Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1538: Nether Crack

As he stepped past the crowd, Chu Yan seemed to ask casually: "Which monk did you come from to hurt your monk?"

Huang Ze responded immediately: "It comes from the limit gate about 38,000 miles away from Tongzhou City."

"Limit gate?"

Chu Yan's footsteps stopped suddenly, and he turned and asked in confusion.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the room became tense suddenly, thinking that after hearing that it was the ancestral gate, Chu Yan had some scruples.

After hesitating, Bai Ju asked, "Master Chu, is there anything wrong with this limit gate?

Is it inconvenient? "

"When they come and call me, there is a bill to be collected."

Chu Yan hummed.

After hearing what he said, everyone's original low mood suddenly recovered.

Listening to Master Chu's tone, this limit gate seems to contradict him?

It seems that asking for help from Master Chu is really right.

With this idea, when Bai Ju led Chu Yan walking in front of him, they all looked as light as swallows. The step-by-step appearance couldn't help but make Chu Yan a little confused, whether this person took the wrong medicine

Chu Yan originally thought that Bai Ju would lead him forward, and he would take a while.

But Bai Ju didn't leave Bai's old house at all.

He led the way forward, and stopped at a small courtyard next to the elder Taishang's building.

The distance between the two parties is less than a hundred feet.

"So close?"

Chu Yan asked.


Bai Ju nodded, "This is the arrangement of the ancestors of the clan at that time, in order to prevent someone from snooping, His Royal Highness please-" Bai Ju made a gesture.

Stepping into the small courtyard, Chu Yan immediately felt the fluctuation of the surrounding aura.

"The formation."

He stood still, observed carefully, and quickly distinguished the array of laws covering the small courtyard.

This is truly a chaotic array that covers more than ten acres! Obviously, the Bai family who arranged this formation is also a master of formation.

Chu Yan asked, Bai Ju didn't conceal, indicating that there were indeed two people with extremely high tactics in Bai family ancestors.

It is the patriarch of the Bai family hundreds of years ago that set up the formation here.

This patriarch was shocked and brilliant. Not only was his talent for cultivating immortals amazing, but he also had talents far beyond ordinary people in terms of formation and alchemy.

And not only the formation of this formation was set by him, the secret place protected by these formations was also discovered by the patriarch.

In other words, it was at that time that the rise of the Bai family was officially opened from the hands of this patriarch.

Listening to Bai Ju's introduction of these Baijia secrets, the two kept pace.

Bai Ju, as the head of the Bai clan, naturally knew how to safely pass through the chaotic array.

Before long, the two came to the center of the yard.

In the center of the yard is a pond.

Of course, because of the magic array, it cannot be seen from the outside.

Looking out into the courtyard from the outside, what I saw was a deserted courtyard. As for this pond, I could not see it at all.

Under the cue of Bai Ju, Chu Yan looked towards the pond.

Suddenly, he stared.

This pond is not large, like the kind of rich people in the world who raise fish. The overall area is only about two rooms.

But at this moment, there is no current in this pond, but a dark purple color.

Looking at the purple-black color, Chu Yan did not speak for a long time.

After a while, he spit out four words: "Crack in the void."

The pond is not filled with treasures, but a fissure in the void.

"Master Chu really became famous and recognized it all at once."

Bai Ju sighed sincerely, "This will save me the effort of explanation."

Chu Yan nodded his head.

He speculated in advance that the secret place that the Bai family called might be a treasure or a secret place.

But I didn't expect it to be such a thing.

Voids can be torn apart due to collision, squeezing, or other reasons.

And if the monk can pass through these cracks and reach the other end, they will often appear in another place.

This place may be next to this crack, or in a place far beyond description, and further afield, it is possible to reach the plane that the previous person did not reach.

The monk in the purple house, tearing the void, can reach thousands of miles in one step, using this principle.

However, the monks in the purple house tear the void for a purpose, and the destination they are going to can be known.

But no one knows where the other end of the crack caused by time and space squeezing and tearing on its own.

Obviously, the luck of the ancestors of the Bai family was not good.

The void crack they found must be a treasure house-level existence.

"What are the natural treasures of your Bai family that can enhance the monk element attributes?"

After careful observation, Chu Yan asked.


Nodding in a nod.

"Where does this lead?"

Chu Yan is curious.

He had just reached out and got closer to the pond.

But it is clear that his current strength, let alone survive this crack in the void, even if it is close, it is difficult to achieve.

The closer his palm was to the pond, the more he felt a force of repulsion.

When his palm was two feet from the pond, the void had condensed into an iron plate, preventing him from moving any further.

Hearing the question of Chu Yan, Bai Ju's expression of embarrassment appeared, and he shook his head and said, "This, even my Bai clan leader is not clear."

After a pause, Bai Ju explained in detail: "According to the clan regulations of our Bai family, the clan members regularly pass through this void and bring back the treasures within a specified period of time, but the other end of the void in the void must not be disclosed No place, not even ethnic people, can reveal anything. "

Bai Ju's face showed a shameful look: "Although I am now the head of the Bai clan, I have a low level and cannot pass through this void, so not only can I not bring back the natural treasures for the people to use, even I don't even know where the other end of the void crack is. "

"I don't know too much about elders?"

"Well, I asked the elder too much, and she said it wasn't because she didn't want to tell me, but she didn't know."

Bai Ju replied, "The Elder Tai said that if you want to pass through this void, you must have at least the triple state of mind.

And it's just that it can be done, it can't be guaranteed to come back safely. "


Chu Yan looked at Bai Ju, "That is to say, after your Bai family and other people went in, they didn't come out?"

"there is."

Bai Ju nodded, "But there are very few people. Of the ten, there may not be one, but as long as they don't return, there will be records in the clan.

Let me think about it, I remember ... "Bai Ju looked up at the sky and thought for a moment, then said," Three people didn't come back in all, maybe there was something unexpected when they went through the crack in this space. "

"oh, I understand now."

Chu Yan nodded.

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