his cheeks are clear. If he does n’t think of it as a big monster, but his face, , Still a bit handsome.

Standing slowly from the ground, Wan Nianlong's eyes were provocative, and the corners of his mouth were full of mocking smiles: "My body is still the metamorphosis period of heaven's state of mind. Why are you killing me by ants?"

"Why do you keep your hands on your chest?"

The head dog asked suddenly.

Wan Nianlong's face changed.

The head dog seemed to not see his face, and continued: "Is it because the old injury has not healed, in that case, will we have a chance?"

Wan Nianlong's lips froze, and an arc was drawn immediately.

He kept his hands on his chest and lowered them slowly.

When he saw his chest, everyone at the scene took a breath and took a breath.

Wan Nianlong's chest seemed to be dug out, revealing a terrible blood cave.

The center of the blood cave is the heart of Wan Nianlong.

And on this heart, there was a cyan thing piercing.

The heart was pierced, but standing here at the moment still gave a strong sense of oppression, Mulang couldn't help muttering, "This is the strength of the metamorphosis period." "The ants, at this time, you The one behind him has not yet shot, presumably when he either seals that divine thought in you, he never thought he would help you again.

Either that, he can't do anything right now.

In this case, you have no chance of escaping from my hands. "

Wan Nianlong raised his hand, a mass of blood percolated out of the palm, slowly rotated, wriggled, and stretched. In a moment, it turned into a **** spear.

The spear shook slightly, and immediately released extremely violent blood. The shock caused several people on the scene to sway and breathe, as if they had fallen into the ocean of blood, and there was a strong **** smell in the nasal cavity.

"Blood Sea Jail!"

With a roar, Wan Nianlong shot out.

The spear stabbed violently in his hand. Suddenly, he rolled and attacked, as if armies and horses, swept towards the crowd.

A large swath of blood blew the sky and the earth, as if it were the tragic battlefield of ancient times.

Countless blood shadows swayed, gun shadows roared, and the dog's face changed.

He did not expect that Wan Nianlong's shot was so decisive, and in the next moment, there was no response.

"Soulless Ethereal Sword!"

At this time, there was a loud shout from Xi Tan.

Eye-catching Jianmang, skyrocketing several feet, when the time was up.

The void seemed to be cut open, and the breath of Xiao Suo, annihilation, and despair was born spontaneously.

"The pearl of rice grains, dare to drink the sun and the moon!"

Wan Nianlong said with a sneer, and he sneered.

Even though he was seriously injured and fell in the realm, it has not healed yet, but it is still in the realm of metamorphosis.

In contrast to monks, that is the double-mindedness of the state of mind.

Heaven's state of mind is twofold. If it still can't kill a few Yuanyuan, it will have no face to continue to rule this evil brutal rainforest.

The shadow of the gun was tumultuous and mighty, and the sword awn was swallowed up in an instant.

There was a sorrowful wailing in the shadow of the gun.

The night raccoon, who was vengeful for water fish, turned into a sore body in the next moment, and fell out of it.


Mulang yelled, and two short spines in his hand flashed out of shock.

At the same time, the sky quickly shrouded a heavy dark cloud, and among them was the sound of a muffled thunder.


Wan Nianlong dragon head turned.

Suddenly, he wandered the river of blood, his intentions were boiling, like the river rolling, the waves slamming on the shore, and rushing towards Mulang.

"Back away!"

But just when Wannian Savage Dragon turned his gun, the head dog yelled at Mulang.

Twilight Wolf's body also casts, quickly swiping away to the left of the head of the dog.

Huh! The gunshot full of murderous intentions almost passed Mulang's body.

However, although there was no fatal injury, after all, it was the shot of the great demon during the metamorphosis period. The forced blood also drove Mulang out dozens of feet away, and he smashed a human figure on the ground. He could not climb for a long time. , The blood is mad in the mouth.

"Oh, I forgot. You can break through people's hearts and know what others think."

When the head dog was grateful for Mulang to escape this blow, he suddenly saw Wan Nianlong's eyes full of gas and stared at himself. The words uttered in the mouth were full of ferocity and resentment, "I originally I thought it turned into one of the few female nuns who usually speak very little. You can hide the sky and cross the sea, but now think about it, I am afraid that the first time I changed into that nun, I was discovered by you! "

The thought of a self-conceived plan is a huge joke in the eyes of the other person. Wan Nianlong felt an instant anger, and the anger in his heart seemed like a volcanic eruption.


With a roar, the blood shone soaring into the sky, the next moment, it turned into a dense crowd, thousands of **** meteors fell straight towards the head dog.

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