Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1539: Elemental Ore

Chu Yan understands the rise of the Bai family, and at the same time understands the difficulties they face.

The existence of void cracks represents a huge opportunity that coexists with risks.

The Bai family profited from it, and the descendants of Fukuzawa.

And what's most admirable is that they didn't just care about developing their own family.

After the family grew up and the monks became strong, they even carried the safety of the city.

"Now the Bai family is weak for many years, and finally someone can't stand it anymore and wants to get involved."

Chu Yan sighed.


Bai Ju's face showed an expression of shame and sorrow. "Unfortunately, I am not strong enough to protect this void crack left by my ancestors."


Chu Yan asked, "Does the limit gate know the existence of this void crack?"

"They knew that my Bai family had a channel to obtain the heavenly treasures, but it was not clear that this channel was a void crack.

This secret is only known to us by the senior members of the Bai family.

I heard their tone, they seemed to think that our Bai family knew where a certain secret place was and wanted us to give them to them.

Hey, I think it's beautiful.

If the cracks in time and space are entrusted to them, we Baijia would like to move the whole family without saying. If they are not careful, they trigger the space storm in the cracks, causing the cracks to become unstable and even widen. Do n’t say this. It is more than ten acres across, and the whole city of Tongzhou may be swallowed in. "

With a sneer, it seemed to be laughing at the greed and ignorance of the limit gate, and then Bai Ju made a gesture to Chu Yan: "Master Chu invited here, I will show you the current inventory of our Bai family, the rest, Let's talk as we walk. "

The treasure house where the Bai family placed heaven and earth treasures is also next to this courtyard.

The door of the treasure house is square and square, as if the molten iron was poured in its entirety, and no trace of it could be found.

Bai Ju stepped forward, put his hands on it, and after a while, ripples appeared on the door.

At the same time, Chu Yan felt the waves of aura.

"It looks like the gate, but it is actually a teleportation array."

Chu Yan suddenly saw the mystery in it, and his eyes showed an expression of appreciation, "It shows that the treasure house is not actually in the building of Baijia, and the ancestors of Baijia really thought about it."

Chu Yan's approval and vision immediately made Bai Ju feel proud of his confidante.

"Yes, that's exactly what the ancestors thought about."

Bai Ju asked Chu Yan to enter the treasure house, explaining at the same time: "The portrayal portrayed on the door is not the person designated by the Bai family, otherwise no one else can excite.

In this way, even if someone came in and did not know the mystery, forcibly broke the door of the treasure house, what I saw was an empty room. I didn't know that the Bai family was hiding, but they were all elsewhere. "

Between words, the two have passed through the teleportation array.

Although it is still a room, Chu Yan can feel that he must not be in the treasure house he saw before.

In the treasure house of Baijia, there are wooden frames.

The treasure house apparently hadn't come in for a while, and there was a layer of dust visible to the naked eye on the ground and on the wooden stand.

Bai Ju's eyes showed an expression of shame and memory.

However, he quickly cleared his mood and led Chu Yan to the corner of the treasure house, pointing to one of the wooden frames: "Master Chu, the treasures that our Bai family currently has that can enhance the attributes of elements are here. . "

Chu Yan followed each other's expectations, and immediately saw pieces of different colors, large ones like adult fists, small ore like quail eggs, flashing colors, and neatly placed on the shelves.

Adding up the numbers, I'm afraid it's about 20 yuan.

But at the moment of seeing these ore, Chu Yan felt a breath that was different from the past.

Staring for a moment, Chu Yan looked to the side of Bai Ju and said, "That's what your tribe brought out of the void crack?"


Bai Ju nodded, "Every time the clan enters and exits, one or two pieces of ore can be taken. If you are lucky, you can take three pieces, but sometimes you have bad luck and no one.

However, since the events of that year, there are no more clan members in the clan who can enter the fissures of the void, and then slowly consume them, leaving only these. "

Chu Yan nodded, glanced away at these ore.

There are twenty or so ore pieces, but there are only six colors.

After Chu Yan asked for a moment, the guess in his heart was confirmed by Bai Ju.

There are eight colors of ore, which correspond to eight elemental attributes.

There are only six colors of ore now, naturally the reason is that two of them have been used up.

Although Bai Ju said that in order to show his sincerity, Chu Yan could take all of the twenty or so pieces of ore left in the Bai family, but Chu Yan only took two pieces in the end.

The purpose of taking away the ore is naturally not to rush to absorb it, but to study what mystery is in the ore.

As for taking two pieces, I am worried that if there is a problem with one piece, there is another piece that can be used.

If something goes wrong at that time, we should come to Baijia again.

He is not yet in the Purple House, but he is far from capable of tearing the void.

After reading the cracks in the void, and seeing the treasure house, Chu Yan already knew the secret of the Bai family.

The two passed through the teleportation array again, and then returned to the small building where the elder was too old.

"Master Chu, what do you think?"

Seeing Chu Yan return, Huang Ze couldn't wait to ask.

He was concerned about the future of the Bai family, but at this moment it seemed more urgent than the elders of the Bai family and the patriarch Bai Ju.

"Can consider it."

Chu Yan nodded to Huang Ze, then looked at the elder Tai Shang, "It is very easy to absorb."

Hearing what he said, the elders and patriarchs couldn't help it.

When they use this ore, they must carefully grind it into powder, and then put it into the kiln. Together with other medicinal materials, they can be smelted for dozens of days to make it into a miracle medicine before they can be taken.

And after serving, the clan will have to retreat for dozens of days before they can inhale the elemental power of this ore into their own use.

From the perspective of time, it takes almost one hundred days from refining to full absorption.

And the Bai family cannot prepare for this elixir all day long, so even if there is a condition, taking one elixir for two years is the limit.

Chu Yan now described it as "convenient", which left them a little confused.

Chu Yan naturally will not explain to them that he wants to devour the power in the ore, as long as it is literally "swallowed".

So Chu Yan turned the topic and asked, "Where are the monks at the Jijimen now? Isn't the city's government planning to intervene in your Bai family affairs?"

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