Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1524: Someone there

With a single palm shot, the area of ​​the large pit on the ground doubled.

And unlike the past, the enlarged pit at this moment gives people a sense that it will never be filled. This piece seems to disappear from this world and become a "nothingness".

Gaze at it, for a moment, makes people panic and fear.

"Although I don't know what it is, this breath is definitely not that simple."

Chu Yan looked at his palm.

When he just shot this palm, he also used the power of this black gas.

When he was injured before, Chu Yan's understanding of this black gas was different from others and possessed his own unknown power.

However, when I mastered it, I felt more and more that this black energy seemed to be beyond the scope of my current understanding of power, and it was something on another level.

"The evil **** in the rain forest-" Chu Yan bowed his head and groaned for a moment.

It seems necessary to go back, read the books, and check the information about the evil **** in the evil rain forest.

It is estimated that this evil **** existed a long time ago.

However, with the knowledge of the End of the World, you should have books about it.

After making up his mind, Chu Yan will not be tangled in this issue for the time being, first go back to the ground and find out the big tank containing the soul-cultivating fluid.

The shape of that big tank is also extremely simple.

It is a big tank, but after Chu Yan took it to the ground and looked at it, he found that this big tank was actually a wine glass.

It's just that this wine glass is too big, it can be used by giant talents, and it was so dark that it couldn't be seen clearly before it was mistaken for a big tank.

The surface of the glass is engraved with extremely complicated patterns, which seems to be some kind of text.

However, the text looks like sloppy, twisted and twisted, and gives a very ancient look, Chu Yan has never seen it, so there is no way to interpret the meaning.

However, Chu Yan could not interpret it at this moment, because Chu Yan was more concerned about these words than the words in the glass.

On the ground, Chu Yan can see that the soul-cultivating liquid in this wine glass is like very deep amber, and it is quite sticky. The wine glass shakes, and the soul-cultivating liquid does not necessarily shake.

Thinking of the feeling of being soaked in the nourishing liquid before, Chu Yan closed her eyes and looked towards the depths of the sea.

Although the gate of **** in the depths of the sea has not been restored to its original appearance, it now feels like a dead tree.

This is a trend that is getting better.

"After going back, study it carefully."

Chu Yan reached out and grabbed the wine glass and the soul-retaining liquid into the echo ring.

After that, Chu Yan didn't rush back immediately, but spent another two days in this underground temple and searched for a change carefully.

The ruin of this underground temple is far beyond the imagination of Chu Yan.

At that time, I did not know what kind of disaster it was. When the temple fell into the ground, I am afraid that 70% to 80% of the place had completely collapsed and been destroyed.

So there are not many places where Chu Yan can search.

When Chu Yan finally left, he took away only a few slate engraved with words similar to those on the wine glass.

These words on the slate may help Chu Yan learn about the temple and the evil god.

As for the others, there is nothing more valuable.

After leaving Wangfu and leaving for the evil rain forest exactly two months, Chu Yan successfully got the essence of Wan Nianlong's heart and started his return journey.

But Chu Yan did not return directly to Kongxian's palace.

Before going back to Baoxiang to go to the kingdom, he had to go to the Baizhou house of Zhoucheng to deal with things.

The return journey takes several days. Now that things have been done and time is not so anxious, Chu Yan does not need to use the heaven and earth chessboard to rush the road. Instead, he takes out the spiritual boat and drives it to Tongzhou City.

He came out this time, this is the third boat used.

The first boat was destroyed by the monsoon pond. The second boat was lent to Bai Xiuxiu and Huang Ze for escape.

Because the spirit boat has the function of flying magic weapon, from the beginning, it is definitely not an item that anyone can own and anyone can easily use.

Generally speaking, a family with a population of 4,000 to 5,000 and a psychic state of mind usually owns five or six ships.

And normally, only when the seniors of the family, or if there is something very urgent and important, can the Spirit Boat be used.

However, like Chu Yan, a spirit boat was destroyed. Immediately without blinking, he took out the other one, and there were more than three monks in the inventory. Ca n’t say no, but in the current state, it is definitely quite Rare rich people.

However, His Royal Highness did not have such consciousness. He took out the spiritual boat, wiped out the family crest originally owned by him, and embarked on the return journey.

Two days later, he returned to the outer part of the evil rain forest.

Judging from the direction and speed of the spiritual boat, it takes about half a day to completely leave the area of ​​the evil rain forest.

I have been chased by monsters before, but after exhausting my efforts, I finally killed the head dog and Wannian Savage Dragon, and then hurried on continuously. On the next day, I hurried on during the day, by the way, I will tell you about these days and Lin Miaoran in detail.

Looking for a flat terrain, Chu Yan dropped the spirit boat on the ground, and after setting up a spiritual gathering next to it, he meditated and rested there.

Not long after meditating, Chu Yan moved his mind, raised his head, and saw several rays of light in the distance, flying towards him.

Chu Yan glanced, and then he didn't pay attention.

After all, the world is big, and you meditate here, there is no reason not to let others pass.

Coincidentally, the people who flew in seemed to have the same plan as Chu Yan. They would not rush tonight and rest in this flat open space.

So after flying a distance in the direction of Chu Yan, they landed.

Several flashes of light flashed and landed near Chu Yan. There were a dozen monks wearing Zongmen disciples' clothing and stepping on flying swords.

These ten monks, male and female, are led by a male monk with a state of mind.

A few of them are seemingly flying for the first time. After landing, they are still excited and discussing the wonderful experience just before the flight.

Several other male practitioners, at this moment, had been ordered by the monk of the state of mind to set up a defensive formation for the rest of the night.

At this time, one of the women's eyes sharpened and suddenly saw Chu Yan not far away in front of her, suddenly exclaimed: "Yeah! Brother Ma, there are people there!"

Brother Ma is the celestial state of mind in this group. It looks like he is in his twenties. The temperament revealed between the eyebrows is that the good point is the British spirit.

Listening to the nun's words, he swept away in the direction of Chu Yan, and immediately frowned slightly.

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