Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1519: Fallen temple

The numerous insightful eyes laid before Chu Yan in order to deal with the monsters and beasts.

Although there is no more pressure to be chased by monsters, these insightful eyes still help Chu Yan to track Wannian Savage Dragon.

Wan Nianlong's whereabouts are clear at this moment.

Even after a short while, Wan Nianlong could rush out of the area covered by the Eye of Insight, and Chu Yan had nothing to worry about.

Compared to the severely injured Wan Nianlong, who has limited speed at the moment, Chu Yan who has stepped on the chessboard of the world is several times faster.

And Wan Nianlong could hardly maintain human shape at this time, and fled in a half human and beast form.

With a big body, the trail left behind will naturally become clearer.

As for flying in the sky, unless Wan Nianlong's brain was broken by Chu Yan, otherwise he would never do such a thing.

In the rain forest, there are still dense branches and leaves to cover it.

In heaven, it was really afraid that Chu Yan could not see him.

Eyes of insight, bloodstains, messy ground-With all these factors, Chu Yan tracked Wannian Savage Dragon with almost no effort.

During this period, some monsters were ordered by Wannian Savage Dragon to stop Chu Yan.

But compared to these beast-like birds, Chu Yan is now invincible.

When he was chased by a group of deformed monsters before, he could even deal with or even kill.

Until now, the single-formed big demon, or a group of monsters in the wisdom period, is not much different from a hen or a group of furry chicks in front of Chu Yan.

Zhan Yan opened the door and tried to stop his monster. Almost as soon as he appeared, he was killed directly.

Then the blood of these monsters was not wasted by Chu Yan, and he breathed cleanly.

While replenishing blood and condensing the body, the black gas lingering in the wound was also expelled.

So if you look at the scene, people who do n’t know about it may not have thought of it. These monsters were sent by Wannian Savage Dragon to stop Chu Yan. .

But even if it was known that it was to quench thirst, Wan Nianlong had to do it.

If you do not rely on a steady stream of monsters to slow down Chu Yan's pursuit, I am afraid that Wan Nianlong will soon be caught up.

Therefore, when Chu Yan chased Wannian Manlong and came to a building that was half-naked on the ground, the seventy-two ridge masters under Wannian Manlong had less than one palm.

And relying on the blood of these monsters, Chu Yan not only expelled all the black gas in the wound, but also adjusted his body to the heyday.

At this moment, Chu Yan stood in front of the building half-exposed on the ground, her gaze fixed.

Due to the environment, the surface of this building is covered with vegetation and moss, and the stone carving itself also gives it a long, ancient and wild taste.

It can be seen that the original size of this building should not be small.

However, due to some topographical changes, such as earthquakes, most of the building sank underground.

But even so, the part exposed on the ground at this time was still tilted, and there were still nearly five or six floors high.

Chu Yan glanced away and soon saw familiar reliefs in some places not covered by plants.

"Similar to that stone sculpture."

Chu Yan looked carefully and immediately made a judgment, "This building, I am afraid, is the temple of the rainforest evil god, and now it is occupied by Wannian Savage Dragon."

In this way, many of the previous guesses can be confirmed at this time.

Chu Yan had speculated before that the black gas with destruction was not from the Wannian Savage Dragon, but from the rainforest evil god.

It seems to be the case now.

Chu Yan can even deduce a fact that is very close to the truth.

Because the handsome dad never mentioned the black gas, Chu Yan estimates that Wannianlong took the temple after being hurt by the handsome dad.

It either intentionally searched for it, or it happened by coincidence, and found the temple of the rainforest evil god, and obtained part of the inheritance of the evil god, that is, the black gas that can prevent wound healing.

Because of this inheritance and the extremely secretive location of this temple, Wannian Savage Dragon has chosen to cultivate here until now.

The traces of Wan Nianlong's escape, show that he finally escaped into this temple.

At this moment, not far in front of Chu Yan, the building was about two stories above the ground and had a black entrance.

The vines that originally covered the entrance were roughly ripped apart and thrown aside.

The vine's fracture came out, and fresh juice was still flowing out.

Obviously, these are made by Wannian Savage Dragon.

Chu Yan chased too tightly, and he didn't even have time to hide.

"I didn't flee to other places, but chose to hide in my old nest. It seems that there are some things in this old nest that are worth your attention."

Chu Yan hummed.

If it was before, I found this evil **** temple, and Chu Yan would never dare to enter it.

Who knows what is unknown and terrible inside this temple.

Having lost the greatest reliance on the gate of hell, Chu Yan is now acting more cautiously than in the past.

But there is no such problem now.

Not that the gates of **** were restored.

It is the biggest god's thoughts left by the evil **** in this world, which has been blasted away by the golden palms not long ago.

The biggest threat has been removed, and naturally there is nothing to worry about.

"If you think so, what this temple possesses should not be a big killer, but something that can help Wannian Savage Dragon recover."

Chu Yan was moved.

Having stayed outside the temple long enough, Chu Yan rushed into the entrance as soon as his body moved.

But after a while, Chu Yan reappeared in the bush beside the temple.

This was not his return and return, but what had just been swept into the entrance was a vision released by Chu Yan with a magic array.

In fact, Chu Yan was also on his guard. The entrance was a trap set by Wannianlong, and the other party was hiding nearby, watching secretly to see if he had entered.

Now that it has been so long, since Wannian Savage Dragon has not appeared yet, it should have penetrated long ago.

So Chu Yan didn't hesitate anymore.

It was just that he didn't choose to go in through that entrance, but kicked directly on the spot.

The slate below the ground and the ground collapsed directly, Chu Yan's body immediately fell.

As Chu Yan expected, the underground part of this temple was much larger than the part exposed on the ground.

At this moment, he was probably less than three feet down, and went straight into a long slide.

The chute is narrow and full of moss, which is extremely slippery.

After Chu Yan fell in, he went straight down the slide and slid all the way down.

However, this slippage has taken a long time.

According to Chu Yan's estimation, he had slipped down to a depth of almost a hundred floors. He suddenly felt light and suddenly seemed to be thrown into the air.

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