Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1526: Dissatisfaction of His Royal Highness Chu

Horsepower's hesitation now is actually for a reason.

If the other person is just one person, then their own younger brother is going to be expelled, then they are gone.

After all, who let the other party place orders, and the realm is not as high as their side.

After all, the world of monks is still more powerful and realm.

But now the problem is, beside the other side, a spirit boat is parked.

And at first glance, the Lingzhou was quite luxurious, obviously not a common commodity.

The number of spiritual boats that a Xiuxian family can possess is generally extremely limited.

Even their group of disciples, even if he had a guru sitting in the town, did not carry a spirit boat for this trip, but everyone controlled the flying sword.

But the other person is just a person and owns a very good spirit boat. Compared with them, it seems extraordinarily wealthy.

This comparison, even if horsepower knows it is not his problem, but his heart is still a little uncomfortable after all.

At this moment, the powerful silence, in the eyes of the monks around him, became tacit consent.

So the discussion became more heated.

This feeling is like you must hold up a moral banner for yourself before doing something.

"You noticed that, even though the guy was alone, there was a ghost boat on the side."

"Do you mean he has a companion?"

"Did you not hear clearly, I said that he was alone, but he had a spirit boat. People in the world know a word called richness, and it is still in the evil and righteous forest, so you guys Don't you think this guy is really suspicious? "

"Listening to your analysis, this guy is indeed very problematic!"

At this time, the nuns among the crowd discovered again.

"You pay attention, the dress on the spiritual boat is not like a man's preparation at all, but a careful female nun.

At this time, it was the good-looking female nun who was speaking.

Because of her outstanding appearance, this female concubine is usually welcomed by male congregations.

So what she said at the moment, even if it is unreasonable, will make people believe three points first.

After having this preconceived idea, the crowd at the scene suddenly looked at Chu Yan and felt that he was quite suspicious. As for the spirit boat, it seemed to be less like what he originally had.

This inference came to a thorough conclusion when a monk discovered that the emblem on the spiritual boat that should have belonged to the family or the ancestral gate was erased.

"This spirit boat is not his!"

"The erased emblem is the best evidence!"

"He grabbed the spirit boat!"

"Evil cultivation! Absolute evil cultivation!"

"My monk, we should remove the demon guardian to protect one party's safety!"

Suddenly, everyone shouted a slogan, filling one by one with indignation, his face shining with the holy glory of the world as his duty.

After shouting, the crowd arched their hands toward the horsepower and said in unison: "Please also ask Brother Ma to allow me to eradicate the evil practices and revenge for the strangled monk!"

Seeing this scene, a little doubt in Ma Li's heart had disappeared completely, so he nodded, and he sat in place, guarding the crowd to "de-magic".

He is the confidence of everyone.

And the distance of ten miles, even if the opponent uses whatever means, relying on the strength of the monk of the state of mind, this distance will not affect his assistance to the same door at all.

Chu Yan was meditating with her knees crossed, and suddenly her voice was interrupted by the loud movement of the group of people in front of her.

Suddenly, he raised his eyelids, frowned, and looked at the other side.

After this life and death experience of the evil brutal rain forest, Chu Yan gained many insights.

More importantly, the bottleneck that had been stuck in the Di Yuan for a long time showed signs of loosening.

This performance greatly surprised Chu Yan.

You should know that for the monks, the land and the state of mind are a watershed.

Under the heart of the sky, there are all ants.

It can be said that under the state of heaven, even if it is strong, there is an upper limit.

But once it enters the state of mind, it means that it has entered a new level. What you see, know, feel, hear, all, and so on, will increase significantly, and the future road is even more limitless.

If you compare the immortal road to the road under your feet, Zhenwu Realm, Ningmai Realm, and Diyuan Realm are all steep steps all the way up.

And stepping into the state of mind, it is like coming to a wide and flat road, and even a horse-drawn carriage, thousands of miles a day.

This difference is simply indescribable.

Chu Yan now feels like he has spied on the threshold of the state of mind.

In the heart, Zizi was looking for the feeling. As a result, there was a sudden call from the other side, and he didn't know what the ghost was calling. He suddenly interrupted Chu Yan's thoughts.

Although the feeling of being in a terrible state still exists in my heart, the upset in my heart at this moment still has an impact on my perception.

"This group of guys, who originally saw me here, didn't know to avoid it, but they have broken the rules. Now they are bothering me to practice?"

As Chu Yan's heart grew increasingly dissatisfied, he found that the monks in the distance were so aggressive that they came towards him.

Among the more than a dozen monks who came, some had markedly red cheeks, and others were full of wine. At a glance, they just drank the spirit wine.

Seeing that the other party was looking for something, His Royal Highness Chu looked somber and stood up from the ground.

"Hey, I ask you, where did you get this spirit boat!"

After coming over, the first male practitioner pointed at Chu Yan, an inquisitive voice of the teacher.

As soon as the words fell, he suddenly felt his head like a needle stick, and suddenly felt a pain in the cold, squatting to the ground with his head in his hands.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Someone next cared and asked him.

But where this monk felt so painful at the moment, let alone talk, the pain left him no time to listen to what others were saying.

Seeing that he didn't answer, other people didn't think so much, thinking he was drinking too much, so he refocused on Chu Yan.

The good-looking female monk smirked at many people around her and sneered at Chu Yan: "Today if you don't tell the origin of this spiritual boat, don't try to leave here easily!"

The popularity of this nun is best evidenced at this moment.

As soon as she spoke, all the men around him shouted in unison: "Yes! Honestly, where did this spirit boat come from!"

"From which family did you snatch!"

"I don't think you're in good shape if you're alone here!"

"Hurry up and explain what damaging things you have done, otherwise don't blame us!"

"I thought you had a problem before, but now how you quibble!"

A high-pitched rage, as if Chu Yan should not only be nailed to the pillar of shame, but also like a mouse crossing the street, everyone should shout.

The sound of accusations and anger repulsed, and the eardrums buzzed.

His Royal Highness narrowed his eyes, and coldly spit out a word: "Go!"

Although it is just a word, it is accompanied by a thunderous explosion, and there is a horrifying electric shock.

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