Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1525: That is a bad practice

When a monk is resting, there is no taboo nearby.

After all, in a place like this, you are so close to me, who knows what you want to do?

But look at the realm of Chu Yan, and then see that the other party has only one person, and the other party arrived here before his own party. He groaned for a moment and shook his head, "Don't worry about him, do your own thing first."

There are more than ten monks in this group. When setting up the formation, naturally everyone does not need to be busy. Several of them are relatively busy.

For most of the remaining monks, the realm is just after the Diyuan Realm.

It seems that they rarely go out to go through the training. At this moment, they are full of curiosity, crowded in groups, walking around and looking around.

As for horsepower, as one of the highest realms, sit in the middle of the town, if there is any problem, you can help in time.

However, these monks were too close to the place where Chu Yan rested, only less than ten miles away.

For the monks who reached the Diyuan Realm, this distance is really just a moment's effort to reach.

But Chu Yan didn't interfere because he didn't take the initiative to provoke him.

As for saying that if the other party really dared to rely on a large number of people, or high level to expel him, then he can only blame the other party for not having long eyes.

Because the other party was a disciple of Zongmen, he was relaxed and relaxed. Soon after, the nearby defensive formation was set up.

Although the horsepower of Tianxin state can not eat for a long time, the students and sisters in the group of Yuanyuan surrounding him still rely on food to supplement their physical strength.

Soon there were people setting up pots and cooking food full of aura.

During the waiting time, these disciples did not move around at random, but formed a circle and talked to each other.

"Brother Ma, do you think that the negotiation between Master Shi and the Bai family will be smooth and smooth?"

One of the women started to ask Horse Road.

"I don't think it's a big problem."

Horsepower groaned for a moment and responded confidently.

"But brother."

Another good-looking nun asked, "I heard that the Bai family had a good reputation in Tongzhou City, and it had even done a feat of protecting the people of the city and the whole family's life and death.

In this case, if they just do n’t agree, what can they do, Master? "

"Sister, you have to worry about it."

Before waiting for Ma Li to answer, a male practitioner next to him laughed and said, "This time, Shimen was able to be led by Shibo this time, he already had absolute certainty.

Otherwise, we can't just let a fallen family uniform soften our door, isn't it degrading and making people laugh?

Brother Ma, am I right? "

Horsepower nodded: "This is how it works."

After receiving praise from Brother Tianxinjing, the male Xiu's eyes narrowed suddenly.

However, the beautiful female nun who just appeared beautiful and then asked a question: "Brother, there is one thing I don't know. Since this time Master Shi led us to Tongzhou City, why do you want us to take you How about the evil rain forest? "

"Brother Ma did this, of course, for our sake!"

Immediately there was a male training.


The female Xiulu was puzzled.

"Sister, don't you know that the fur and bones of the monster are the best materials for the refining device?

And in this evil brutal rain forest, there are many natural treasures.

If we can find one or two ways to go back, refining elixir, whether it is used by ourselves or dedicated to Zongmen, will be of great benefit.

It's just that there are many monsters in this evil rain forest, and their strength is amazing.

Although we are monks in the Diyuan Realm, we rush into it, even if there are more than ten people, it is difficult to guarantee that there is no damage.

But this time led by Brother Ma, it was completely different.

Brother Ma is now expensive as the Supreme Master of Heaven. With him to **** us, we won't show any damage at all, and we will return with a load at that time. "

The male repairman explained it in detail.

The purpose of this trip was only known by two or three people led by horsepower, and others were unclear.

After speaking at this moment, immediately, many monks at the scene showed an excited look.

For magic weapons and elixir, these words are their greatest motivation.

Suddenly, the flattery of Brother Ma's various beautiful words was flattering, as if the river was flowing endlessly.

And knowing that this trip is to cut the demon treasure hunt, and have the protection of the state of mind, it is tantamount to saying that after a trip to Debao without danger, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became easier than before. I do not know how many times .

There were even men who took out the spirit wine, and each drank a few glasses.

When drinking spirit wine, there were people's eyes indicating that they should watch out for the distant Chuyan.

When hearing this question, everyone's eyes gathered on horsepower.

He is in the state of heaven, and everyone naturally takes the lead.

Horsepower raised the glass, sneered at the corner of his mouth, and shook his head.

Suddenly, everyone laughed loudly, praised, and was sent to horsepower again.

"You kid, there is a master like Brother Ma sitting in the town, and you have to worry about a sneak attack on a realm of the earth?"

"There is only one place in the Yuan Dynasty. We are already surrounded by defensive formations. What do you worry about?"

"Brother Ma is here, let alone the other side of the land, even if the other side has more than ten places, it should be their initiative to get out."

"By the way, I think this statement makes sense. The other person is so ridiculous, why is it so close to us?"

"I think he has bad thoughts in Bacheng. If it was me, I met Monk Zongmen in the field, but a group of people, and if the master was sitting in the town, I would definitely ask far away and apologize and leave.

You look at that guy and sit there steadily without looking at us at all. "

"It is suspicious enough to be alone in the wild. Now when we see Monk Zongmen, we are still so bold, it is even more suspicious. Maybe it ’s an evil practice! When I was in Tongzhou City, I often heard people say that this evil In the wild rain forest, there are often evil repairs! "

At the moment, when the topic started, coupled with drinking spirit wine and getting drunk, these monks suddenly blocked their mouths.

At this time, a male practitioner in Diyuanjing stood up.

He was flushed at the moment, his neck was also red, and he arched toward Horsepower: "Brother Ma, the monk's identity is indeed suspicious, and I ask you to allow me to drive him away."

As soon as the monk's voice fell, several people immediately stood up and said loudly, "I'm going, I'm going!"

When these people talked before, the horsepower did not speak again, but listened quietly.

He just smiled when he heard these people talk fiercely.

But now he sees someone asking him to banish the monk ten miles away, and his brow can't help wrinkling.

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