Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1518: You have been exposed

The light in front of me was bright and dark.

The body flew up in the air, fell again, flew up again, and then fell again, the number of ups and downs, the head dog himself did not remember.

The body that had been seriously damaged was completely dispelled by the opponent's confident blow.

The head dog is also unclear at this time, what kind of state his body is now.

Probably divided into two halves?

Or three, or four, or more?

However, the moment before he felt his body torn, he clearly saw Wan Nianlong mourn a sorrow, cut off one of his tails, and escaped with a **** body.

"The lizard escaped by breaking its tail ..." I don't know why. At this moment, when thinking about this, the head dog wants to laugh a little.

But at this time, he couldn't laugh anymore.

The clouds of smoke dangled in front of me, like chaos.

Strangely, I saw a figure appearing in front of my eyes.

It won't be a flying eagle.

The moment the flying eagle bloomed, it became a piece of flesh.

Nor can it be Mulang.

The severely wounded Twilight wolf scattered in the just continuous magical bombardment.

Twilight Wolf is everywhere now, but none is complete.

Then the only one who can still stand in front of himself at this time is that person.

"Chu Yan ..." the head dog shouted the name.

They chased all the way, they were bound to get it, and the guy who thought that the other party didn't know they existed at all, put them together.

The soldiers did not have a blood blade, and they destroyed the group directly.

Good means, good strategy.

The head dog has no resentment against Chu Yan at this moment.

To lose is to lose, but just on the road, to lose is to pay for life.

Before that, many people lost their lives to him.

But this time, the loser replaced himself.

"Good strategy ..." muttered the head dog.

His eyes were injured. At this moment, he could not see the other person clearly, but only a vaguely blurred image.

Look at the other person, it seems to be looking for something.

Well, yes, that's right.

The leg thrown out by the opponent at this time seemed to be his own.

The head dog remembered that he had a storage bag, which was hanging on that leg.

Yes, at least now I know that I have one leg missing.

"I have something ... don't understand ..." The head dog did not care what Chu Yan was doing now.

He felt himself dying.

The monk in Diyuanjing had his chest pierced and his body cut into two parts. As long as he was rescued in time, he would not die.

But as now, his body is torn apart, and his waist, legs, and arms are thrown around by the other side. The head dog feels that he probably can't live long.

Because of this, the questions in his mind must be asked.

Otherwise, even if it is dead, it will not be purposeful.

Not sure if Chu Yan would answer him, so the head dog immediately asked the question.

"I guess ... since the corpse is a xiju ... then you ... must not ... so simple ... ... I also think that ... you will deal with ... Wannianlonglong ... but in the end ... why ... would that be the body ... the body ... what ... can you pretend ... heh ... I You can ... see through the minds of others ... but in the end ... still ... I was fooled by you ... "The dog smiled at himself.

After laughing, his breathing became weaker.

If life is likened to a candlelight, the head dog now has only the last trace of the candlelight, and it will go out at any time.

Chu Yan's actions did not stop because of the words of the head dog.

But he answered each other's question.

"The body doesn't need to think."

Just one sentence.

After listening to the head dog, his breath was short.

At this moment, he finally understood where he was wrong.

Chu Yan knows that he can see through the minds of others.

Therefore, no matter who he pretends, some subconscious thoughts cannot be controlled.

As long as a flaw is revealed, the disguise will be noticed by the head dog.

But pretending to be a corpse is different.

The corpse need not think.

So the head dog would never know what this "corpse" was thinking, and his attention would then be focused on those he suspected.

Chu Yan used this inertia of thinking to make the head dog obedient.

"You're ... treacherous ..." The head dog said again.

Chu Yan did so at risk.

In order to ensure that his "corpse" is not exposed, he needs to consciously shield his external perception.

In this case, whatever others do, his response will be slower, or he will not even notice.

This is a means of putting yourself in a very dangerous situation, and if you are not careful, you will never lose it.

"So you fought, and then I cleaned up the endgame."

Chu Yan had finished finishing the scene and stood in front of the head dog.

The scene was severely damaged.

The monster that was killed by the golden palm was scattered in the void, and he could not absorb it.

The storage bags of these people were also destroyed in a round of magical powers.

In the end, Chu Yan only found two good storage bags.

What's even more uncomfortable is that the four swords formed a sword array to attack and kill, and in the end, Wan Nianlong was run away.

Although it was the other party who took the initiative to cut off the tail and escaped with talented supernatural powers, it was still a bit unhappy to the Chu Yan who always pursued perfection.

Therefore, His Highness Chu's expression was not very good at this time.

I don't know if I want to understand Chu Yan's words, or if I feel Chu Yan's mood right now, the head dog closed his mouth and said nothing.

After a while, he opened his mouth again: "Yeah ... you won ... what I say now ... is just as quick as it is ... useless ... but ..." His Highness Chu usually hates talking He was panting, and at this time he would slap his palms and take a thin shot of the dog's body, sending him to the road completely.

But at this moment, the dog opened his mouth with a smile: "You look ... not only do we know ..." Chu Yan frowned, palms fell, and slammed the dog's body. Shot into the ground, it became a puddle of flesh and blood.

"Can anyone think that you did not die of magical powers, but of cheap talk."

Chu Yan grunted coldly and turned around, ready to chase Wannian Savage Dragon who escaped by a broken tail.

Because of the existence of a lot of insightful eyes nearby, although Chu Yan was always in the same place at this time, the whereabouts of Wannianlonglong was clear.

But when the dog just said, it still made him care a little.

His own appearance now seems to have been known by Ziweimen.

What is unclear is how many people know who they are and who they are.

However, he is not a well-known disciple in Tianyazong, even if the other party wants to check, it is not easy.

It is imperative that you thoroughly understand Wannian Savage Dragon before you are serious.

Set his mind, Chu Yan immediately stomped on the world chess board, chased in the direction of Wannian Savage Dragon.

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