Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1523: destroy

"Blood gas--" Chu Yan can clearly feel at this moment that the blood of Wan Nianlong's corpse is constantly being lost in the surrounding space.

Although Wan Nianlong had been seriously injured for so long, he was also a great demon during the metamorphosis period. Naturally, there was no shortage of blood in his body.

And Chu Yan always felt that the blood of Wannianlonglong was not the same as the blood of ordinary monsters.

At this moment he grabbed one hand at the other's body.

"Creating Bloodthirsty!"

Rumble Rumble-Immediately, the blood in Wan Nianlong's body was continuously sucked away by Chu Yan.

And Wan Nianlong's corpse became dry and crunchy at the speed visible to the naked eye.

It is like after the ebb, the things that were originally hidden under the flowing water will be exposed as a result.

After Chu Yan absorbed the blood of Wannian Savage Dragon completely, a vertebra of the other side caught Chu Yan's attention.

According to Chu Yan's past experience, any monster that has been drained of blood by his body, whether it is bones or flesh, will become like a burnt branch or bark. When blown by the wind, it will turn black and gray. dissipate.

The vast majority of this corpse of Wannian Savage Dragon is also true.

But because of this, that section of the spine becomes more and more distinctive.

It ’s completely different from the whole body black. That vertebra is about half a foot long, white and shiny, and there is a very thin line in the center. I am afraid that it is ten times thinner than the hair. If you do n’t look carefully, It's impossible to discover.

When Chu Yan removed this spine, Wan Nianlong's body was immediately broken into dust and fell to the ground, as if a pile of coal ash.

Chu Yan got closer to this spine, his eyes condensed, and the next moment he was surprised to find that the black line inside the spine was not fixed inside, but was flowing! "That black gas with destruction!"

Chu Yan's heart moved, and at the same time, he remembered that. The demon rat said before that the main reason why Wannian Savage Dragon could survive at that time was that he unexpectedly found the underground temple and got part of the inheritance from the rainforest evil god.

"Is this the source of that black gas?"

Chu Yan groaned for a while, trying to enter the aura into this spine.

But unexpectedly, Reiki didn't enter it at all.

After thinking about it again, Chu Yan murmured, "I can't learn Wannianlonglong like that, take apart one of my bones and replace it with this thing."

As soon as the words fell, Chu Yan was moved.

He suddenly thought of a possibility.

To verify, he immediately condensed a drop of blood on his own spine, and then blinked without blinking.

The blood drops were sucked into the spine as soon as they dripped.

The spine surface did not look the same as before, but when the blood beads were absorbed, Chu Yan could clearly feel that this spine was slightly trembling in his hands.

This discovery made Chu Yan's eyes bright.

So he simply cut his palm, and grasped the spine with a **** palm.

The original idea was that since this spine can absorb its own blood, let it suck, and see what kind of changes it will produce.

What was unexpected was that the moment he held the spine, the spine trembled violently.

Then it trembled without two breaths, and it exploded with a bang.

In the face of Chu Yan, it suddenly exploded.

This sudden change suddenly made His Highness Chu stunned.

"What's going on?"

Just when Chu Yan was in doubt, the black gas that had been sealed in the spine before suddenly burst out and got into the wound of Chu Yan's palm.

Suddenly, Chu Yan felt an indescribable pain, starting from his palm, spreading quickly along his arm, toward his whole body.

Each section of bone seems to be constantly broken; each muscle seems to be continuously cut by a blunt knife; each layer of skin is like being boiled with water and oil.

In a blink of an eye, Chu Yan was soaked with sweat.

"This black gas wants to destroy my body!"

Although the sudden pain made Chu Yan almost faint, at this moment, the powerful immortal demon body began to resist this destructive force.

The power that causes severe pain does not increase, so after the unbearable pain at the beginning, every breath, as the immortal demon body's defense force against this power continues to increase, Chu Yan suffers, It is constantly weakening.

But even so, it took four full hours until Chu Yan finally suppressed this power.

Four hours seemed a bit difficult to say.

But in fact, the real pain is the first hour.

The pain in the back is all within the tolerable range.

At the last hour, it was almost like a mosquito bite, but it felt a little bit, almost negligible.

Using this time, Chu Yan also roughly wanted to understand the source of this black gas.

"This is the legacy of the evil **** that Wannian Savage got.

It's just that this power is too powerful, let alone the Wannian Dragon after being hit hard. Even in the heyday, I am afraid it is difficult to manage.

So he figured out a way to imprison this power and then seal it in himself.

Anyway, to use this power, we need to use our own blood as a guide.

Sealed in his spine, just ready to use.

I just caught it with my **** hand because I didn't know it, and the spine that was used as a seal suddenly burst.

Just like pouring water into a large river into a bottle, it is strange not to burst it.

Now the power of the evil **** has been sealed in my body by the immortal demon body, my blood.

That being the case, it will be available to me in the future. "

Chu Yan groaned for a moment, raised his index finger and waved emptyly.

"Finger finger!"

Huh! A blood line, with the hot heat, drawn a few feet of arc, and pulled out.

But unlike the past, the blood line this time contains a thin black line.

Deep in this thin line, there is a destructive power, like a black hole in the universe, which can devour everything.

Hey! Cut it out.

It was not cutting trees or the earth, but in the void that cut a gap.

In the crevices, endless darkness can be seen, revealing the taste of the abyss.

And this gap has not disappeared for a long time, as if it had existed since ancient times.

Looking at this gap, Chu Yan blinked and felt a little incredible.

"I seem to be the one who really exerts its true power?"

Standing up, Chu Yan raised his hand again.

This time, he took a picture of the bottomless pit on the ground.

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